Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 872: An inventory warrant

The little Qiu suddenly turned pale, obviously aware of something, and struggling hard in front of a certain green head.

"You lied to me? You lied to me! Uncle Tiger is coming over, why didn't you tell me just now!"

I was helplessly **** with a rope, and didn't even let it go when I pressed my handprint. After moving a few times, I finally leaned forward and patted my face directly on the ground.


Lin Chou turned his head and blinked at Leng Han.

"It's all **** like this, the contract definitely doesn't count, right?"

Leng Han was helpless.

Comrade Xiao Qiu frantically added drama,

"Yes, yes, it can't be counted, they want to grab my skills, I was forced to be beaten by helplessness!"

Lin Chou glanced at the contract again and confirmed it.

This kid has a pit in his head!

In addition to preventing this product from cooperating with others and leaking technology, almost all the terms in the contract are beneficial to him-even the wife is written into the contract, why are you still succumbing to it?

Bah, no Bilian!

Uncle Tiger went up with a big foot, crushed hard, and said to the little girl next to him,

"Girl, don't listen to this idiot. The **** is a brainless guy. I'm wronged you."


After Uncle Hu took Xiao Qiu away, the scene suddenly became more harmonious.

Lin Chou squinted at Zuo Chen, wishing to tear up the contract directly.

"Make a price, haha."

The potted plant said crisply,

"Hey hey hey, these radishes are mine in the first place, and logically, I have the first right to purchase. This contract is only to ensure the output. Huh, your tone seems to be aggrieved."

"It was yours?"

The potted plants are full of confidence,

"Yes, these radishes have been supplied to the Zhang family since Grandpa Qiu's generation-now the Zhang family is mine. What's wrong with me saying that?"

"The Zhang family belongs to you? Wait..." Lin Chou aimed at the old man next to the potted plant, "You wouldn't be the Kushutang Zhang family who was violently acquired by Green Head...I've seen Kushu Essence No wonder you are familiar with the ads!"

The old man smacked his lips dryly, trying to make a smiling face,

"The old man Zhang Baicao has seen Mr. Lin and admired his name for a long time. It is better to see him after hearing it. He is really young and promising."

Anyone who has been slammed with scars in the public is not much better. The old man Zhang Baicao has not yelled on the spot, and he has a strong foundation for self-cultivation and a strong desire to survive.

Lin Chou grumbled,

"Strange, your Zhang family's hobbies not only include being bought by the family, but also like carrots?"

"You don't need this thing again... wait..."

Lin Chou had an epiphany.

"Grass, the raw material of your bitter tree essence is not this big radish, right?"

Zhang Baicao spewed out the special effect of Thomas's whirlpool acceleration with a mouthful of old blood.

"Lin...Mr. Lin can't talk nonsense about this. Our Zhang family's hundred-year-old family is really young and honest. If you have said that, if you know it, it is trouble to find our Zhang family!"

Others also said,

"That's right, this evolutionary lord, although you are strong, you can't just say this kind of thing."

"Our Zhang family's century-old reputation is not to be desecrated!"

Zhang Baicao is really scared. The Occurrence Committee is too strict in overseeing any industry chain that can handle funds. The Zhang family collectively will have salted fish under the investigation.

Just this year, don't even think about deceiving consumers with shoddy goods or even thinking about occurrences.

There is a reason to suspect that it can make you half alive. It's really hard to sit down. One of the Zhang family members went directly to Qinshan to find the new master Xia with good skills and waited in line to call the number.

Zhang Baicao said hurriedly,

"Kishutang has established a century-old foundation with the bitter tree essence, ensuring quality and quantity. The raw material is of course the low-level bitter tree. As for this radish, it can only be called ingredients, um, ingredients."

Lin Chou cares about the mess of ingredients and ingredients,

"Don't pretend to be dead, you can discuss everything with me."

The potted plant shook his head again and again,

"How can it work? Whether Dabao essence and bitter tree essence can be updated this time depends on the output of these radishes!"

The tone of demarcation,

"Everything else is easy to discuss. Regarding the issue of small money, don't even think about it. Grandma's dowry still counts on these big carrots."

"Besides, I bullied my grandma and wanted to go so lightly without mentioning a word? Lin Chou, you are a big bastard, huh!"

Lin Sorrow disdain,

"There are many ways to make money. Anyway, you don’t have any ethics. I suggest you go to Sikong’s library and get a copy of [Criminal F] before the cataclysm. After opening it, count down one by one. A good way to get money, huh~"

Lin Chou felt a cold back and immediately closed his mouth, feeling that it was necessary to explain.

"Also, when did I provoke you? Don't open your eyes and talk nonsense! Can you talk nonsense with rice? Sue you for slander."

"you you you!"

The potted plant bulged her cheeks and looked at Lin Chou-she was despised by someone who has a nasty milk supply and an evil dog leg to doubt that life was crying and crying silently for several days. How well did she consciously say it!

Keep your grudge against you, but there is no way to take revenge under the banner of complete justice.

Just staring at each other like this, the potted plant is weak.

The potted plant thought distressed:

①So tangled...

②How can my grandmother swallow this flavorful alpaca without taking any advantage?

③I don’t want somebody to shame!

After struggling for a long time, he said angrily,

"At most you will be divided into 1%, and I will triple the price. This carrot is precious. I guarantee that you won’t be able to grow such a carrot if you get the seeds. Otherwise, my grandmother won’t be entangled with him, an ordinary person with a stubborn donkey temper. so long."

Is one percent of the two hundred acres of land? How much is that?

Lin Chou bulged his eyes,

"That's it? Do you know how big my daily passenger flow is on Yanhui Mountain, the price? Three times is not a 30% increase? I buy wine and resell it with me, I will give you a discount, okay, sorry !"

"Hehe... Do you want love."

I'm awkward, so fierce.

Lin Sorrow said helplessly,


However, Leng Han waved his hand, his gaze drifted from above a certain green head and fell directly on Zhang Baicao. Hong Guoguo ignored someone who was extremely embarrassed in height.


Leng Han took a pen and paper from the table next to him, and wrote a few words.

"The Zhang Family of Kushutang, right? I have reason to suspect that Kushu Essence and Dabao Essence are suspected of being fraudulent in raw materials. Please report to the three departments of the Occurrence Committee, the Garrison and the Scientific Research Institute at the same time before 6 o'clock tomorrow morning to wait for inventory and verification. You can continue to operate after the completion of the error. This is a confirmation letter. The issuer Leng Han will take effect immediately. From now on, Zhang Jia and this little girl, you will face a penalty of thousands of times for each additional product you sell."

Lin Chou: "..."

Zhang Baicao: "..."

Someone in the basin: "..."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The potted plants were suddenly fried,

"You, you...what identity do you use to issue such an inventory warrant?"

He glanced at Zhang Baicao and wanted him to say something, but Lao Zhang was already trembling with crooked eyes and squinted, and he couldn't speak at all.

"Where did you get this right?"

Leng Han has a lot of rare words today, and even answers potted plants with an expression that is very similar to a smile.

"Theoretically speaking, any civil servant in the three departments of the Ministry of Development, the Defense Army, and the Scientific Research Institute can perform such operations with sufficient reasons. This is not only our right as a bright citizen, but it is also not to be ignored. Obligations."

"As for what identity I am, you may have heard of it, Lieutenant General, Leng Han, Captain of the Second Bandit Brigade of the Scientific Research Institute's garrison."


The potted plant choked silently.

(Grandma, I'm still the successor of communism! How come no one has let grandma take over after waiting for so many years?!)

However, Leng Han's statement really has no pitfalls.

The reason is simple, because the problem is not at all whether public servants do not have this seemingly amazing power, but whether anyone dares to use it.

Lin Chou had to admit that the Leng Han at this moment was really-too ​​special to relieve our anger.

He still regrets it a little bit. When Mo Hongniang came to persuade him, how good it would be to get the identity of a gang member, convenient and affordable!

Zhang Baicao's entire portrait seems to have been taken out of his bones. The Zhang family has a big family. With the help of this evolutionary surname Zuo, who is also the new owner of the family, he finally survived the crazily targeted difficulties of the year, but it also couldn't stand the tossing. what!

The inventory is said to be light, but who knows when the inventory will be reached?

To do business is to sail against the current.

Every day of delay, the compensation and a series of collateral consequences faced by the Zhang family are astronomical when converted into money. To ordinary people, wanting to bring down a business clan is no different from a idiotic dream, but for the occurrence committee, it is just "indefinite." "Suspension of business for rectification" is just a piece of essay.

After going through such a process of three, five, seven or eight days, even if they waved their hands at the end, what would happen to them? At that time, the Zhang family was already cold, and who knew them!

Lao Zhang looked at the potted plants and Leng Han pleadingly, without saying a word.

The potted plant instantly changed its smiling face, took the paper like a human, rubbed it and put it in his pocket.

"Hehe, Sister Leng, Brother Shou, I'm joking with you, radishes and so on, how many radishes, how much do you want, can you start with Brother Shou's storefront?"

Xingxingyan is so cute, she knows how to use her advantage.

——In layman's terms, excluding the character of a pot of money in front of you, people are the standard template of the so-called "three years of blood for earning pleasure, death penalty without loss of laughter".

However, potted plants seem to ignore some very important prerequisites.

This is an age where milk is righteous. If converted into experience points, she can no longer describe someone as "evil", a proper Dark Lord level.

Therefore, she was ignored by the gorgeous.

Leng Han looked at Lin Chou,

"Go back to eat?"

Lin Chou: "Good duck, good duck."

Zhang Baicao blinked, and the ghost knew what he had experienced in just a few minutes.


It felt as if there were 10,000 alpacas running in the **** formation in the chest.

The speed is seventy steps, and the mood is, what the fuck!

The co-authors have never cared about our huge Zhang family...

However, fortunately even, somehow escaped.

Suddenly Zhang Baicao is old and decadent, and business families that do not evolve will sooner or later become fish on other people's chopping boards. You must, must hug Zuo's patriarch's thigh. Big thick legs-as long as you don't encounter natural disasters surnamed cold.

Lin Chou laughed, refreshed,

"Then walk~"

Just listen to the faint way of the potted plant,

"Hey, have you forgotten something important?"

"No, it's impossible."

The potted plant's eyes were wide open, and the green hair was shining,

"the film..."

Lin Chou was stunned for a moment.

"Hey, I forgot if you didn't tell me. You, the director, is too irresponsible. At any rate, tell us the main actors more or less? Listen to them saying that you were editing the soundtrack before? How did you make it? When is it almost done and pulled out everyone's staff?"

The potted plants are thunderous,

"You are so embarrassed to say? It's already done! The last time I went to your place, why didn't you say that I was kicked out! Others have already notified, and the premiere time is almost set, you know what!"

"Obviously you left alone, okay? Hey... wait, the premiere? Why did it premiere? Isn't this film a bit casual? You didn't shoot anything, the plot and the structure of the movie, you just Don’t think about it carefully? Damn... Have you overlooked some of the more important and indispensable parts? Are you okay? Really *amateur! That, is it too late to change the director now?"


The potted plants are simply powerless.

Wave his hand,

"Hehe, it's too late... Aunt, I'll say one more word to you, it's superfluous!"

Sui Sui said,

"The loss is big, the shame is big, the small money is not made...Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Why is it so bad today!!"

On the way back, Lin Chou was still complaining to Leng Han that his mind was so naive that he agreed with the idea of ​​making a movie with Green Head. This person was quite, extremely, special and unreliable, and he didn't know the scene of his cooking. How much is there in the movie, and whether it can be achieved with a good publicity effect, the most important thing is that the money is still not visible.

In short, Lin Chou's resentment is still growing.

Leng Han listened with a smile, and said something from time to time.

Uncle Hu has a big wish-he was the one who agreed to this in particular. If Xiaoqiu hadn't been jumping around and going to the drama thief, everyone would have been very happy. There was a wife who married and made money, and the ghost knew that kid. Why on earth do you disagree.

Well, it may have been water in the brain.


At the door of the house, Mrs. Hu led the gourd baby and Erhu to clean up the fish, skillfully moving quickly.

These fish are small fish that do not grow up in the pond. They need to be scraped and squeezed out of the internal organs. They are relatively trivial. They are not easy to handle. The smell of soil is heavy and it is easy to squeeze the gall.

There was a rhythmic "dongdong" sound from inside the door, and at the same time a very light oily scent wafted.

Sister Hu said cheerfully.

"I'm back? The fish is almost out..."

Lin Chou sniffed and his eyes lit up.

"This taste, two rice?"

Sister Hu smiled happily.

"You know that your kid loves this. It's troublesome to get these things, and Huizi is about to pound the rice."

It is said that it is two rice, but it is not exactly.

When I was a child, 2.5 points per catty of rice caused enough hardship for the less wealthy residents in the alleys. In contrast, they would rather eat more dried dried meat to sell one or two points per catty of rat meat.

But not many people can stand meat as food, and at this time "two rice" came into being.

The main ingredients are indeed the so-called rice and millet, except that extra money-free millet, wild wheat stalks and various grass seeds are added. The two-rice rice is actually a flower, and comes in various colors of black, white, yellow, green and green.

Grass seeds are very oily and have a heavy taste. In addition, it is troublesome to peel them in different sizes. Although they are cheap and affordable, many people are not used to eating them or don't eat them at all.

But Lin Chou loved this bite, especially the braised miscellaneous fish in sauce made by Uncle Tiger himself, which is simply the best in the world.

But Lin Chou still saw the reluctance on Sister Hu's face, and thought for a while.

"Tomorrow, I will ask Bao Er to send a cart of rice. It's troublesome to eat this."

Sister Hu quickly said,

"No need, your sister-in-law, I am rich. The subsidy received by the gourd baby in one semester is enough for our mothers to eat for two or three years. Besides, the soy sauce and sauce made by the sister-in-law is also very profitable."

I said embarrassedly and laughed,

"My sister-in-law is just getting used to the anger of Xiaojiazi. I can't take it any longer. I feel distressed. The price of rice that is usually good at a price is turned over. It's too much.

Huluwa and Qin Erhu immediately became proud.

"That's it, Brother Chou, guess how much I have received this semester?"

"How many?"

The two tigers arrogantly raised their little tails.

"One thousand and eighty! Great!"

Uncle Hu scratched his ear and patted it, and was avoided.

"If it wasn't for your kid's carelessness, you would be the first in your class, sorry!"

Uncle Tiger hates that iron cannot be a steel track,

"This little boy is irritating. The semester grade is calculated according to the strength of the class. The first prize is two thousand points. Obviously, he has already put that boy down. He has to say something with an air, but he was taken down by others. , Are you angry?"

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