It hit the turtle on the belly of the water arrow turtle, but it only hit a little water, and then disappeared without a trace.

The water arrow turtle scratched his belly, and his huge blue eyes looked at Tan Wen.

At this moment, it was extremely peaceful here, and sweat dripped from people's foreheads.

Water Gun Water Arrow Turtle A water gun: Jet out.

The water gun quickly hit Tan Wen's head, and blood-red water stains filled the ground.

Tan Wen, who was sworn just now, has lost his head.

"Ahhh, the third-level awakened Tan Wen is dead!"

"This is a fourth-level mutant creature."

"Run, run!"

just condensed

The will to fight was completely shattered after Tan Wen was instantly killed.

The water arrow turtle looked at the people fleeing on the street, and the two water cannons on its back began to accumulate water.

The water gun seems to be gentle water, but at this moment it has become a killer that is equivalent to a missile. With a huge impact, human limbs are directly torn apart after being hit.

Downstairs of the International Hotel.

A disgraced group of people ran out.

Among them is the second master of Tianmu Mountain, Huang Dazhou.

He swallowed and looked at the International Hotel behind him whose entire building was burning.

Huang Dazhou grabbed the collar of his subordinate next to him and roared: "What the hell is going on, who can give me an explanation!"

"Second Master, we don't know either.

This suddenly became like this, not only the attacks of powerful mutant creatures, but also the attacks of awakened ones.

The latest news I got, the entire Cloud City is in chaos."

Zhu Kai explained helplessly.

"Right now, Yuncheng is too chaotic to stay here.

The order goes down, and everyone in the Tianmu Mountain Survivor Base is evacuated towards the east of the city, leaving Yuncheng first and then making other plans."

Huang Dazhou ordered.

Under the orders of Huang Dazhou, the group drove the car towards the east of the city. They saw too much chaos along the way.

The fire dragons in the sky are spraying flames unscrupulously everywhere, as if they will burn the entire cloud city to the ground.

Suddenly, in front of the convoy, a blue light hit a truck in front.

The truck started to freeze at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the people on the truck didn't even have a chance to escape, they all became ice sculptures.

In the hot July, a frozen car stands in the middle of the road.

This scene is really magical.

"How is this going"

Huang Dazhou jumped out of the car in surprise, and he roared angrily around him: "Who is it, get out of here! Don't play tricks in secret!"

Huang Dazhou's subordinates also put on a fighting stance, but each and everyone's eyes were filled with fear and fear.

"He said, you are all going to die today."

A light voice like the wind rang from the roof next to it.

Everyone raised their heads and saw at the top of a five-story building, a woman wearing a long blue dress with a face like a goddess was standing there.

"Bitch, who the hell are you?

Who is behind you who instructed you! Do you know who I am and who he is? Lao Tzu is the second master of Tianmu Mountain.

You offend me, I can make your life worse than death!"

Huang Dazhou has been carried away by anger.

Before the apocalypse, he was just a filthy gangster, because he was a fourth-level awakened person, one of the apocalyptic people took the position of the second head of Tianmu Mountain on the way.

1 will stay in his bed honestly that night.

This growth rate and the change of circumstances made his heart swell.

Shui Ji frowned slightly, not wanting to talk nonsense with such people, she raised her hand.

"Freezing rays."

Another blue light, just like before, shot into the crowd.

Dozens of people were turned into ice sculptures in an instant, and some people's limbs were stained and frozen.

"Ahhh my hand."

"I can't feel my legs, help me, help me."

Huang Dazhou's eyes widened, looking at the woman above, he gritted his teeth and raised his hand: "Wind Blade."

That's right, Huang Dazhou is a Level [-] Cyclone Awakener with the ability to manipulate the wind.


Mizuhime waved her hand casually.

Those wind blades disappeared without a trace in the face of the stronger storm, and the storm rushed towards the crowd.

Chapter 95 The Slaughter of Yuncheng 【Customize】

At this moment, Wu Jiangxiong took his own people and fled in a panic in Yuncheng.

There was chaos and screams everywhere.

Awakeners and mutant creatures with combat power at level four or even level five.

No one knew what happened in Yuncheng, anyway, there were killings everywhere, or one-sided killings.

Suddenly, there was the sound of lightning in front of him, and Wu Jiangxiong brought his people immediately.


They carefully hid behind a wall and stuck their heads forward.

There is the first square of Yuncheng.

At this moment, there is thunder and lightning everywhere.

It's like a sci-fi blockbuster.

Wu Jiangxiong saw that in the center of the square, there were charred corpses lying limp, everyone was black, and their hair was standing upright, as if they had just been struck by lightning.

"Captain Wu, what happened in Yuncheng?"

The thugs who followed Wu Jiangxiong out of Baimao Town were all startled at the moment.

"If I knew, I would still be here"

Wu Jiangxiong cursed inwardly, and then he whispered: "All in all, this Yuncheng is now a place of right and wrong, and 02 can't stay for long.

Let's get out as soon as possible! Go over there, there is a way to get out from Yuncheng!"

Wu Jiangxiong took his own people to carefully copy a trail and headed towards the north of Yuncheng.

The center of the first square of Yuncheng.

Xiaolei's body flashed with electric light, she stepped on a man's head.

"Who the hell are you?"

If this man was seen by people in Yuncheng, he would definitely be recognized.

The fourth-level fighting awakeners in Yuncheng also came from a slightly larger survivor base.

"Clouds Water Villa."

Xiaolei said lightly.

Although she looked very naughty in Lin Hao, in front of other men, she was an indifferent girl.

The man took a deep breath, how could Yunshui Villa be Yunshui Villa, doesn't it mean that Yunshui Villa has only a few fourth-level awakeners.

The Awakeners who appeared in Yuncheng successively had at least the combat power of a Level [-] Awakener, and even a Level [-] mutant creature.

And although this girl in front of her has no combat power than a Level [-] Awakened,

At this moment, Wu Jiangxiong took his own people and fled in a panic in Yuncheng.

There was chaos and screams everywhere.

Awakeners and mutant creatures with combat power at level four or even level five.

No one knew what happened in Yuncheng, anyway, there were killings everywhere, or one-sided killings.

Suddenly, there was the sound of lightning in front of him, and Wu Jiangxiong brought his people immediately.


They carefully hid behind a wall and stuck their heads forward.

There is the first square of Yuncheng.

At this moment, there is thunder and lightning everywhere.

It's like a sci-fi blockbuster.

Wu Jiangxiong saw that in the center of the square, there were charred corpses lying limp, everyone was black, and their hair was standing upright, as if they had just been struck by lightning.

"Captain Wu, what happened in Yuncheng?"

The thugs who followed Wu Jiangxiong out of Baimao Town were all startled at the moment.

"If I knew, I would still be here"

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