Now many people in the city want to escape, but in the four directions of Yuncheng, Lin Hao has arranged people to wait in advance.

Harkron, Minas, Leaf Elf, Shanaido.

They were arranged by Lin Hao at the periphery, and they were specially responsible for hunting the fish that slipped through the net.

In the city, Suicune, Fire-breathing Dragon, Water Arrow Turtle, Absol, and Thunder Spirit are responsible for the slaughter on the frontal battlefield.

[Killing Mission: 14] [Killing Mission: 23] The number of killing tasks is constantly increasing, from one thousand to two thousand, from two thousand to three thousand.

Time passed little by little, almost three hours had passed since the start of the killing, the sun had begun to slant westward, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the entire Cloud City.

Lin Hao turned his head and looked at the distant hillside, where a group of people were watching this scene.

Lin Hao smiled slightly, this killing should come to an end.

On the hillside "The devil...that man is the devil."

Xiao Song's whole body seemed to be immersed in the cold, and even a few kilometers away, he seemed to be able to smell the blood in Yuncheng.

Xu Yibing took a deep breath, she felt her body was extremely heavy.

Yuncheng, which was lively yesterday, has now become an asura field.

It used to be a gathering of hunters, but now it has become a cemetery for the prey.

"Clouds Water Villa."

Xu Yibing muttered the name, as if the man's appearance appeared in front of her eyes, this time she was in awe.

What kind of person could have created such a massacre.

"Yunshui Villa is really amazing. Not only does it have powerful awakeners, but it also seems to have the ability to manipulate mutant creatures."

A companion said cautiously.

"The strength of Yunshui Villa is at least above Tianhai City!"

Xiao Song didn't like Yunshui Villa before, but witnessing such a scene at this moment, he was completely shocked by the powerful forces of Yunshui Villa.

"Sister Xu, what should we do now?"

The girl blinked at Xu Yibing.

Xu Yibing smiled dryly, then walked back to the car: "It seems that we really have more this time.

Lin Hao touched Shanaido's head, and the virtual template in front of him kept showing the prompt to kill.

[Fire-breathing dragon kills second-level human] [Water arrow turtle kills third-level human] [Suijun kills first-level human] In front of powerful Pokémon, these people have absolutely no room for resistance.

Now many people in the city want to escape, but in the four directions of Yuncheng, Lin Hao has arranged people to wait in advance.

Harkron, Minas, Leaf Elf, Shanaido.

They were arranged by Lin Hao at the periphery, and they were specially responsible for hunting the fish that slipped through the net.

In the city, Suicune, Fire-breathing Dragon, Water Arrow Turtle, Absol, and Thunder Spirit are responsible for the slaughter on the frontal battlefield.

[Killing Mission: 14] [Killing Mission: 23] The number of killing tasks is constantly increasing, from one thousand to two thousand, from two thousand to three thousand.

Time passed little by little, almost three hours had passed since the start of the killing, the sun had begun to slant westward, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the entire Cloud City.

Lin Hao turned his head and looked at the distant hillside, where a group of people were watching this scene.

Lin Hao smiled slightly, this killing should come to an end.

On the hillside "The devil...that man is the devil."

Xiao Song's whole body seemed to be immersed in the cold, and even a few kilometers away, he seemed to be able to smell the blood in Yuncheng.

Xu Yibing took a deep breath, she felt her body was extremely heavy.

Yuncheng, which was lively yesterday, has now become an asura field.

It used to be a gathering of hunters, but now it has become a cemetery for the prey.

"Clouds Water Villa."

Xu Yibing muttered the name, as if the man's appearance appeared in front of her eyes, this time she was in awe.

What kind of person could have created such a massacre.

"Yunshui Villa is really amazing. Not only does it have powerful awakeners, but it also seems to have the ability to manipulate mutant creatures."

A companion said cautiously.

"The strength of Yunshui Villa is at least above Tianhai City!"

Xiao Song didn't like Yunshui Villa before, but witnessing such a scene at this moment, he was completely shocked by the powerful forces of Yunshui Villa.

"Sister Xu, what should we do now?"

The girl blinked at Xu Yibing.

Xu Yibing smiled dryly, then walked back to the car: "It seems that this time we are really superfluous, and people don't take these enemies seriously at all.

He had long planned to kill all these people in Yuncheng. If we were in Yuncheng now, it would be the same result.

Xiao Song, let's go back to the base.

In addition, tell the people under us, as well as tell the relationship and our good survivor organization.

Even if you offend a level six or level seven mutant creature, don't offend Yunshui Villa."

Xu Yibing's eyes were filled with fear.

"That's a demon stronger than a mutant creature!"

it's dark.

The battle in Yuncheng has also come to an end, but the flames are burning, burning this 100-year-old ancient city.

This time, the city doesn't care

Whether it is a human being, a zombie, or a mutant creature, basically no one survives.

The Pokémon came back to Lin Hao one after another.

They looked the same as before they set off, as if they had gone through a battle that killed thousands of people.

The experience gained from this massacre is very little, after all, the experience value of human beings is much lower than that of zombies and mutant creatures.

Even the experience points of Pokémon above level [-] have not been significantly improved.

The Doomsday Coin got [-].

[Doomsday Coin: 87] The massacre this time was mainly because of that mission.

Lin Hao opened the system page.

[Killing Mission: 81] "There is still a gap of nearly [-]."

Lin Hao rubbed his chin, a little dissatisfied, it seems that he still needs to go out hunting.

But there is no time tonight.

"Okay, get to work.

We went home and rested."

Lin Hao hit a Hache, took back many Pokémon into the Poké Ball, jumped onto the fire-breathing dragon, and galloped towards Yunshui Villa.

What remains: Cloud City burned in flames, as well as the corpses and ruins scattered all over the Cloud City

The news that the Yuncheng coalition had been destroyed was spread the next day.

Because Lin Hao's order at that time was to kill all the people in Yuncheng, there were some lucky people who were not in Yuncheng at that time, so they just avoided this disaster.

And when they returned to Yuncheng, they only saw the burning building and the corpses everywhere.

After nearly two days of dissemination, the news spread almost throughout Jiangnan Province.

had an earthquake-like impact.

In a large house in the Tianmu Mountain Survivor Base, a middle-aged man angrily kicked the woman who was serving him, and pointed at the man kneeling in front of him: "What are you talking about, all the people in Yuncheng are dead and the second master is also dead. Now! How is this possible!"

This person is the head of the Tianmu Mountain Survivor Base, Cheng Bang.

Level [-] Giant Awakener.

"The big boss, this is absolutely true. Some people went back to Yuncheng and saw the body of our second boss."

the subordinate said.

Cheng Bang took two steps back abruptly and fell on the chair.

"What the hell is going on here, there are nearly [-] people! And the second child... The fourth-level awakened person is here, how could they all be killed in one day!"

Chen Bang's pupils dilated.

This is not only the impact on their Tianmushan base, but the most important thing is who did such a terrifying thing.

"There is news that the people from Yunshui Villa did it."

The subordinate said in a low voice.

"The Yunshui Villa is the one...the Yunshui Villa that robbed the daughter of the city owner of Tianhai City"

Cheng Bang looked at his subordinates in surprise.

"I can't be sure. After all, few people saw who or what force was doing it at the time."

Subordinates are not guaranteed.

Wang Qian is so impossible, impossible.

How can a small Yunshui Villa have such strength, it is a coalition of thousands of people, and there is no problem in leveling Tianhai City!"

Cheng Bang shook his head again and again.


A beam of flames smashed into the courtyard of the large mansion, and a heat wave rushed into the house.

Some unfortunate people have become burning people directly.


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