Wang Zhi directly threw the man out and shouted angrily.


Wang Yong was also angry.

They all regard Wang Yuan as the treasure in the palm of the Wang family.

"The contingent that came back this time has gained a lot, cleaned up the zombies and mutant creatures in a county, and brought back five carts of food.

It's enough to ease the food crisis in Tianhai City."

A handsome young man followed behind Guo Haibing.

Guo Haibing patted the other's shoulder: "Gao Xiang, you are very good.

Having someone like you in our Tianhai City makes me feel more at ease."

"Foster father, you are laughing, I am your adopted son, and it is a matter of course to relieve your worries.

It's just that I'm worried about Sister Guo Shuang, she is being held hostage and really wants to rescue Sister Guo Shuang!"

Gao Xiang clenched his fists.

Guo Haibing looked at the atmosphere between Gao Xiang's brows, he knew that this adopted son had long been fond of his daughter, and he had planned to let the two be together.

Who would have thought that the end would come like this, disrupting the one.

"Hey, Gao Xiang.

Actually you"

Guo Haibing was comforting Gao Xiang when suddenly a group of people hurried over, led by Mrs. Guo.

"Auntie Guo, when did you come back in such a hurry?"

Those other than Gao Xiang looked at Madam Guo.

"It's not good, something happened, something big!"

Madam Guo shouted out of breath.

"What happened"

Gao Xiang asked hurriedly.

"Father and son Wang Zhi and Wang Yong took hundreds of men to the 11th block!"

Madam Guo said anxiously.

Gao Xiang's expression softened slightly: "Aunt Guo, it must be that boy Wang Yuan who is doing something to bully men and women.

Wang Zhi, the father and son, wiped his ass for him.

Hey, our Tianhai City is also in troubled times. Otherwise, I, Gao Xiang, will definitely get rid of this kind of scum! I will lead the team over now, Wang Zhi and the others will not dare to make a fuss because of my face.

Auntie Guo is still kind-hearted, and is so worried about the common people in Tianhai City."

Gao Xiang's remarks not only erected his tall posture, but also flattered Mrs. Guo.

Just when he was about to listen to the praise.

Mrs. Guo shook her head: "No, that's not the case.

What I'm worried about is that Wang Zhi and the others will have an accident! Marines, go quickly, if you don't go again.

I'm going to collect the corpses for Wang Zhi and the others!"

Gao Xiang and Guo Haibing were stunned when they heard this.

"Wife, apart from the Brotherhood Alliance, there seems to be no other force in Tianhai City that dares to oppose Wang Yuan and their Axe Gang.

Did you make a mistake?"

Guo Haibing said.

"Old Guo, why don't you understand?

I invited Mr. Lin Hao from Yunshui Villa back! Mr. Lin Hao was in the 11th block and killed Wang Yuan who bullied men and women! 0 Now Wang Zhi, Wang Yong and their son are going to find Mr. Lin Hao Settlement.

They don't know Mr. Lin Hao's power at all, and if they go, they will die in vain and cause us Tianhai City's losses! These are still trivial matters, if they offend Mr. Lin Hao, we are really finished!"

Madam Guo stomped her feet in a hurry.

"The people from Yunshui Villa are here!"

Guo Haibing's expression immediately changed.

As soon as he changed, he immediately.

Order: "Go, let's not go back to the government building, go to District 11! If we go too late, our Tianhai City will be finished!"

When the voice fell, Guo Haibing immediately.

Lead the team to the 11th block

Going to the streets of the 11th district, a group of people ran fast, and there were several cars leading the group.

This group of people didn't care about the pedestrians on the road at all, and they just went on a rampage.

"Isn't this someone from the Axe Gang? In such a hurry, could it be that there are zombies attacking the city?"

A passerby whispered beside him.

"You don't know that.

The latest news is that someone killed Wang Yuan, and Wang Zhi and Wang Yong are going to seek revenge."

A sloppy man sitting on the ground next to him chuckled lightly.

"What Wang Yuan is dead! This is a good thing, Wang Yuan is simply a scourge of Tianhai City, even more terrifying than that zombie.

In the past month, I don't know how many wicked things have been done in our Tianhai City."

Passersby were filled with righteous indignation, and then said worriedly: "It's a pity that the person who killed Wang Yuan is nothing but the bad guy.

Axe Gang revenge, it is estimated that they will kill people."

"Who said no, the Axe Gang is one of the three major forces in our Tianhai City.

Wang Zhi and his son are both Level [-] Awakeners!"

"Don't say it, don't say it.

Little people like us shouldn't care about this, but think about where to get some rations and live in this damn world."

The vast majority of those who knew the news believed that those who killed Wang Yuan and offended the Axe Gang would surely die.

Even if you don't die, you have to escape from Tianhai City.

But no one would have thought of what happened next, not this plot at all.

Chapter 108 I'm here to save you [Please customize]

Inside the trucking company on the 11th block.

Lin Hao sat on the sofa and looked at the humble house.

Shanaido is treating the wounded one by one.

Healing waves are released on these people, and the wounds are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Everyone who was cured expressed their gratitude to the beautiful Shanaido.

Shanaido said lightly: "I'm just doing what the master ordered."

A group of people looked at Lin Hao with some envy, this man is too happy, not only has such a powerful woman, but the woman even calls him the master.

"Captain Jiang, after you came to Tianhai City, I looked at the people who lived here, but there were a lot more people than you at that time."

Lin Hao said.

Jiang Zhiwei looked at his people and said with a vicissitudes of life: "Originally there were only a few like-minded "two six seven"

people, but then there were too many poor people.

Both Aqi and Officer Qiu couldn't see it, so they took it in.

In the last days, everyone gathers together and can live a day."

Jiang Zhiwei looked at Lin Hao and thanked: "Mr. Lin, thank you very much today.

If it weren't for you, I guess we don't know whether we are dead or alive now, Aqi and the others will be finished if they can't say for sure."

"That... Mr. Lin, will the outside door look like that?"

Officer Qiu, who was beside him, said hesitantly.

"It's okay, I see that your door is too monotonous.

It's good to arrange it, you don't have to worry about it."

Lin Hao shook his head and chuckled lightly.

"Captain Jiang, we have all packed up.

You can go now."

Shen Qi walked in and said.


Let's go now."

Jiang Zhiwei stood up.

"Where are you going?"

Lin Hao asked in surprise.

Jiang Zhiwei said helplessly: "Mr. Lin, you killed Wang Yuan, the prince of the Axe Gang.

Wang Zhi, they will never let you go, nor will they let us go.

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