There was fear in Wang Zhi's eyes.


Wang Yong was curious.

"One day, no! It's half a day.

Yunshui Villa made a surprise attack on Yuncheng, and no one knows the course of the battle.

But the next day Yuncheng left behind the bodies of the seven or eight thousand people.

After that, the survivors of Tianmu Mountain will be eradicated!"

Wang Zhi squeezed.

"That's impossible."

Wang Yong was stunned. Hearing these achievements, he thought about the man just now.

He felt a chill on his back, as if he had walked from the underworld.

"I also hope this is impossible, but this is it! Not to mention our axe gang, even if we Tianhai City and they are tough, they are not necessarily their opponents."

Wang Zhi shook his head.

Wang Yong understood why his father was cowardly just now, and he didn't even get his brother's body back.

"But this matter, let's forget it, Wang Yuan was killed by them!"

Wang Yong said a little unwillingly.

"Of course it can't be.

It's not my Wang Zhi's character to have revenge without retribution."

Wang Zhi's eyes were cold.

"But just now, father, you said that Yunshui Villa is the leading force in Jiangnan Province.

How can we get revenge?"

Wang Yong was curious.

Wang Zhi looked at Wang Yong: "Son, you are brave and foolhardy.

You have to use your brain to do things, and his Yunshui Villa is indeed the strongest survivor force right now.

But don't forget, now is the end of the world! No matter how powerful the survivors are, can they still be compared with zombies and mutant creatures? We don't have to take revenge, we can kill people with knives.

And the knife is already on its way."

Wang Zhi showed a sly smile.

Only then did Wang Yong react: "Father, you are referring to the [-]-[-] zombie group!"

"That's right.

Guo Haibing invited Yunshui Villa to Tianhai City this time, it must be to kill the zombies together. I don't believe that no matter how strong Yunshui Villa is, can he still stop the [-] to [-] zombies? When the time comes, I will let him. You are buried with my Wang Yuan!"

Wang Zhi sneered.

The freight company, inside the room.

Jiang Zhiwei looked at everyone in the room, he was a little uneasy.

The supreme commander of Tianhai City, Guo Haibing Guo Chengzhu, and his wife.

In addition, the young man next to him is Gao Xiang, the most potential general under Guo Haibing! These are all top figures in Tianhai City, and now they are all on his territory, and my heart is pounding.


Guo Haibing looked at Lin Hao curiously.

Lin Hao looked at Guo Haibing, he remembered ten years ago.

At that time, he was only ten years old, living in his... poor orphanage, which was almost impossible to maintain because of lack of funds.

Then an uncle came and donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the orphanage.

At that time, the dean's grandmother said that this is a great benefactor and a great benefactor.

Lin Hao didn't speak to this uncle, but Lin Hao remembered this person's name, Guo Dahai.

There is also the appearance, the back of the man he looked at at the time, and a tattoo on his neck. In fact, he later learned that it was not a tattoo but an injury suffered by Guo Haibing when he was a soldier. It looked a bit like a tattoo.

He also remembered that night was the only meat-eating day of the year.

And after that, because of this funding, Lin Hao had the opportunity to study and was admitted to Yuncheng University! "I owe you a favor from Zhao Li, so I will pay back part of it."

Lin Hao said lightly, that's what Lin Hao's character is. You gave me a drop of water yesterday, and today I will definitely repay the fountain.


Guo Haibing and Mrs. Guo look at each other.

"Okay, don't talk about these things.

Let's talk about the zombie group, does City Lord Guo have a plan to face the zombie group?"

Lin Hao directly brought out the problem of the zombie group.

"Zombie Swarm"

Guo Haibing's expression became: excited, he looked at Lin Hao with some dancing: "Mr. Lin Hao, you are willing to help Tianhai City fight the zombies together"


Lin Hao nodded, he was going to perform before, but after he knew that Guo Haibing was the Guo Dahai of the year, Lin Hao would not come to these falsehoods.

Anyway, the rescue mission is still there, saving the tens of thousands of people in Tianhai City, and defending against the zombie group, it is regarded as a complete return of Guo Haibing's favor back then.

Chapter 111 Five Boxes of Canned Food 【Customize】

Chapter 112 What is the gap? 【Please customize】

On the way back, Lin Hao and Sister Disaster walked side by side.

Shanaido takes care of Guo Shuang from behind.

"Just now you didn't kill those people directly, that's not like your character.

Aren't you always revengeful?"

Sister Disaster looked at Lin Hao and said.

Lin Hao chuckled and said, "The Axe Gang will be resolved sooner or later.

But I will give Guo Haibing a face and leave it for now.

In addition, I feel that the power in Tianhai City is very complicated. The zombies in front of me are actually only troubles on the surface. There are still many potential threats in Tianhai City, including its interior.

If you want to survive in the last days, it is not just about having a lot of people.

Guo Haibing is kind to me, so I will give him a chance to help him clean up the hidden cancer under Tianhai City."

"Then you don't have to worry, that father and son will play tricks on you"

Miss Disaster asked.

"Sister Disaster, are you worried that two mice will threaten you?"

Lin Hao asked back.

Afterwards, Lin Hao looked at Sister Disaster and said, "Besides, I still have Sister Disaster and you are there. You will tell me if there is any danger."

The corners of Sister Disaster's mouth twitched slightly, but she quickly returned to her arrogant expression.

Except when she's in bed, Miss Disaster doesn't care

It's always this look.

"So far, I have not felt any disaster that threatens you."

The lady replied.

All the way back to the residence arranged by Mrs. Guo, after resting for a while, Mrs. Guo came to inform Lin Hao and others to have dinner.

In a cleanly arranged box, Guo Haibing sat on the main seat, and Lin Hao sat next to him.

Sister Calamity and Guo Shuang also attended, because Shanaido was summoned, Lin Hao did not take it back and let her sit beside him.

"Mr. Lin, I hope you don't dislike some rough food."

Guo Haibing clapped his hands, and a group of people came in with food trays and put the food on the table one by one.

But seeing these foods made Lin Hao and others really have no appetite.

Wild vegetables and shredded potatoes, vegetable soup, canned beef in a heating pot, a pot of instant noodles, and rice for only two people.

This is the first time that Lin Hao has seen this strange banquet, from which we can see that Tianhai City

On the way back, Lin Hao and Sister Disaster walked side by side.

Shanaido takes care of Guo Shuang from behind.

"Just now you didn't kill those people directly, that's not like your character.

Aren't you always revengeful?"

Sister Disaster looked at Lin Hao and said.

Lin Hao chuckled and said, "The Axe Gang will be resolved sooner or later.

But I will give Guo Haibing a face and leave it for now.

In addition, I feel that the power in Tianhai City is very complicated. The zombies in front of me are actually only troubles on the surface. There are still many potential threats in Tianhai City, including its interior.

If you want to survive in the last days, it is not just about having a lot of people.

Guo Haibing is kind to me, so I will give him a chance to help him clean up the hidden cancer under Tianhai City."

"Then you don't have to worry, that father and son will play tricks on you"

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