Use mental shock against that zombie lord!"

Lin Haodao.

Lattias and Latios' heads glowed.

"Hoo ho ho."

The zombie lord let out a piercing cry, it opened its mouth, and a gray beam shot out from its mouth, targeting Lin Hao who was riding Latias.

"Mysterious Guardian."

Latias uses a mysterious guardian, and the surface of his body is covered by a strange white light, like a shield.

The gray beam hit the shield, but it only sent Latias flying backwards, but did not cause substantial damage.

"Don't think you can spray things! Lattias, Lattios uses dragon breath!"

Lattias and Latios opened their mouths to the zombie leader, and the dragon breaths gathered in their mouths.

Then it was launched.

The zombie lord also emits gray beams again.

The two dragon breaths and the gray beam collided, and a violent explosion erupted.

Let Zhou

Besieged by four fifth-level zombie kings and one sixth-level zombie lord.

It is difficult for Sister Calamity and Fire-breathing Dragon to counterattack effectively.

And once they fly high in the air, these high-level zombies will approach the defense line. If these guys are allowed to rush into the defense line, the pressure on the defense line will increase greatly.

So it can only always be: entangled with them at low altitude, preventing them from going further.

Lin Hao rode Latias to the top of the battlefield.

The situation made Lin Hao a little surprised that there were four level 44 zombie kings and one level six zombie lord.

And what Lin Hao brings now is only fire-breathing dragon, super evolution Absol, and Lattias and Latios, the difficulty is a little bit.

"Sister Calamity, you and the fire-breathing dragon are entangled with the four fifth-level Corpse Kings.

This sixth-level zombie lord, leave it to us!"

Lin Hao ordered.


The fire-breathing dragon roared and swooped towards the two fifth-level corpse kings, and the flames shot out.

Because on rainy days, the power of the flame is not very high, but the scorching flame evaporates the water and causes the temperature to rise.

Sister disaster used shadow clone, whirlwind knife, sword dance, and got entangled with two fifth-level corpse kings.

"Latios, Latios.

Use mental shock against that zombie lord!"

Lin Haodao.

Lattias and Latios' heads glowed.

"Hoo ho ho."

The zombie lord let out a piercing cry, it opened its mouth, and a gray beam shot out from its mouth, targeting Lin Hao who was riding Latias.

"Mysterious Guardian."

Latias uses a mysterious guardian, and the surface of his body is covered by a strange white light, like a shield.

The gray beam hit the shield, but it only sent Latias flying backwards, but did not cause substantial damage.

"Don't think you can spray things! Lattias, Lattios uses dragon breath!"

Lattias and Latios opened their mouths to the zombie leader, and the dragon breaths gathered in their mouths.

Then it was launched.

The zombie lord also emits gray beams again.

The two dragon breaths and the gray beam collided, and a violent explosion erupted.

Make all the low-level zombies within a few hundred meters around to vanish.

The vibration generated by the explosion could be felt by everyone on the front line of defense in Sanlongjiao.

Guo Haibing used several water knives to kill the rushing zombies.

He panted and looked at the battlefield in the distance, he knew that the battlefield over there was related to the balance of the battle.

"Hoo hoo hoo.

! "

At this moment, Guo Haibing saw the blue dragon next to him that was arrogant before, his whole body was filled with light, and his whole body was glowing.

[Hack Dragon upgrades 5, evolves into a fast dragon, and obtains the skills 'Steel Wings' and 'Lightning Fist'] Guo Haibing doesn't know this is evolution, he only knows that the originally gorgeous and beautiful little blue snake has turned into a fat and round good Well, it's a dragon that has been standing in orange all the time. It is five meters high! The fast dragon stands on both feet, and its whole body is orange.

The dragon's eyes are large and gray, the snout is round, and the nostrils are small.

There are two long and thin horns at the top of its head:.

The velociraptor's striped belly is cream-colored and extends to the tip of its long tail.

Fast dragons have claws at the ends of their sturdy limbs.

The junction of its legs and body is well-defined, but the junction of its arms and body is very smooth.

Compared with its body, the wings of the fast dragon have a wing membrane, which can hold it up to the sky.

The fast dragon fluttered its wings and rushed straight to the battlefield in the distance.

Lin Hao saw the fast dragon, and just now he had already conveyed the news that Haklong had evolved into the fast dragon.

"Dragon Dive!"

The fast dragon glides down from the sky and comes straight to the zombie lord.

zombie leader open

Mouth, a gray beam sprayed out.

"Dragon's Fury."

The fast dragon unleashes the wrath of the dragon.

The beams of Dragon Fury and the gray beams collided, creating an explosion and creating a lot of fog.

The fast dragon traversed the fog and descended at a rapid speed, with an aura like a rainbow, like a sharp sword slashed down.

Peng Kuailong slammed into the zombie lord heavily, knocking the zombie lord several dozen meters away.

The tentacles behind the zombie lord stretched out, trying to wrap around the wings of the fast dragon.

Steel Wing Fast Dragon immediately.

Using the steel wings, he directly cut off a few shots and rose into the air again.

"Fast dragon, Lattias, Latios.

Cooperate with the battle! Lattias and Latios use the clean light, and the fast dragon finds the opportunity to use the dragon's dive and lightning fist!"

As Lin Hao said that, he jumped onto Kuailong himself.

Riding on the fast dragon, Lin Hao felt what real speed was, and the speed of the fire-breathing dragon was completely incomparable to it.

The fast dragon spun rapidly in the air, making it impossible for the zombie lord to determine the target at all.

At this time, Lattias and Latios released the clean light at the same time.

This trick is to release a dazzling light to attack, and sometimes it will cause temporary blindness of the enemy.

"Quick Dragon, come on!"

Lin Hao's words just fell.

The fast dragon used the dragon's swooping to descend rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, he rushed in front of the zombie lord, and the huge impact slammed into the zombie lord heavily.

Then Kuailong swung his right fist with lightning.


Lightning Fist."

The lightning punch hit the zombie lord, and the zombie lord let out a painful roar.

Lin Hao was not idle either, and directly inserted his magic spider knife into the eyes of the zombie lord.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

The zombie lord let out a painful roar, and because of the impact, most of his body was buried in the mud.

"Fast dragon, fly!"

Lin Haodao.

Quick Dragon immediately.


"Latias, Latios, Dragon.

Use Dragon Fury!"

Lin Hao waved his hand.

Three Pokémon with dragon attributes simultaneously displayed the wrath of the dragon, and three beams of light fell from the sky.

The scene was quite gorgeous.

[Latias, Latios, and Fast Dragon jointly killed the sixth-level zombie lord, the average experience point was 300, and the doomsday currency was 1] [Latias, Latios leveled up to 3 and killed the sixth-level zombie lord , both Lattias and Latios have been upgraded three levels in a row to 34.

[Abo is good, Zhao Suolu quits super evolution] Lin Hao heard a sound in his mind, he turned his head hurriedly, it turned out that sister disaster was under the siege of two fifth-level corpse kings, her physical strength was huge, and she had quit super evolution .

"Quick dragon, go! Lattias, Lattios will kill the remaining fifth-level corpse kings!"

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