Guo Shuang reminded.

"Power Awakeners are only level [-]"

Chen Ke showed a disdainful smile, her hands clenched into fists, and her knuckles snapped.

When Gao Xiang rushed in front of Chen Ke, Chen Ke threw out a fist and collided directly with Gao Xiang's fist.

Kazi only heard the sound of bones breaking.

Gao Xiang felt the severe pain in his arm, his eyes widened, and before he could shout, he was hit with a few heavy punches.

In less than half a minute, Gao Xiang vomited blood and collapsed to the ground. Before he passed out, he heard the woman say something.

"I'm sorry, I'm level [-], I'm level [-]!"

Gao Xiang didn't die, but Chen Ke didn't care about him, because his hand bones and ribs were all broken, and he was a waste without treatment.

"Ms. Chen, you are a Level [-] Awakener"

Mrs. Guo looked at this young and beautiful girl in surprise, and was once again surprised by the strength of Yunshui Villa.

"That's right."

Chen Ke didn't hide it.

Because of the nourishment of a large number of high-level black crystals, coupled with the top-level black crystals that burst out from the seventh-level overlord centipede, the awakened people of Yunshui Villa have grown rapidly.

Chen Ke was one of them. After absorbing the top black crystals for a month, she was directly promoted to the fifth-level awakener at a rocket-like speed.

"Mrs Guo, Miss Guo.

Please wait here, it might be a little chaotic outside, but don't worry.

Master Lin has already made arrangements.

All the jumping clowns are just humiliating themselves."

When Chen Ke mentioned Lin Hao, there was reverence in his eyes.

Mrs. Guo and Guo Shuang continued to sit on the sofa, and they began to worry about Guo Haibing and others who were facing the enemy in the frontal battlefield.

At this moment, the people from the Axe Gang and the Brotherhood galloped back to Tianhai City with the convoy.

"Brother Yong, will our withdrawal like this be settled by Guo Chengzhu Qiuhou?"

A younger brother said worriedly.

Wang Yong slapped and slapped: "Are you stupid?

Five or sixty thousand zombies, even if he Guo Haibing is a sixth-level awakened, may not be able to withstand it! It is estimated that they will be swallowed by zombies at this moment! We will return to Tianhai City, grab the food and supplies and leave! As long as We have a good foundation in the Axe Gang, and we can't just find a small county town to be a happy king and settle accounts, hehehe.

Whether he Guo Haibing can live to the end of the autumn is not necessarily."


The younger brother understood, nodded, and said excitedly, "Brother Yong.

Then can we grab a few more women, when Guo Cheng and Guo Haibing were there before, they could only do it secretly."

"Just grab it, women, food, it's all ours!"

Wang Yong has completely come out of the pain of losing his younger brother.

After all, this is the end of the world, no one knows how long they can live, and it is impossible to be immersed in pain all the time.

The convoy drove to the bottom of the gate of Tianhai City.

"The Axe Gang, Wang Zhi.

Open the door fast!"

Wang Zhi shouted at the front door.

Chapter 123 Siege? 【Please customize】

There was no movement on the towering city walls.

"Wang Zhi, what's going on, the door hasn't opened yet"

Xu Dazhuang of the Brotherhood came over and asked.

Wang Zhi frowned: "The guy Gao Xiang clearly told us before that as long as we come back, he will open the door for us."

Wang Zhi jumped into the car and shouted at the city wall: "Where is Gao Xiang! Call Gao Xiang to me."


Suddenly a figure appeared on the city wall, soldiers with weapons, and awakened ones all appeared.

Bang bang bang bang gunshots, flames, lightning, and water guns kept appearing.

Wang Zhi, who hit Wang Zhi outside the city wall, was caught off guard, leaving dozens of corpses behind.

"Get in the car, get in the car!"

Tian Kang, the fourth-level awakener of the Brotherhood, shouted.

"Three Three Zeros"

He himself ran to a car.

But as soon as he got into the car, he saw several arrow feathers stuck on the car, and there were also lit bombs on the arrow feathers.

There were boom boom explosions and almost all vehicles were destroyed.

Jiang Wen put down her bowstring on the city wall and said lightly, "It's done."

It can be seen that on the inner side of the city wall, hundreds of people are tied into dumplings and are being watched and held.

"Brother Xu Xu.

Get out now!"

Tian Kang, who was covered in charred blackness, staggered to Xu Dazhuang, and finally fell directly to the ground, losing his breath.

Even a Level [-] Awakened, who enjoys the explosion of cars and explosives at the same time, will have a hard time surviving.


Xu Dazhuang roared angrily, but the city wall more than [-] to [-] meters high made it impossible for them to cross.

Because they didn't have a car to travel, they could only retreat to the ditch that Tianhai City had dug in advance, [-] meters away, to hide their figure.

"Wang Zhi.

You bastard! Didn't you say everything was in the plan! Why is this happening, if you don't explain it to Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will never finish with you!"

Xu Dazhuang growled at Wang Zhi.

Wang Zhi was also confused at the moment: "I don't know what's going on.

Ninety percent of Tianhai City's combat power has been withdrawn, and four of them are you.

There was no movement on the towering city walls.

"Wang Zhi, what's going on, the door hasn't opened yet"

Xu Dazhuang of the Brotherhood came over and asked.

Wang Zhi frowned: "The guy Gao Xiang clearly told us before that as long as we come back, he will open the door for us."

Wang Zhi jumped into the car and shouted at the city wall: "Where is Gao Xiang! Call Gao Xiang to me."


Suddenly a figure appeared on the city wall, soldiers with weapons, and awakened ones all appeared.

Bang bang bang bang gunshots, flames, lightning, and water guns kept appearing.

Wang Zhi, who hit Wang Zhi outside the city wall, was caught off guard, leaving dozens of corpses behind.

"Get in the car, get in the car!"

Tian Kang, the fourth-level awakener of the Brotherhood, shouted.

"Three Three Zeros"

He himself ran to a car.

But as soon as he got into the car, he saw several arrow feathers stuck on the car, and there were also lit bombs on the arrow feathers.

There were boom boom explosions and almost all vehicles were destroyed.

Jiang Wen put down her bowstring on the city wall and said lightly, "It's done."

It can be seen that on the inner side of the city wall, hundreds of people are tied into dumplings and are being watched and held.

"Brother Xu Xu.

Get out now!"

Tian Kang, who was covered in charred blackness, staggered to Xu Dazhuang, and finally fell directly to the ground, losing his breath.

Even a Level [-] Awakened, who enjoys the explosion of cars and explosives at the same time, will have a hard time surviving.


Xu Dazhuang roared angrily, but the city wall more than [-] to [-] meters high made it impossible for them to cross.

Because they didn't have a car to travel, they could only retreat to the ditch that Tianhai City had dug in advance, [-] meters away, to hide their figure.

"Wang Zhi.

You bastard! Didn't you say everything was in the plan! Why is this happening, if you don't explain it to Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will never finish with you!"

Xu Dazhuang growled at Wang Zhi.

Wang Zhi was also confused at the moment: "I don't know what's going on.

Ninety percent of Tianhai City's combat power has been withdrawn, and four of them are yours and mine.

That kid Gao Xiang has already agreed with us that he will open the city gate when we come back! Gao Xiang! That bastard Gao Xiang must have betrayed us! Guo Haibing has left a group of troops in Tianhai City!"

At this time, Wang Zhi put all the blame on Gao Xiang.

"Then what do we do with zombies now! We'll be finished by then!"

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