And only when you enter a special state can you have a relationship.

Or something like a super evolution potion."

Lin Hao made an inference.

Since Yanling already has a super evolutionary form, Lin Hao naturally wants to see what her super evolutionary form looks like.

"Yan Ling, you turned into a fire-breathing dragon, let's go out and see what your super evolution looks like."

Lin Hao said.


The flame spirit walked directly to the balcony, and then jumped, a fire flashed, and the fire-breathing dragon appeared.

Because this is Tianhai City, in order to avoid unnecessary publicity.

Lin Hao left Tianhai City on a fire-breathing dragon and came to a hillside dozens of kilometers away.

"Fire-breathing dragon, super evolution!"

Lin Hao gave the order.

[Fire-breathing dragon super evolution, please choose the evolution form 'fire-breathing dragon'' 'fire-breathing dragon'] Lin Hao, whose super evolution is also divided into forms, was stunned for a moment, and then he chose the fire-breathing dragon first.

A bundle of flames enveloped the fire-breathing dragon, and then a pair of huge wings stretched out from the flames.

Then a fire-breathing dragon nearly ten meters tall, equivalent to two or three stories high, came out.

The next morning, Lin Hao woke up.


Yan Ling sat in front of Lin Hao with a happy smile on his face.

Tao Fangyuan and Jessica have already left early. Although they are very tired, they still have their own work to do.

"You put on your clothes first."

Lin Hao looked away, he was worried that if he continued to watch it, he would not be able to help himself to a morning exercise.

I guess that's what happened this morning.

Yanling put on her own clothes, although Lin Hao tore her clothes to pieces last night.

However, the clothes that come with the elf female form seem to have the function of self-healing. Although you can't choose the style freely, you don't need to worry about the situation of bursting clothes and giving benefits in battle.

Lin Hao took this opportunity to open the flame spirit, which is the attribute panel of the fire-breathing dragon.

[Fire-breathing Dragon Level: Attribute: Fire-based Flight Special Ability: Super Evolution Skills: Smoke, Dragon Claw, Dragon's Wrath, Flame Vortex, Flame Teeth, Flame 17 Splash, Jet Flame, Earth Cast] One more option , and super evolution like Sister Disaster.

"As expected, after a relationship, there will be super evolution.

And only when you enter a special state can you have a relationship.

Or something like a super evolution potion."

Lin Hao made an inference.

Since Yanling already has a super evolutionary form, Lin Hao naturally wants to see what her super evolutionary form looks like.

"Yan Ling, you turned into a fire-breathing dragon, let's go out and see what your super evolution looks like."

Lin Hao said.


The flame spirit walked directly to the balcony, and then jumped, a fire flashed, and the fire-breathing dragon appeared.

Because this is Tianhai City, in order to avoid unnecessary publicity.

Lin Hao left Tianhai City on a fire-breathing dragon and came to a hillside dozens of kilometers away.

"Fire-breathing dragon, super evolution!"

Lin Hao gave the order.

[Fire-breathing dragon super evolution, please choose the evolution form 'fire-breathing dragon'' 'fire-breathing dragon'] Lin Hao, whose super evolution is also divided into forms, was stunned for a moment, and then he chose the fire-breathing dragon first.

A bundle of flames enveloped the fire-breathing dragon, and then a pair of huge wings stretched out from the flames.

Then, a fire-breathing dragon nearly ten meters tall, equivalent to two or three stories high, appeared in front of Lin Hao, doubling its size.

[The setting of this book, please do not raise the bar] The appearance of the fire-breathing dragon is not too big.

The third horn in the middle grew out of the back of its head:, this horn: was longer than the original two.

Its neck and mouth have become: longer while its limbs, tail and wings have become: longer.

Small wings grew on its wrists and the edges of the wings on the back became more irregular. Three small spurs grew at the end of the tail and a long spur grew on its back.

In addition, the flames at the tail of the fire-breathing dragon were burning vigorously.

"It looks pretty good, but let's try it out to see how powerful it is."

Lin Hao rode directly on the fire-breathing dragon: "Come on, let's go out for a spin."

The fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings and took off at an extremely fast speed. Lin Hao didn't react immediately and was almost thrown off.

"This speed is much higher than before!"

Lin Hao was surprised.

In order to test how fast the fire-breathing dragon can fly, Lin Hao let the fire-breathing dragon fly at the fastest speed. Just in case, Lin Hao bent down and grabbed the fire-breathing dragon's body as much as possible.

And the speed of the fire-breathing dragon really did not disappoint Lin Hao.

The speed made Lin Hao almost unable to open his eyes.

I don't know if it was an illusion that made Lin Hao feel like a fire-breathing dragon

The speed is somewhat faster than the fast dragon.

Lin Hao also understood why the fire-breathing dragon had such a change in appearance.

The slightly leaner body and the extra small wings can make the fire-breathing dragon fly faster in the air and have less wind resistance.


Lin Hao shouted.

Fire-breathing dragon immediately.

It stopped, flapping its wings and hovering in the air.

"Hey, here's Ninghai City"

Lin Hao noticed at this time that they had come to the coast, and in the distance was the boundless sea.

And beside the coastline, there is a city with towering walls, which looks like a survivor base.

It is the Survivor Base of Ninghai City, which is second only to the Survivor Base of Tianhai City, and was once known as one of the three major survivor bases in Jiangnan Province together with Tianmu Mountain.

Ninghai City and Tianhai City are located in two directions of Jiangnan Province.

"Wait, if I remember correctly.

The straight-line distance between Tianhai City and Ninghai City should be [-] kilometers, but the fire-breathing dragon just flew here, definitely within ten minutes.

So that's almost as fast as a jet fighter!"

Lin Hao took a deep breath.

Lin Hao's curiosity was piqued, and he was going to test how fast the fire-breathing dragon was.

"Flame, get ready.

When I said that at the beginning, you should go back the same way and fly as fast as you can to the location of Tianhai City.

Got it!"

Lin Hao took out a timer.

"Hoo ho ho."

The fire-breathing dragon howled.

At this moment, Lin Hao didn't know the Ninghai Survivor Base under him, because the red giant dragon in the sky had already made people panic.


A red dragon was circling above us a minute ago!"

A man who looked like an officer was reporting information to a woman in a cheongsam.

"The red giant dragon is also a mutant creature"

The cheongsam woman raised her head and looked worriedly at the circling red dragon in the sky. She asked a little girl about ten years old beside her.

"A Ling, you can feel what level of mutant creature the red dragon above our heads is."

When this little girl raised her head, others would find that she had no pupils, her eyes had no expression, she was a blind person.

"The guy in the air, the breath is at the level of the sixth-level mutant creature.

And the energy intensity is very strong, which is one of the more difficult to deal with among the sixth-level mutant creatures."

said the little girl.

It seems that this girl is also an awakened person. Although she is blind, she can have a radar-like effect and feel the strength of the opponent's level.

"Level six mutant creatures."

The woman in cheongsam frowned, "We haven't finished that sixth-level mutant creature.

This sixth-level mutant creature appeared again.

Could it really be that God killed us?"

Just when they were worried, a sonic boom suddenly came from high in the sky.

Then the red dragon disappeared directly into the sky.


The cheongsam woman was dumbfounded, and the others were also surprised.

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