Put out all the fires here."

Lin Hao gave instructions.

The two muzzles on the shell of the water arrow turtle, immediately.

Shooting a torrent, Minas spit out a water gun.

The fire in the rooftop car park was quickly brought under control, and the flames were all extinguished shortly after, and the smoke dissipated.

"Cough, cough, what's the matter? Why is it raining suddenly?"

"The flames are out too, which is great!"

"Ah ah ah mutated creatures have mutated creatures!"

Because the flames went out and the smoke dissipated, the survivors in the parking lot also saw the water arrow turtle and Minas.

Mistakenly thought it was an invading mutant creature.

"Don't be afraid, this is my summon."

Lin Hao said lightly, and then he walked towards the edge.

Song Wei also began to soothe everyone's emotions, but he still pulled Qiao Ying and asked, "Who is this person, Ah Ying, why are you with him?"

"Brother Song, he is the ruler of Yunshui Villa.

It's the man I saw in the Battle of Cloud City... the man flying in the air riding a fire dragon!"

Qiao Ying said.

Song Wei's eyes widened: "Why did you invite that...the devil...that man from Yunshui Villa"

Song Wei subconsciously said the devil, this is the nickname given to the man in Yunshui Villa by survivors from all over the Jiangnan Province.

Because he slaughtered five or six thousand people in one day.

At this moment, a fire dragon flew up and landed in front of Lin Hao.

Lin Hao touched the neck of the fire-breathing dragon and said with satisfaction: "No.

Wrong, although the meat is a little small, it is still meat."

The survivors in the parking lot seemed to remember something.

What about the mutant creatures that threw burning liquid at them, the survivors ran to the edge boldly and looked down.

I saw those beetle-like guys, all of them are now scorched, and they are all black, and the sound of crackling can be heard.


Song Wei swallowed his saliva, this is really a strong man, and in just a while, he solved the crisis that almost led to their annihilation.


But at this moment, a car in the parking lot made a low whine and shook back and forth.

Lin Hao looked over and asked, "What's in that car?"

The expression on Song Wei's face was unbearable.

"By the way, why didn't you see Sister Xu?"

At this time, Qiao Ying thought of Xu Yibing who was the best for her, and began to look for Xu Yibing's voice everywhere.

"Old Zhang, what about Sister Xu?"

"Xiaomei, have you seen Sister Xu?"

All the people who were questioned by Qiao Ying looked away, and some people squatted directly on the ground, crying.

Qiao Ying's face was not very good, as if she felt something.

And many of them couldn't help looking at the car that made a rubbing sound and a low whine.

Qiao Ying swayed, and she walked tremblingly towards the car: "It's impossible, it's impossible."

"Aying, don't go there."

Song Wei stopped in front of Qiao Ying, but was pushed away by Qiao Ying.

"Impossible, Sister Xu said.

To lead us to live in this world, to find a place with water and food, every day there is not enough rice to eat, not enough water to drink, and one can take a bath every day.

Sister Xu promised me, and it is impossible for Sister Xu to lie."

Qiao Ying suddenly quickened her pace and walked to the front of the car. Through the window glass full of spider cracks, she saw the scene inside.

That is Xu Yibing.

But then... the red eyes full of murderous intent, the blue-purple lines on her body, and her dark skin all indicated that she was no longer the original Xu Yibing.

She has become a zombie.

At this moment, she was tied to the seat by the seat belt, and the movement from the car just now was caused by her constant struggle.

"Do not!"

Qiao Ying cried out in pain, with tears streaming down her face, she fell to the ground.

Song Wei gritted his teeth and punched the car with a fist.

"It's all my fault. When I evacuated last night, if it wasn't for Sister Xu, who was scratched by a zombie to protect me.

She won't be infected, she will become like this! Sister Xu knew she was infected, she thought about suicide, but we stopped her, we hoped that she would not become a zombie, and then tied her in the car.

But it’s still what it is now.”

Although the disaster is not dead, there is a sad atmosphere shrouded here at this moment.

It can be seen that these people really admire Xu Yibing's personal charm.

Chapter 138 I will repay you as a cow and a horse [please customize]

Lin Hao walked to the car and saw Xu Yibing who had turned into a zombie in the car.

But when Lin Hao scanned Xu Yibing, he didn't tell what level of zombie it was.

An idea flashed in Lin Hao's mind, could it be that Xu Yibing hasn't turned into a zombie yet.

If that's the case, that thing might work.

Lin Hao grabbed the door handle, but the door was not only locked, but also fixed by nails.

However, Lin Hao exerted a little force, and the entire car door was torn off.

"What are you doing!"

Song Wei, who was frightened by Lin Hao's actions, immediately.

rebuke loudly.

But as soon as he said the words, he regretted it.

You don't want to die, and you dare to shout at the famous devil in Jiangnan Province.

If one of them is unhappy, all the people here will be buried with them.

Fortunately, Lin Hao is not so careful.

He explained lightly: "I might be able to save her."

Song Wei and Qiao Ying were both stunned.

Qiao Ying stopped crying, she kept sitting on the ground and grabbed Lin Hao's thigh directly: "Mr. Lin, I beg you.

You must save Sister Xu, as long as you can save Sister Xu.

I, Qiao Ying, will repay you as a cow and a horse."

"This has turned into a zombie and can save you, Mr. Lin, this is a zombie virus.

I've never seen someone recover from a zombie virus."

Song Wei looked at Lin Hao suspiciously.

"I just said maybe, not sure.

Besides, how can I save her now that you are holding my leg like this."

Lin Hao looked at Qiao Ying on the ground.

Qiao Ying immediately.

He let go of his hand: "I don't hold it anymore, please save Sister Xu."

Song Wei also cast a look of hope. Although he didn't believe it could be done, there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that a miracle could happen.

Lin Hao walked to the door of the car.

"howl woohoo"

Xu Yibing felt someone approaching and immediately.

Makes sounds unique to zombies.

Lin Hao took out a zombie antidote,

Lin Hao walked to the car and saw Xu Yibing who had turned into a zombie in the car.

But when Lin Hao scanned Xu Yibing, he didn't tell what level of zombie it was.

An idea flashed in Lin Hao's mind, could it be that Xu Yibing hasn't turned into a zombie yet.

If that's the case, that thing might work.

Lin Hao grabbed the door handle, but the door was not only locked, but also fixed by nails.

However, Lin Hao exerted a little force, and the entire car door was torn off.

"What are you doing!"

Song Wei, who was frightened by Lin Hao's actions, immediately.

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