Lin Hao said.


Shanaido has changed back to a human form, because it still maintains a super-evolutionary state, and Shanaido in human form is also different.

The whole body is pure white dress with slits at the corners of the skirt. You can see the white stockings with suspenders inside, and the hands are also wearing white silk gloves, which really gives a noble feeling.

This is really a princess.

Lin Hao felt a little dry mouth: "Well... anyway, it has evolved, and now there is nothing else to do.

Don't waste this opportunity, I'll give you a comprehensive inspection first."

Early the next morning.

Lin Hao woke up, he looked at Shanaido who was still asleep on the sofa, she had returned to her original state.

It was a mess in the office, and the air was filled with the smell of a hormonal collision.

"Yesterday was a bit rotten."

Lin Hao covered his head, and I have to say that Shanaido under super evolution is too attractive.

Huhuhuhu At this moment, a whirring sound came from outside the office window, as if a strong wind was beating against the window.

"Master, master."

Outside the window came the call of the fast dragon Long Jie.

Lin Hao covered Shanaido with a quilt, then walked to the window and opened it.

I saw the fast dragon levitating outside the window.

"what's the matter"

Lin Hao asked.

Kuailong turned into a woman and walked into the office, Long Jie said, "Master, I was patrolling around in the morning.

Found a huge crocodile lying in a reservoir about [-] kilometers southeast

So I came here specially to inform the young master."

The crocodile Lin Hao was shocked, he recalled the mutant crocodile that fought against the overlord centipede in Yuncheng at the beginning of the apocalypse.

Lin Hao immediately.

Take out the map of Jiangnan Province, fifty kilometers southeast of Yunshui Villa.

"Niutoushan Reservoir!"

Lin Hao tapped this position with his fingers, and the corner of his mouth showed a hunter-like smile: "The seventh-order mutant creature, this is a big piece of fat.

Come on, let's go hunting!"

"Master, what's wrong with Sister Shanaido, she seems very tired."

"Cough cough she's too tired, let her take a rest."

When Long Jie saw the yogurt-like liquid on the corner of Shanaido's mouth, she murmured in confusion, "Why is there something on the corner of Shanaido's mouth?"

"That's yogurt! Yes, it's yogurt.

She drank it before bed."

Lin Hao pretended to be calm.

But what Long Jie did next caught Lin Hao by surprise.

Long Jie stretched out her hand, used her fingers to clean the yogurt stuck to Shanaido's mouth, and then stuffed it into her own mouth.

"Sister Yanling said that food cannot be wasted.

Hey, why does this yogurt taste different? It's a bit salty."

Long Jie chirped.

"Maybe it's some rare taste, okay.

Let's go quickly."

Lin Hao took Long Jie directly and left.

Chapter 146 Old friend 'Level [-]? Yang Zilong Crocodile' [Customize]

Niutoushan Reservoir.

A giant crocodile like a hill was lying on the edge of the reservoir.

It looked lazy, and the wounds caused by the battle with the big centipede a month ago have all recovered.

At this time, several figures appeared in the sky.

Lin Hao rode the fast dragon and looked down at the giant crocodile in the Niutoushan Reservoir below.

[Level [-] Chinese alligator] "It seems that this guy is still in a mutant state of the Chinese alligator. I didn't expect it to be hiding here for more than a month to recover."

Lin Hao looked down at this old friend.

He was still watching the battle in Yuncheng back then.

At that time, he could only look up at the two giants fighting there, and he could only pray silently that they would not be affected.

And now, one of them has become the rotten corpse of Yuncheng.

The other one also became Lin Hao's serious prey.

"This one Yang "July [-]"

The Zilong Crocodile is stronger than the Overlord Centipede, and his injuries have recovered."

Lin Hao muttered.

When the Overlord Centipede was hunted before, the Overlord Centipede was still there: recuperating, but not fully recovered.

But now the Yang Zilong crocodile has been restored to its original shape, and its body shape has also changed from before, and its scales are darker and smoother.

The strength is estimated to have increased slightly compared to a month ago.

Lin Hao thought about it for a while and was ready. He first landed on a distant hill by himself.

"Use ten times ten times the experience of 11 cards for the fire-breathing dragon and Absol."

Lin Hao used the remaining two ten-fold EXP 11 cards against the fire-breathing dragon and Absol.

Fire-breathing dragon and Absol are both super-evolutionary owners, but their level has not been very high, so Lin Hao decided to give them priority to upgrade.

It would be even better if it could be upgraded to level [-] and above.

"Fast dragon, Lattias, Latios flew high into the sky.

Use Dragon's Fury on Yang Zilong Crocodile!"

Lin Hao announced the start of the hunt.

Fast Dragon, Latias and Latios immediately circled in the air, and used Dragon Fury on Yang Zilong Crocodile who was still taking a nap below.

The anger of the three dragons was sprayed on the armor of Yang Zilong crocodile.

great power

Niutoushan Reservoir.

A giant crocodile like a hill was lying on the edge of the reservoir.

It looked lazy, and the wounds caused by the battle with the big centipede a month ago have all recovered.

At this time, several figures appeared in the sky.

Lin Hao rode the fast dragon and looked down at the giant crocodile in the Niutoushan Reservoir below.

[Level [-] Chinese alligator] "It seems that this guy is still in a mutant state of the Chinese alligator. I didn't expect it to be hiding here for more than a month to recover."

Lin Hao looked down at this old friend.

He was still watching the battle in Yuncheng back then.

At that time, he could only look up at the two giants fighting there, and he could only pray silently that they would not be affected.

And now, one of them has become the rotten corpse of Yuncheng.

The other one also became Lin Hao's serious prey.

"This one Yang "July [-]"

The Zilong Crocodile is stronger than the Overlord Centipede, and his injuries have recovered."

Lin Hao muttered.

When the Overlord Centipede was hunted before, the Overlord Centipede was still there: recuperating, but not fully recovered.

But now the Yang Zilong crocodile has been restored to its original shape, and its body shape has also changed from before, and its scales are darker and smoother.

The strength is estimated to have increased slightly compared to a month ago.

Lin Hao thought about it for a while and was ready. He first landed on a distant hill by himself.

"Use ten times ten times the experience of 11 cards for the fire-breathing dragon and Absol."

Lin Hao used the remaining two ten-fold EXP 11 cards against the fire-breathing dragon and Absol.

Fire-breathing dragon and Absol are both super-evolutionary owners, but their level has not been very high, so Lin Hao decided to give them priority to upgrade.

It would be even better if it could be upgraded to level [-] and above.

"Fast dragon, Lattias, Latios flew high into the sky.

Use Dragon's Fury on Yang Zilong Crocodile!"

Lin Hao announced the start of the hunt.

Fast Dragon, Latias and Latios immediately circled in the air, and used Dragon Fury on Yang Zilong Crocodile who was still taking a nap below.

The anger of the three dragons was sprayed on the armor of Yang Zilong crocodile.

The power is great, but it only caused a little damage to the armor of Yang Zilong Crocodile.

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