"There is also a divine beast, this five billion experience card, give it to Pikachu."

Lin Hao summoned Pikachu.

As soon as Pikachu came out, he jumped on Lin Hao's shoulder, looking quite intimate.

"Use five billion experience cards on Pikachu."

Lin Hao gave instructions.

[Pikachu level:.

9 million Attributes: Electricity Special Ability: God's Favorite Body Skills: Lightning Flash, Double Kick, Shadow Clone, Iron Tail, Electromagnetic Wave, Light Wall, 5 Volts, High Speed ​​Movement, Electric Ball, Discharge, Grid, Electric Light, Electric Field, Charging Beam] Pikachu has been upgraded to [-], and his skills are much richer than those of the Rift.

The electric ball is to use electric shock to form ball lightning to attack the enemy, and the grid is to release the net lightning that can be used to capture and trap the enemy.

The electric light covers the whole body with electric current, performs melee attacks on the enemy, and also does some damage to itself.

Electric field is to release electric current to the surrounding, forming a fully charged battlefield, which can increase the damage of electric skills and limit the enemy at the same time.

The charging beam is an energy-storage skill, which accumulates and develops.

However, apart from the skills being enriched, Pikachu's appearance has not changed at all.

"Are you really a beast?"

Lin Hao looked at Pikachu on his shoulder and was really suspicious.

The Rift Seat has changed from 1 to 5, but Pikachu has not changed at all.

"Pika Pika" Pikachu tilted his head to look at Lin Hao, cute 2.

Chapter 180 Choose one of the five special Poké Balls 【Customize】

Yunshui Villa Lin Hao returned to Yunshui Villa first after testing the combat effectiveness of the split empty seat.

Yunshui Villa is as calm and peaceful as ever.

Lin Hao sat lazily on the sofa in his office.

"There are two more skill learning cards, which are ready to be used now."

Lin Hao also wanted to improve his combat effectiveness.

Now that his physique has reached its peak, only by learning skills or the ability issued by the system can he improve his combat effectiveness.

Lin Hao immediately used the skill learning card.

Because the skill learning card is randomly selected from the skills of the existing elves, so only rely on luck.

[Consume a skill learning card to get Absol's 'shadow clone'] [Consume a skill learning card to get Pikachu's '[-] volts'] This time, Lin Hao got a 'shadow clone' and a 'Ten Thousand Volts' respectively. [-] volts' two "zero five three"

a skill.

"Shadow Clone"

It is the same skill as the clone technique. The clone is basically no different from the main body except that it cannot use the skill and will be destroyed if it is damaged.

"One Hundred Thousand Volts"

It's an electrical skill.

Lin Hao silently recites "Shadow Clone"

Immediately around Lin Hao.

There were two clones that were exactly the same as Lin Hao.

"With my current ability, I can only create two clones."

Lin Hao looked at the two clones as if looking at a mirror.

And he can also feel everything the two clones see, as if looking at two cameras.

Lin Hao controlled a clone to drink a bottle of Coke, and Lin Hao's body could also feel the taste of that Coke.

However, when Lin Hao controlled a clone to cut his arm with a knife, the clone disappeared immediately.

"Sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing are all synchronized with the body.

Only the pain can't be synchronized, which is pretty good.

It's just that I don't know if the clone ate something, will I not be hungry?"

Lin Hao couldn't help but guess.

Lin Hao raised his hand, and electricity appeared in his hand.

Lin Hao aimed at the... drink bottle on the desk in the distance.

"One hundred thousand volts."


Yunshui Villa Lin Hao returned to Yunshui Villa first after testing the combat effectiveness of the split empty seat.

Yunshui Villa is as calm and peaceful as ever.

Lin Hao sat lazily on the sofa in his office.

"There are two more skill learning cards, which are ready to be used now."

Lin Hao also wanted to improve his combat effectiveness.

Now that his physique has reached its peak, only by learning skills or the ability issued by the system can he improve his combat effectiveness.

Lin Hao immediately used the skill learning card.

Because the skill learning card is randomly selected from the skills of the existing elves, so only rely on luck.

[Consume a skill learning card to get Absol's 'shadow clone'] [Consume a skill learning card to get Pikachu's '[-] volts'] This time, Lin Hao got a 'shadow clone' and a 'Ten Thousand Volts' respectively. [-] volts' two "zero five three"

a skill.

"Shadow Clone"

It is the same skill as the clone technique. The clone is basically no different from the main body except that it cannot use the skill and will be destroyed if it is damaged.

"One Hundred Thousand Volts"

It's an electrical skill.

Lin Hao silently recites "Shadow Clone"

Immediately around Lin Hao.

There were two clones that were exactly the same as Lin Hao.

"With my current ability, I can only create two clones."

Lin Hao looked at the two clones as if looking at a mirror.

And he can also feel everything the two clones see, as if looking at two cameras.

Lin Hao controlled a clone to drink a bottle of Coke, and Lin Hao's body could also feel the taste of that Coke.

However, when Lin Hao controlled a clone to cut his arm with a knife, the clone disappeared immediately.

"Sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing are all synchronized with the body.

Only the pain can't be synchronized, which is pretty good.

It's just that I don't know if the clone ate something, will I not be hungry?"

Lin Hao couldn't help but guess.

Lin Hao raised his hand, and electricity appeared in his hand.

Lin Hao aimed at the... drink bottle on the desk in the distance.

"One hundred thousand volts."

The electric current shot directly from Lin Hao's fingertips, directly ripping the... drink bottle into pieces.

"This move is powerful and very handsome."

Lin Hao was very satisfied.

The skill learning card has been used up, and the next thing is [five-choice one special Poké Ball 2] [Unconditional Evolution Card 1] [Super Evolution Potion 2] these three things.

"Choose one of the five special Poké Balls, try this one."

Lin Hao clicked the [Select One Special Poké Ball from Five] [Consume one of the five special Poké Balls, please choose the one you want within ten minutes, 'Unicorn Bug', 'Bobo', 'Katy Dog' 'Big Rock Snake' 'Carp King'] Five 55 options appeared in front of Lin Hao's eyes, as well as the detailed information of the five 55 elves.

This information is very detailed, including the evolution of each spirit, it is really a "special ball"

"Let me see who is better to choose.

Unicorns are insects that can evolve iron-shelled pupa, and then evolve into hornbees.

It feels normal.

Bobo is a general attribute and flight type, and a good flight type is a bonus, and it can evolve into Bibi: Bird and Bieagle."

Lin Hao rubbed his chin, the first two items were very general.

The evolution of the catty dog ​​is the wind speed dog, sex.

The big rock snake is a rock and ground system, its evolution body is a big steel, and the rock becomes a steel system.

The carp king is a very ordinary water system, and the image on the picture is also very general, but the evolutionary body turned out to be a dragon-shaped Pokémon with water and flight types.

"The Unicorn, Bobo and Catty are all a little ordinary.

The big rock snake and the carp king can be considered."

Lin Hao fell into thinking, and finally he chose the carp king.

As for the reason, the fish turns into a dragon, this is a good sign in the Chinese tradition.

[Get the elf 'Carp King'] After opening the first one, open the second one.

[Consume one of five special Poké Balls, please choose one of the Pokémon you want within ten minutes, 'Milip Baby', 'Speaker Bud', 'Magnetic Monster', 'Fossil Pterosaur', 'Smelly Mud'] This Bolinhao chose the Fossil Pterosaur without hesitation, not only because it is the most beautiful among these, but also because it can fly.

In Lin Hao's selection order, the dragon is the first choice, and the flying is the first choice.

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