If I remember correctly, this should be a border city in Huizhou Province.

This place actually has an energy response equivalent to a level seven creature, and dozens of energy responses of a level 10 creature.

Is it a large-scale mutant living place?"

Lin Hao guessed.

The scanning range of the radar covers almost the entire Jiangnan Province, as well as parts of several surrounding provinces, as well as the sea next to Jiangnan Province.

"Forget it, let's not study this thing for now.

Take a look at these special things first."

Lin Hao's eyes fell on a few special things.

【Pupilation 'White Eyes'】【Any Door】【Eigu Haunted by Evil Ghosts】【Dongfeng Express 2】Lin Hao View【Pupilation 'White Eyes'】.

This can be regarded as an innate skill, the user with white eyes can see the energy strength and weakness of the target, and it also has the effect of clairvoyance.

"This thing is good, it can be used to observe the enemy."

Lin Hao immediately blessed himself with [Pupilism White Eyes].

Lin Hao felt something got into his right eye, and then when he opened his right eye and used the white eye, his right eye lost the original color of the pupil, the whole turned white, and all around the eye socket Dilated meridians.

In addition, there are some slightly larger energy bodies in other locations, such as Yuncheng Base, that should be the sixth-level inheritor Xu Yibing.

Then there is Guo Haibing from Tianhai City.

It is worth mentioning that there are many tiny dots around Tianhai City. It seems that they have been besieged by insects, but depending on the situation, they are all first-class larvae and a small amount of second-class face blasting insects.

The number is only about [-], [-], and it is estimated that there is not much problem in Tianhai City.

The Ninghai Survivor Base also encountered a small number of insect threats, but it was not very serious, and the situation in Ninghai City could also be faced.

On this radar map, Lin Hao also did find some powerful energy bodies, such as hundreds of Tier [-] Pterodactyls flying aimlessly, and thousands of Tier [-] Banelings gathered on a hillside.

There are also dozens of level five Hydralisks moving towards the border of Jiangnan Province, two or three, crypt lords wandering around underground.

In addition, "indigenous people"

, mutant creatures and zombies.

All are under this super radar and exposed.


There is actually such a large energy reaction here.

If I remember correctly, this should be a border city in Huizhou Province.

This place actually has an energy response equivalent to a level seven creature, and dozens of energy responses of a level 10 creature.

Is it a large-scale mutant living place?"

Lin Hao guessed.

The scanning range of the radar covers almost the entire Jiangnan Province, as well as parts of several surrounding provinces, as well as the sea next to Jiangnan Province.

"Forget it, let's not study this thing for now.

Take a look at these special things first."

Lin Hao's eyes fell on a few special things.

【Pupilation 'White Eyes'】【Any Door】【Eigu Haunted by Evil Ghosts】【Dongfeng Express 2】Lin Hao View【Pupilation 'White Eyes'】.

This can be regarded as an innate skill, the user with white eyes can see the energy strength and weakness of the target, and it also has the effect of clairvoyance.

"This thing is good, it can be used to observe the enemy."

Lin Hao immediately blessed himself with [Pupilism White Eyes].

Lin Hao felt something got into his right eye, and then when he opened his right eye and used the white eye, his right eye lost the original color of the pupil, the whole turned white, and all around the eye socket Dilated meridians.

"I can really see far and see through!"

Lin Hao was surprised to find that under the blessing of the white eyes, he could penetrate the house and see through.

For example, in a few houses, a few female students are making a fuss in the swimming pool, Lin Hao can see it clearly.

As for Shanai Duo in front of him, Lin Hao could clearly feel the energy flow in Shanai Duo's body, and he could also sense some of Shanai Duo's weaknesses at the moment.

"This stuff is pretty good."

Lin Hao was quite satisfied with this white eye. After the white eye, Lin Hao's right eye returned to its original state.

Look at the [Any Door] after that.

Any door is a door-shaped prop, that is, after opening the door, a passage can be established, and the distance to the destination cannot exceed [-] kilometers, and requires

On the opener side, if it is a completely unknown place, it cannot be reached.

And each use will have a one-hour cooldown, this cooldown does not mean that you can't pass through any door, but you can't change the destination location.

But any door still exists, and the door must be opened only by Lin Hao, and no one else can open the door.

For example, Lin Hao now uses any door to directly lead to the Ninghai Survivor Base he once visited. As long as Lin Hao opens the door in person, people on both sides can come and go freely.

But at this time, if Lin Hao wanted to go to Tianhai City, he would have to wait for an hour.

"This is a good thing, much more convenient than a fire-breathing dragon.

And the limit is [-] kilometers! That's pretty big."

Lin Hao was amazed.

Two thousand kilometers basically, Lin Hao can go directly to the other end of China.

Look at the third piece, the name is very domineering [Teigu Devil Haunted] and this is actually a parasitic armor type weapon, which is said to be made of powerful dragons.

0 has a strong defense, amazing explosive power, can improve the wearer's ability, and has stealth skills to hide the breath, but the load on people is particularly large, and it cannot be worn for a long time.

"Let me try it out."

Lin Hao used [Teigu Evil Ghost Wrap] for himself.

Then, in his skill column, there was a word [Teigu Haunted by Demons].

"The Emperor is haunted by evil spirits!"

Lin Hao activated it, and then a set of silver-white armor wrapped around Lin Hao's body, with a cloak behind him.

It also comes with a Knight Gun: a weapon that looks like it.

“It feels good.”

Lin Hao waved the knight spear in his hand: "It feels quite good. As for combat ability, we can only know it in actual combat.

Sister Calamity and the others are still there: rest, I can't compete with Lin Hao for the time being.

Lin Hao exited this state and looked at the fourth thing.

[Dongfeng Express 2] Lin Hao is quite familiar with this thing. After all, no one in China knows the famous Dongfeng Express.

This Dongfeng Express is not clearly marked as a product of the Dongfeng series.

It just describes that it is equipped with a nuclear warhead and has the task of hitting targets within [-] kilometers. This is a medium-range missile.

In terms of function, it is much larger than the small nuclear bomb in Lin Hao's warehouse. The explosive power of the small nuclear bomb may be higher than that of Dongfeng Express.

But the problem is that the small nuclear bomb requires Lin Hao to manually place this thing in an area, while Dongfeng Express delivers it directly to people's doorsteps. Which one is better can be imagined.

"These four things are simply perfect."

Lin Hao really wanted to exchange for another golden super ball, and then kissed it fiercely.

Lin Hao took out that...[Dragon Elemental Five Choose One Special Poke Ball], the Dragon Element has always been the strongest among all the summoned Pokemon.

Lin Hao opened it directly.

[Select one of the five special Poké Balls from the dragon system, please confirm an option within ten minutes: 'Big Crocodile Ant', 'Tooth-faced Dragon', 'Baby Dragon', 'Trash Algae' 2 [-]]

Chapter 190 Wonderful Frog Flower and Flying Dragon 【Customize】

These five 55 elves are all in their original form, and some of them are not actually dragons, but in their data, it is clearly stated that their final forms will be dragons.

The crocodile ant is of the ground line, and its evolutionary body is the ultrasonic larva, followed by the desert dragonfly, and the latter two have both ground and dragon lines.

Fang Ya is born a dragon, and can evolve into an axe dragon, and eventually evolve into a double axe dragon.

Tooth-faced dragons are unable to evolve, and they are dragons themselves.

The baby dragon is also born in the dragon type. After evolution, it is a crustacean dragon. The ultimate evolution is a violent flying dragon. It has two attributes that Lin Hao likes most, the dragon type and the flying type.

There are two names on the Internet: the salamander and the tyrannosaurus. In this article, I chose the tyrannosaur junk algae. Don't look at the strange name, and the initial attributes are poison and water. Poison system.

Lin Hao looked at the five dragons, and he quickly made "Zero Ninety Seven"

out of choice.

Baby Dragon! The ultimate evolution of Baby Dragon, the Flying Dragon, has very strong attributes and looks very good. Lin Hao fell in love with it at a glance.

"Baby Dragon!"

Lin Hao chose Baby Dragon.

A ray of light converged on the Poké Ball inside.

[Congratulations on getting the 'Baby Dragon'] Lin Hao was rude to the elves of the dragon and flight types, and simply rewarded them with a three billion experience card.

[Baby Dragon Upgrade 3, Evolve 'Carapace'] [Carapace Upgrade 5, Evolve 'Burst Dragon'] [Storm Dragon Upgrade 5] Storm Dragon gained 5 billion experience points, directly upgraded to [-], and evolved into the ultimate form.

[Flying Dragon Level: Attributes: Dragon Skills: Flame Teeth, Thunder Teeth, Anger, Sparks, Dragon Tail, Dragon Breath, Head Hammer, Dragon Claw, Mind Hammer, Jet Flame, Steel Wing] Lin Hao felt after reading the attribute board It wasn't enough, he wanted to see what the Stormtrooper looked like.

He took back Shanaido, and then brought the stormy dragon to the open space outside the villa.

"Come out, Storm Flying Dragon!"

Lin Hao summoned the Flying Dragon.

The Flying Dragon is a four-legged dragon elf with two gorgeous blood-red wings and a long tail.

Its body is dark blue in color, the inside of its head, neck, limbs and tail are blood red, and its lower jaw and abdomen are covered by three shells, which are similar in shape and color to the shell of the crustacean.

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