One man exclaimed.

Seeing the three-meter-high behemoth in front of them, everyone felt despair.

All of them are going to die here.

"Come out, Frogflower,"

A sound suddenly sounded, and then a creature that looked like a heavy tank fell on the roof, the entire factory shook, and several cracks appeared on the walls.

"Fragrance, use the seed machine gun.


Seeds poured out like bullets.

For a while, all the zombies around were beaten to the ground, and their bodies and heads were pierced by the seed machine gun.


The sixth-level zombie lord rushed towards the wonderful frog flower with a roar.

"Use the Flying Leaf Knife, and then cooperate with powerful whipping!"

The Flying Leaf Knife and the Powerful Whipping were simultaneously used by the Frog Flower, and the sixth-level zombie lord who was attacked by these two tactics was unable to take half an inch, and his body was constantly being cut open.

"Use poison powder."

The poisonous powder of the wonderful frog flower shrouded the body of the sixth-level zombie lord, and the sixth-level zombie lord shook his head and his body was shaky.

"Tear it!"

At this time, Lin Hao issued a must-kill order.

The wonderful frog flower stretched out her vine whip, wrapped around the sixth-level zombie lord, and hung it high in the sky.

The sixth-level zombie lord has no strength to struggle because of the poisoning.

The next moment, the sixth-level zombie lord was directly divided into five horses by the vine whip.

The survivors on the rooftop who watched this scene were stunned.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Could it be a mutant creature?"

"Such a strong mutant creature directly tore a sixth-level zombie, this is at least a seventh-level mutant creature."

Survivors were talking.

"This is not a mutant creature, it was summoned by that man."

The straight black woman raised her head and looked at the fire dragon in the sky that they had ignored before.

A man is standing on the back of a fire dragon.

Lin Hao jumped off the fire-breathing dragon and landed on the rooftop.

Lin Hao listened to the noisy voices around him, he frowned slightly: "Miao Frog Flower, let these things be quiet.

Use Flower Dance."

The big flower on the back of the wonderful frog flower exudes beautiful flower petals, like a rain of petals in the sky, beautiful

But it is such a beautiful scene, those zombies or mutant creatures, as long as they touch those petals, their bodies begin to rot rapidly.

These petals are beautiful killers.

Lin Hao turned his head and looked at the group of people behind him, don't ask him why he would help.

Because he is happy, there is another small reason that... the woman of double inheritance, aroused his interest.

"This is the attitude towards your saviour"

Lin Hao looked at some of the group of people and stared at him with vigilant eyes.

The survivors all looked at that... the black straight long woman, it seemed that this woman was their leader.

The black straight woman looked at the monsters who had just pushed them into a desperate situation, but at this moment, she had no power to fight back, and they died in pieces.

She deeply felt the terror of the man in front of her.

"Don't be rude."

The black straight woman first reprimanded her subordinates, then looked at Lin Hao: "Thank you sir for saving your life, I don't know where you come from."

"Before asking others, it's best to report on your home."

Lin Hao laughed.

The long black woman hesitated for a while, but said, "I was negligent.

We are here organized by survivors of Xiajiang City, Jiangning Province.

I am their leader, and my name is Yang Ruyi."

Chapter 200 The Terrifying "Summoner" 【Customize】

Yang Ru looked at the creature behind Lin Hao, who was like the king and eight, and the fire dragon, but he hesitated.

"Don't worry, these are my summons."

Lin Hao explained.

"Summoner! Are you also a summoner!"

Yang Ru looked at Lin Hao with shining eyes, she mistakenly believed that Lin Hao, like herself, was also the inheritor of the 'Summoner'.

"You are from Xiajiang City"

Lin Hao looked at this group of people.

"That's right."

Yang Ru nodded.

Lin Hao remembered the location recorded on the map. Xiajiang City is located in the central area of ​​Jiangning Province, at least [-] kilometers away.

"It's almost time to reach the Demon Capital Realm, how can you run so far?"

Lin Hao asked.

Yang Ru's eyes darkened, and she said helplessly: "Our survivor base is severely depleted of food, if we don't come out to search for food, we won't be able to "nine eighty"

Our survivor base will be out of food for five days."

"It shouldn't.

Jiangning Province is a major grain-producing province in the south. It stands to reason that you should be particularly good at finding food here.

Why run so far and come to such a dangerous place."

Lin Hao frowned.

"It's not because of those...damn beasts!"

One survivor said angrily.


Lin Hao asked.

"There is a large repair shop on the southern border of Jiangning Province called Dajiang Repair Shop.

In the first month of the end of the world, because there were few awakened people at that time, no one dared to confront zombies or mutant creatures head-on.

The food problem is serious. I heard that the people at the Dajiang Depot actually started to eat human flesh and hunt human beings! I don't know if it is because of this reason that a large number of Awakened people appeared in their team.

From then on, they began to loot the supplies, and in the following month, almost half of the supplies in Jiangning Province were looted to their own camp.

Except for places with inheritors like the Xiajiang Survivor Base, they will not provoke them, other small camps have been looted by them."

The survivor's eyes were red, he clenched his fists, his fingernails had pierced his palms, and blood dripped down.


Yang Ru looked at the creature behind Lin Hao, who was like the king and eight, and the fire dragon, but he hesitated.

"Don't worry, these are my summons."

Lin Hao explained.

"Summoner! Are you also a summoner!"

Yang Ru looked at Lin Hao with shining eyes, she mistakenly believed that Lin Hao, like herself, was also the inheritor of the 'Summoner'.

"You are from Xiajiang City"

Lin Hao looked at this group of people.

"That's right."

Yang Ru nodded.

Lin Hao remembered the location recorded on the map. Xiajiang City is located in the central area of ​​Jiangning Province, at least [-] kilometers away.

"It's almost time to reach the Demon Capital Realm, how can you run so far?"

Lin Hao asked.

Yang Ru's eyes darkened, and she said helplessly: "Our survivor base is severely depleted of food, if we don't come out to search for food, we won't be able to "nine eighty"

Our survivor base will be out of food for five days."

"It shouldn't.

Jiangning Province is a major grain-producing province in the south. It stands to reason that you should be particularly good at finding food here.

Why run so far and come to such a dangerous place."

Lin Hao frowned.

"It's not because of those...damn beasts!"

One survivor said angrily.

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