It looks quite intimidating.

Awakeneds are fighting with all their might.

The Modu Yangtze River Bridge has a total of six lanes in both directions, with a width of less than [-] meters! But even with a width of less than [-] meters, it is defending with blood at the moment.

One soldier after another blocked the gaps that could collapse at any time, resisting those bugs.

When the bullets run out, he rushes up with a big knife.

The Awakeneds, who usually look like big bosses, are already at the forefront at this moment.

"Support, support.

We need support here!"

A sixth-level inheritor who was fighting with a spear roared.

"Stop talking nonsense.

Our reserve team has come up, and there is no support."

Next to him, a young man who could shoot air bombs in a pistol shape with both hands scolded.

"How could there be no support? The defense line of Lao Tzu's lane alone killed more than [-] soldiers, and two of the fifth-level awakeners died.

If we don't come to support, we really can't go on.

And the demolition team, please, whoever kindhearted, let’s blow up this damn bridge! I can call him dad!”

A thunder magician is standing on a three-meter-high "mound" piled up with human corpses and insect corpses

shouted up.

"Be careful!"

A poison baneling that broke through, rolled over and rushed towards the defense line, and the green liquid in the abdomen was already boiling.

Bang bang explosion sounded.

The thunder magician fell to the ground panting, and in front of him was a woman whose arms were thicker than his thighs.

The woman held a concrete wall three meters high and three meters wide to block the explosion just now. She spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at the thunder magician on the ground.


The Modu Yangtze River Bridge Port in the northeast of Changxing Island.

The people here are fighting desperately.

The machine gun had blown up because of the heat, the ground was full of shells, and all the soldiers had been fired.

They don't even know how many bugs they've killed.

[-], [-] or [-]. They only know that these insects are completely endless, and they can't kill them at all.

The most important thing is the black beam of light that is less than [-] kilometers away from their Changxing Island.

It looks quite intimidating.

Awakeneds are fighting with all their might.

The Modu Yangtze River Bridge has a total of six lanes in both directions, with a width of less than [-] meters! But even with a width of less than [-] meters, it is defending with blood at the moment.

One soldier after another blocked the gaps that could collapse at any time, resisting those bugs.

When the bullets run out, he rushes up with a big knife.

The Awakeneds, who usually look like big bosses, are already at the forefront at this moment.

"Support, support.

We need support here!"

A sixth-level inheritor who was fighting with a spear roared.

"Stop talking nonsense.

Our reserve team has come up, and there is no support."

Next to him, a young man who could shoot air bombs in a pistol shape with both hands scolded.

"How could there be no support? The defense line of Lao Tzu's lane alone killed more than [-] soldiers, and two of the fifth-level awakeners died.

If we don't come to support, we really can't go on.

And the demolition team, please, whoever kindhearted, let’s blow up this damn bridge! I can call him dad!”

A thunder magician is standing on a three-meter-high "mound" piled up with human corpses and insect corpses

shouted up.

"Be careful!"

A poison baneling that broke through, rolled over and rushed towards the defense line, and the green liquid in the abdomen was already boiling.

Bang bang explosion sounded.

The thunder magician fell to the ground panting, and in front of him was a woman whose arms were thicker than his thighs.

The woman held a concrete wall three meters high and three meters wide to block the explosion just now. She spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at the thunder magician on the ground.

"Don't talk nonsense to my mother here, the blasting team is preparing explosives.

If you want to blow up this bridge, you need explosives that can't be assembled in a short time.

As for support, it's not like you don't know how many warriors and how many awakened people there are in Changxing Island.

There are only more than [-] awakened people and more than [-] soldiers in total! There are [-] awakened people and [-] soldiers on the southwest side of the defense line.

We have arranged [-] awakened people and [-] warriors here.

Within an hour of fighting, we lost nearly [-] Awakened, and the rest of the Awakened were almost exhausted.

Nearly [-] people also died on the side of ordinary soldiers.

The reserves were all replenished ten minutes earlier.

In total, we only have one seventh-level inheritor and seven sixth-level inheritors.

Except for the two sixth-level ones over there, the rest are all over here.

Now that you have the time to scold your mother here, it's better to kill a few more bugs!"

Woman throws away broken concrete pavement in her hands.

I grabbed the concrete pillar next to it to support the wall, and the bugs on the bridge rushed up.

"Big sister."

The thunder magician looked at this powerful woman.

This woman is the leader of their Changxing Island, the seventh-level inheritor Berserker.

Suddenly, there was a loud explosion behind him.

"Listen, it's from the southwest side.

coming explosion.

Could it be that the explosion over there succeeded!"

"Great, if that's the case.

We have support."

"Everyone hold on!"

The warriors and the Awakened cheered.

In this kind of thing, this kind of thing is like a light in the dark for them.

There is still hope for them to live.

But at this time, a few terrifying figures appeared on the bridge in the distance, and one by one, venom cannonballs fell from the sky and landed on their defense line.


Those who are contaminated by venom cannonballs will be corroded in the blink of an eye, leaving only dead bones.

"Hidden, hidden!"

The thunder magician hurriedly made everyone hide.

But the bridge deck is so big, how can there be so many places to hide.

At this moment, a huge creature emerged from the bottom of the water, with sharp tentacles sticking out of its mouth, and directly grabbed the... the sixth-level inheritor with a spear.


The spear inheritor kept attacking the tentacles on his feet in panic.

The surrounding comrades also launched attacks.

But doesn't work at all.

Because this is an eighth-level thunder king bug.

In the end, under the watchful eyes of the public, the sixth-level inheritance of the spear was swallowed by the Thunder King Worm, and blood flowed out from the fangs.

Everyone who saw this scene shuddered.

This is one of the most honorable sixth-level inheritors of their Changxing Island, so it became the food in the insect's mouth. After eating the food in the mouth, the Thunder King insect was ready to climb up from the shore and continue hunting.

A few beams shot down in the sky, blocking the progress of the Thunder King Bug.

"Look, what are those flying things in the sky?"

"Why do mutant creatures look like dragons?"

Lin Hao looked down at the Thunder King bug below and saw that a high-level bug could overcome his fear of water.

Lin Hao looked around.

The huge figure of the Thunder King Insect is very obvious in the swarm.

Lin Hao at least saw as many as five in the magic capital.

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