The Heavenly Girl Beast went down and easily harvested the head of this eighth-level Thunder King Insect.

[Heavenly Beast killed the eighth-level Thunder King Bug, and gained 18 billion experience points] Unfortunately, it was not the Heavenly Beast that caused the main damage to it, and the experience gained was somewhat good.

"This Qindao base is really capable, with so many hot weapons and equipment.

Tanks, rocket launchers, howitzers, planes, ships, etc.

As expected of the previous military area, but to deal with these bugs, the ammunition will eventually run out.

Just do good deeds and help them."

Lin Hao rode the Flying Dragon and flew over the Qindao base.

Several anti-aircraft guns were already aimed at this creature of unknown origin.

Lin Hao frowned slightly, but still took out a machine from the storage props, which was made by Song Lei, and could enter some surrounding communication equipment.

Although the base station was destroyed, ordinary people could not communicate.

But this kind of military base, don't worry about this problem, they can still contact the military satellites in the sky.

Of course, this is before military satellites have fallen into disrepair and cannot be used, at least for now.

Lin Hao simply pressed a few buttons and said into the microphone.

"Hello, Commander below.

My name is Lin Hao, I am an inheritor, these are my summoned beasts.

I'll be hunting bugs three kilometers away from your base in a second, so you'd better stop using long-range weapons that can easily hurt.

Also, you'd better get those cannons out of my way, the guy I'm riding on has a bad temper."

Lin Hao said.

Lin Hao's voice was successfully conveyed in the base, everyone in the base heard this voice, and they all showed surprise and surprised expressions.

Chapter 235 Giant Octopus Attacks 【Customize】

"How is this going"

"Where did the voice come from"

Everyone in the command post was surprised.

"Report, our scouts found a person standing on the... flying monster hovering over us!"

A soldier reported the news.

Everyone was taken aback, but they didn't expect that... the huge flying monster had someone on its back. "What should we do about this? He asked us to give up the use of long-range fire suppression and help us resist the bugs"

A sergeant muttered.

"No! We don't know what this person is from.

Even if he is really kind, how do we know if he has... the strength.

If we let those bugs rush through the firepower net, there is no way to defend against it with our machine gun rifles and Awakeners alone!"

Another middle-aged sergeant objected.

"Six Four Seven"

"I don't think it's because of a person who popped up out of nowhere, a word.

make such a decision.”

"It's too risky."

The vast majority of the leadership is opposed to carrying out the unknown person's practice.

The commander thought for a while, then he picked up the microphone: "Hello, I'm the commander of the Qindao base.

Excuse me, are you still:"

"I am still here:."

Lin Hao's voice came.

"We appreciate Mr. Lin's kindness, but we can't yet evacuate the medium-range firepower."

The commander said with an apologetic tone: "In addition, we hope that your summoned beast.

You can leave the airspace above the base to prevent accidental injury."

Lin Hao was silent for a while: "Okay, I see.

Wish you guys good luck."

Lin Hao didn't stop there, he also knew that in the last days, it is difficult to establish trust between different forces, and most of all, he is a person who doesn't know anything about it.

Suppose your house is blocked by zombies, and there are wires around your house, but at this time, a stranger suddenly appeared and said that he would block zombies for you, but you need to cut off the power grid.

I think most people will doubt it.

Since they didn't need help, Lin Hao rode the Flying Dragon and flew away from here, heading towards the dense swarm of insects.

"How is this going"

"Where did the voice come from"

Everyone in the command post was surprised.

"Report, our scouts found a person standing on the... flying monster hovering over us!"

A soldier reported the news.

Everyone was taken aback, but they didn't expect that... the huge flying monster had someone on its back. "What should we do about this? He asked us to give up the use of long-range fire suppression and help us resist the bugs"

A sergeant muttered.

"No! We don't know what this person is from.

Even if he is really kind, how do we know if he has... the strength.

If we let those bugs rush through the firepower net, there is no way to defend against it with our machine gun rifles and Awakeners alone!"

Another middle-aged sergeant objected.

"Six Four Seven"

"I don't think it's because of a person who popped up out of nowhere, a word.

make such a decision.”

"It's too risky."

The vast majority of the leadership is opposed to carrying out the unknown person's practice.

The commander thought for a while, then he picked up the microphone: "Hello, I'm the commander of the Qindao base.

Excuse me, are you still:"

"I am still here:."

Lin Hao's voice came.

"We appreciate Mr. Lin's kindness, but we can't yet evacuate the medium-range firepower."

The commander said with an apologetic tone: "In addition, we hope that your summoned beast.

You can leave the airspace above the base to prevent accidental injury."

Lin Hao was silent for a while: "Okay, I see.

Wish you guys good luck."

Lin Hao didn't stop there, he also knew that in the last days, it is difficult to establish trust between different forces, and most of all, he is a person who doesn't know anything about it.

Suppose your house is blocked by zombies, and there are wires around your house, but at this time, a stranger suddenly appeared and said that he would block zombies for you, but you need to cut off the power grid.

I think most people will doubt it.

Since they didn't need help, Lin Hao rode the Flying Dragon and flew away from here, heading towards the densely populated place.

Because there are two black circles in Dongshan Province, it will take a lot of work to clean up the swarms here this time.

However, no insects above level [-] have been found for the time being, only some level [-] Thunder King insects.

Lin Hao made his own "legion of vanguards"


Twenty minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and a non-commissioned officer hurried over.

"Lord Commander, there is very important news!"

The sergeant ran to the commander.

"Which line of defense is the problem? Didn't the number of repayments plummet just now!"

the commander asked.


It's our people who took some pictures of the elephant with the military satellite, I hope you can take a look at it, Commander."

The non-commissioned officer took out a computer, placed it in front of the commander, and played the footage captured by the military satellite.

The first paragraph is only thirty before and after, and the total length is four or five minutes.

However, most of them were covered by black clouds, and only the black clouds blocked the view and saw the scene on the ground.

The scene was quite shocking, a fire dragon was facing the swarm on the ground, tilting the flames.

The swarm is under the fire dragon, like ants.

Several other videos also

It's similar, except that the protagonists have changed, and one of them is the blue-red monster that flew above their base before.

"Are these all the summoned beasts that man just said."

The commander was shocked, the combat power of these creatures is too strong.

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