Therefore, after Lin Hao got this system, he gradually believed in these things that can determine your life but cannot be felt and that no one can destroy them - these two things and real things, fate and luck.

When Lin Hao thought of this, he saw his opponent, the level [-] skeleton dragon, flying towards him fiercely.

Lin Hao propped up his naked upper body, secretly running all his strength, and when the ninth-level skeleton dragon was about to approach Lin Hao, he suddenly exerted strength under his feet.

When Lin Hao's feet stared at the ground with dense tiny cracks like a spider's web, Lin Hao's own body suddenly moved a short distance towards Kongsheng next to him.


The ninth-level man who could have attacked Lin Hao's body abruptly stabbed the skeleton claws that he had prepared long ago into the ground.

In an instant, the originally hard ground was smashed, and a large number of small stone fragments flew out to other places.

This ninth-level skeleton bone dragon is angry, and the little worm dares to avoid his own attack. It is simply unforgivable! The white skeleton claws appeared on the ground in an instant, and a huge pothole that was somewhat deep appeared.

If someone is near the pothole, they will definitely feel the cold habitually coming from the beginning to the end, and then the back will be frozen instantly, and the limbs of these people who are close to the pothole will gradually become numb.

Know that they have come to the end of their lives.

This is the special effect attached to the 150th-level skeleton dragon after being maddened by bloody rage, and this is the result of just staying in the place where the [-] [-]th-level skeleton dragons attacked.

And if they were standing beside the Skeleton Bone Dragon, ordinary people like them, even the first- and second-level evolutionaries, would probably be instantly struck by the gloomy cold air that hit the Skeleton Bone Dragon. upper body.

Then they will all die because of the frozen blood, and then their bodies will probably turn into pieces of frozen meat, no, it should be frozen ice blocks with a cold atmosphere.

Even because of this, they can't even preserve the complete corpse after their own death, even if they can.

Chapter 332 Fighting in the Sea of ​​Skeletons (8) 【Customize】

They will also die because of this bloodline freezing, leaving them dead without a whole corpse.

It was even torn apart, because the cold current attacked the upper body and turned it into pieces, so that there was no body of its own.

Fortunately, Lin Hao himself has a system of 100 points rewarded by the system himself, which means that Lin Hao himself will not have the result of being attacked by the cold.

When Lin Hao and this ninth-level maddened skeleton dragon were entangled in battle, the battles in other places had also reached a climax.

Whether it's Lin Hao's own Pokémon elves, or the tenth-level skeleton commander and his own subordinates, all of them have to use their own big moves and secrets.

Now, whether it is above the sky or in the ground, there are flashes of light from skills that do not flash in real time.

There are skill moves that belong to those Pokémon, those are all with various attributes, of course, most of the attributes of the dragon type, and some have cold skills.

When those skills were released, the skeletons and undead soldiers next to them became more and more courageous.

But when these cold skills gather energy before they are released, the flowers and plants beside them will wither in an instant: dim yellow, and some even turn black directly.

Then it was as if it had been drained of life force.

These are all skills with negative attributes that are naturally placed by the subordinates of the tenth-level Skeleton Commander.

And there are those skeleton soldiers, which Lin Hao and Lin Hao's Pokémon thought could be wiped out by casual attacks.

But yes, these can indeed exist by casual attacks, but after these first-level skeleton soldiers are smashed, they can only exist in the fire of the soul.

dissipate it.

Those skeleton frames on the bodies of these first-level skeleton soldiers will not disappear.

At the beginning of the period, Lin Hao and the others didn't know why, they all felt it was normal, after all, they were all corpses.

It wasn't supposed to disappear.

But what Lin Hao and the others didn't expect was that after those scattered skeleton bones gathered to a certain level, they would be summoned by those skeleton mages with a stick behind the sea of ​​undead.

, and then these scattered skeleton racks will become thick skeleton bones, and then slowly float in the air, forming a large ".

Level [-] Skeleton.



They will also die because of this bloodline freezing, leaving them dead without a whole corpse.

It was even torn apart, because the cold current attacked the upper body and turned it into pieces, so that there was no body of its own.

Fortunately, Lin Hao himself has a system of 100 points rewarded by the system himself, which means that Lin Hao himself will not have the result of being attacked by the cold.

When Lin Hao and this ninth-level maddened skeleton dragon were entangled in battle, the battles in other places had also reached a climax.

Whether it's Lin Hao's own Pokémon elves, or the tenth-level skeleton commander and his own subordinates, all of them have to use their own big moves and secrets.

Now, whether it is above the sky or in the ground, there are flashes of light from skills that do not flash in real time.

There are skill moves that belong to those Pokémon, those are all with various attributes, of course, most of the attributes of the dragon type, and some have cold skills.

When those skills were released, the skeletons and undead soldiers next to them became more and more courageous.

But when these cold skills gather energy before they are released, the flowers and plants beside them will wither in an instant: dim yellow, and some even turn black directly.

Then it was as if it had been drained of life force.

These are all skills with negative attributes that are naturally placed by the subordinates of the tenth-level Skeleton Commander.

And there are those skeleton soldiers, which Lin Hao and Lin Hao's Pokémon thought could be wiped out by casual attacks.

But yes, these can indeed exist by casual attacks, but after these first-level skeleton soldiers are smashed, they can only exist in the fire of the soul.

dissipate it.

Those skeleton frames on the bodies of these first-level skeleton soldiers will not disappear.

At the beginning of the period, Lin Hao and the others didn't know why, they all felt it was normal, after all, they were all corpses.

It wasn't supposed to disappear.

But what Lin Hao and the others didn't expect was that after those scattered skeleton bones gathered to a certain level, they would be summoned by those skeleton mages with a stick behind the sea of ​​undead.

, and then these scattered skeleton racks will become thick skeleton bones, and then slowly float in the air, forming a large ".

Level [-] Skeleton.


But the fact turned out to be that... the huge "first-class skeleton soldier"

But it's a fourth-level skeleton warrior.

The strength is more than double that of other first-level skeleton soldiers! So this makes Lin Hao and his Pokémons deeply doubt that if these fourth-level skeleton soldiers are smashed, they will not be able to. It will change even more.

Become a more powerful skeleton warrior, no, then it is estimated that he will become a more powerful skeleton warrior.

So after discovering this, Lin Hao and his Pokémon will smash those skeleton bones every time they destroy these skeletons.

Under this kind of action, those skeleton mages who are behind the sea of ​​undead have no other use except throwing dark balls behind them.

Chapter 333 Fighting in the Sea of ​​Skeletons (9) 【Customize】

Chapter 334 Flooded Three Armies 【Customize】

Like a boat going against the current

And the resulting "sea"

While advancing steadily in the middle, it is also bravely destroying the undead skeletons that are shaken by the violent storm.

Although Sister Disaster fought bravely in front of the enemy, it seemed that many of them were eliminated.

However, most of the undead skeletons were killed by Suijun in the middle of Miss Calamity's team.

"Pray for rain" used by Suizun

Skills, the seemingly innocuous little raindrops that may be slapped and scattered at any time, but hides a ferocious crisis.

When each small raindrop hits the skeleton undead, it will burst out with a power that is dozens or even a hundred times different from its own volume.

Moreover, these raindrops have been dripping on the ground, and they have converged into a turbulent river, just like a water dragon that fell on the ground, rampaged in this sea of ​​undead composed of an army of skeletons.

Smashed the skeleton soldiers one by one and turned them on their backs.

If you look here from a distance.

You can only see a water dragon-like monster popping up abruptly in the black tide, and within that water dragon are five 55-faced girls with determination.

Four of the five 55 girls were standing outside, and each of them was solemnly guarding the four sides.

Just in case a monster hits the middle one... It's quite quiet and there is a hint of sacredness in her expression, but the girl with her eyes closed.

If you look closely, you will find that... the holy girl in the middle has been muttering to herself, and then made a strange gesture on her chest with one hand.

The other hand is constantly shaking in front of him, this is Suicune.

Her left hand has been using "begging for rain"

this skill.

On the other hand, Suicune's right hand is not drawing a blue line.

Anyone who gets close will find that a trace of pure water will be released from those blue lines.

And the lines of these lines have always been there: appearing and harmonizing with Suijun's gestures.

And the trajectory of these lines is the same as the one that protects the outside of their five 55 Pokémon... the water-type dragon.

Therefore, Suicune is naturally the one who controls this water-type water dragon.

It's just that they're in the sea of ​​the dead

Like a boat going against the current

And the resulting "sea"

While advancing steadily in the middle, it is also bravely destroying the undead skeletons that are shaken by the violent storm.

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