So many changes have taken place in the environment and terrain in this world.

Time passed quietly, although only a little time passed, but to Ye Elf Xiaolei and the others, it seemed like centuries had passed.

After all, the monster they were going to ambush and kill was an unprecedented level [-] powerful monster.

If they succeed, they die, but keep their names. If they fail, they die without leaving their names.

So, sometimes, life and death are really only in that moment.

In other words, it is - "Once you decide your life and death, that is your destiny."

The eleventh-level monster also arrived very fast, it should be said that its ninth-level skeleton dragon brought this skeleton battle

Sergeant came here.

That... the eleventh-level skeleton warrior was also extremely alert. After it came to the foot of the Wuzhi Mountain, it waved its hand to stop its ninth-level skeleton dragon.

It has two scarlet soul skulls staring at that... the top of Wuzhi Mountain, because it is there.

Even if this eleventh-level skeleton warrior felt the aura of the murderer who killed him, he also felt the aura of some threat to him.

After the eleventh-level monster hesitated for a while, he chose to move forward.

Because of the majesty of being a strong man, this eleventh-level skeleton warrior cannot back down.

It's just that the ninth-level skeleton dragon who came here with this eleventh-level skeleton warrior refused to move forward.

After the eleventh-level skeleton warrior found that his order was invalid for the ninth-level skeleton dragon, he snorted coldly, and a gloomy voice came from its skull: "Humph, Things that are greedy for life and fear of death!"

I saw that the voice of the eleventh-level skeleton warrior had not completely fallen, and the skull of the ninth-level skeleton dragon whose expression was full of retreat suddenly burst open.

Moreover, the two soul fires in the skull of this ninth-level skeleton dragon flashed a few times after its head exploded, and then went out.

Then, two lines of pure energy that could be seen with the naked eye flew out from the skull that was exploded by the [-]th-level skeleton dragon, and then converged into the... the scarlet red of the [-]th-level skeleton warrior. There are ten thousand in the fire of the soul of color.

Chapter 360 Level [-] Skeleton Warrior?

The skeleton warrior who absorbed the soul fire of the ninth-level skeleton bone dragon saw that the two soul fires in its skull became even more bewitching.

The two scarlet soul fires swayed their bodies wantonly like two demons that eat people like their lives.

The skeleton warrior glanced coldly at the corpse of the skeleton dragon that had been destroyed by the fire of the soul.

Towards this "[-]" that exudes strange power

Walk up Wuzhi Mountain.

At this time, the dark magician girl suddenly opened her eyes and said, "It's here."

I saw that after the skeleton warrior walked to the middle part of the Wuzhi Mountain, he suddenly felt a coldness coming from behind.

Being cautious because of the sense of crisis, it directly pulled out the two skeleton daggers on its legs that alternated between ice and fire with lightning speed.

I didn't see any other movement of this skeleton warrior, just slashed with these two daggers, and a flashing red and blue protective shield swelled from the skeleton warrior's body.

So much to say, in fact, it is what happened between the electric light and flint.

That... the flashing red and blue protective shield was just propped up, and the energy cannonball behind him hit the skeleton warrior.

The energy cannonball is naturally sent out by the black magician girl.

It's just to test this "Twelve-level Skeleton Warrior" that has never appeared before.

just the strength.

As expected, this powerful monster did not disappoint the black magician girls.

It's just that the dark magician girl did not show any frustration and disappointment after seeing the energy being offset by the shield of the skeleton warrior.

And the corners of her mouth turned slightly.

But with the IQ of this skeleton warrior, it is impossible to understand what this weak female creature is thinking.

But then again, it doesn't need anything, because the powerful ability of this skeleton warrior is enough to crush any creature present.

Of course, the premise is that the black magician girl and the leaf elves do not use that special magic circle.

The black magician girl suddenly disappeared.

The scene in front of him made the skeleton warrior stunned, because it didn't realize how the creature disappeared, but then the two scarlet soul fires in the skull of the skeleton warrior were fierce.

The skeleton warrior who absorbed the soul fire of the ninth-level skeleton bone dragon saw that the two soul fires in its skull became even more bewitching.

The two scarlet soul fires swayed their bodies wantonly like two demons that eat people like their lives.

The skeleton warrior glanced coldly at the corpse of the skeleton dragon that had been destroyed by the fire of the soul.

Towards this "[-]" that exudes strange power

Walk up Wuzhi Mountain.

At this time, the dark magician girl suddenly opened her eyes and said, "It's here."

I saw that after the skeleton warrior walked to the middle part of the Wuzhi Mountain, he suddenly felt a coldness coming from behind.

Being cautious because of the sense of crisis, it directly pulled out the two skeleton daggers on its legs that alternated between ice and fire with lightning speed.

I didn't see any other movement of this skeleton warrior, just slashed with these two daggers, and a flashing red and blue protective shield swelled from the skeleton warrior's body.

So much to say, in fact, it is what happened between the electric light and flint.

That... the flashing red and blue protective shield was just propped up, and the energy cannonball behind him hit the skeleton warrior.

The energy cannonball is naturally sent out by the black magician girl.

It's just to test this "Twelve-level Skeleton Warrior" that has never appeared before.

just the strength.

As expected, this powerful monster did not disappoint the black magician girls.

It's just that the dark magician girl did not show any frustration and disappointment after seeing the energy being offset by the shield of the skeleton warrior.

And the corners of her mouth turned slightly.

But with the IQ of this skeleton warrior, it is impossible to understand what this weak female creature is thinking.

But then again, it doesn't need anything, because the powerful ability of this skeleton warrior is enough to crush any creature present.

Of course, the premise is that the black magician girl and the leaf elves do not use that special magic circle.

The black magician girl suddenly disappeared.

The scene in front of him made the skeleton warrior stunned, because it didn't realize how the creature disappeared, but then the two scarlet soul fires in the skull of the skeleton warrior jumped violently. , it's become: a sign of excitement.

After all, for it, unknown challenges, unknown creatures, and unseen strengths are the most challenging.

Only in this way can this skeleton warrior have enough mood to continue killing.

Suddenly, the fire of the skeleton warrior's soul suddenly calmed down, and along with the calm of the fire of the soul, the surrounding air became eerily silent.

As if even the surrounding 3.

7 environments are helping the skeleton warrior to find the prey it wants.

But Ye Elf, the black magician girl, and Xiaolei, who were hiding in the dark, were not worried at all when they saw the scene in front of them.

Because their current core energy has already poured into that formation, and although each of their Pokémon is not dead now, it is basically not far from death.

Chapter 361 Resurrection?

The skeleton warrior who absorbed the soul fire of the ninth-level skeleton bone dragon saw that the two soul fires in its skull became even more bewitching.

The two scarlet soul fires swayed their bodies wantonly like two demons that eat people like their lives.

The skeleton warrior glanced coldly at the corpse of the skeleton dragon that had been destroyed by the fire of the soul.

He walked towards the Wuzhi Mountain that exudes strange power.

At this time, the dark magician girl suddenly opened her eyes and said, "It's here."

I saw that after the skeleton warrior walked to the middle part of the Wuzhi Mountain, he suddenly felt a coldness coming from behind.

Being cautious because of the sense of crisis, it directly pulled out the two skeleton daggers on its legs that alternated between ice and fire with lightning speed.

I didn't see any other movement of this skeleton warrior, just slashed with these two daggers, and a flashing red and blue protective shield swelled from the skeleton warrior's body.

So much to say, in fact, it is what happened between the electric light and flint.

That... the flashing red and blue protective shield was just propped up, and the energy cannonball behind him hit the skeleton warrior.

2 The energy shells are naturally sent out by the black magician girl.

It's just to test this "Twelve-level Skeleton Warrior" that has never appeared before.

just the strength.

As expected, this powerful monster did not disappoint the black magician girls.

It's just that the black magician girl did not show any frustration and disappointment after seeing the energy ball being easily offset by the shield of the skeleton warrior.

And the corners of her mouth ticked upwards slightly.

But with the IQ of this skeleton warrior, it is impossible to understand what this weak female creature is thinking.

But then again, it doesn't need to think about this matter, because the powerful ability of this skeleton warrior is enough to crush any creature present.

Of course, the premise is that the black magician girl and the leaf elves do not use that special magic circle.

The black magician girl suddenly disappeared.

The sight in front of him made the skeleton warrior stunned, because it didn't realize how the creature disappeared.

But then the two scarlet soul fires in the skull of this skeleton warrior jumped violently, which was a sign of excitement.


The skeleton warrior who absorbed the soul fire of the ninth-level skeleton bone dragon saw that the two soul fires in its skull became even more bewitching.

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