These venoms are very corrosive, a car was contaminated with venom, and soon the entire body was dissolved in half.

The surface of some concrete buildings has also been corroded a lot.

If this falls on a person, it is estimated that there will be no body left in a while.

Fortunately, Lin Hao and the others were at high altitudes and quickly avoided these venoms.

"It's armor is a bit thick, and it has to be a chance to hurt it.

Sister Calamity uses the whirlwind knife and sword dance on the centipede to attract its attention! Fire-breathing dragon, use the jet flame!"

The second round of offense begins.

According to Lin Hao's instructions, Sister Disaster used her quick skills to approach the Overlord Centipede, and used the whirlwind knife to continuously slash the Overlord Centipede's body.

The whirlwind knife left traces on the surface of the Overlord Centipede, but compared with the huge Overlord Centipede, these scars were still too small.

The fire-breathing dragon's jet flame has a good effect, after all, insects are naturally afraid of fire.


The Overlord Centipede began to move its body quickly, crawling around the building, looking for an opportunity to attack Lin Hao and the others.

"This big guy is quite resistant."

Lin Hao looked at this rough-skinned overlord centipede.

Fortunately, this guy is huge and his speed is not very fast, but it is still much slower than Lin Hao and others who are small in size.

Various moves of the jet flame water gun electric shock whirlwind knife are constantly displayed.

Lin Hao used the kind of... rubbing monsters in online games. You have rough skin and thick flesh, so I will consume you slowly. Anyway, if you can't beat me, I still don't believe that grinding can't kill you.

The battle lasted ten minutes.

If there were still survivors in Yuncheng, the pair would have noticed.


The Overlord Centipede roared again, then slammed into the building, and crawled into it with its entire body.

It disappeared in a few seconds.

"What's the matter?"

Hao was looking for the figure of the Overlord Centipede in the storm, but the guy disappeared into the building.

Lin Hao let the fire-breathing dragon approach the building, he only saw that the building was hollow.

"This guy burrowed into the ground and ran away"

Lin Hao was surprised.

Then the whole earth began to shake.

Houses kept collapsing.

"No, that guy is trying to cause chaos!"

Lin Hao was in a hurry, immediately.

He looked at Mizuhime and the others on the roof in the distance.

The building below them is also shaking, and there is a possibility of shaking at any time.

"Fire-breathing dragons, go save them!"

Lin Hao immediately.


The fire-breathing dragon galloped past.

But when the fire-breathing dragon flew over a building.

The central crack of the building below

Open, the overlord centipede drilled out from the inside, its huge mouth opened, and it bit directly towards the fire-breathing dragon.


Lin Hao said in a hurry.

The fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings and climbed rapidly.

"Don't bully the master!"

A few Chirulians climbed onto the Overlord Centipede at some point and hit several injured parts of the Overlord Centipede.

This gives the fire-breathing dragon a chance to escape danger.

The Overlord Centipede was very angry, and the tiger body shook directly, shaking several Chirulians on his body into the air, opening his mouth and biting it.

All Chirulian was swallowed by the overlord centipede, but for some reason there was no bite in his mouth.

"Almost, thanks to Chirullian's shadow doppelganger helping us get our attention."

Lin Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

This seventh-level overlord centipede is really smart and knows how to use the terrain to carry out sneak attacks.

Taking advantage of the Overlord Centipede, Lin Hao once again instructed Sister Disaster, Fire Breathing Dragon and Xiaolei to face the Overlord Centipede: Skill Bombing.

"Sword Dance!"

A dim light appeared on Sister Disaster, as if she was about to transform herself.

Then she rushed directly in front of the Overlord Centipede and used her strongest skill, Sword Dance.

The two swords kept leaving traces on the body of the Overlord Centipede.

"Sword dance, sword dance, sword dance!"

The ray of light on Sister Disaster was even stronger, and she even stepped on the back of the Overlord Centipede, facing the Overlord Centipede's body with a meal: chop.

This time, the defense of the overlord centipede did not block Sister Disaster's sword skills, the armor was chopped to pieces, green blood kept coming out, and dozens of legs were brutally cut off by Sister Disaster.

"Howl howl."

The overlord centipede let out a violent scream.

"It seems that the lucky spell added by Chirulian before has taken effect, and the skill has exploded several times the damage!"

Lin Hao admired this scene.

The overlord centipede began to curl continuously, curling itself together like a snake.

This gave Sister Disaster no chance to continue her attack, so she could only fly back into the air.

"Good chance, the fire-breathing dragon uses jet flames at the wound!"

Lin Hao's eyes lit up, the overlord centipedes were entrenched together, giving the fire-breathing dragon a chance to attack.

The fire-breathing dragon unceremoniously sprayed raging flames towards the wound of the overlord centipede.

For a while, a smell of meat was fascinated.

Xiaolei also aimed at those wounds and unleashed Dian Wang's blow.

The Overlord Centipede screamed.

"Everyone work hard!"

Lin Hao felt that his [-] million experience points for the mission were waving to him.

But a strange thing happened, the overlord centipede actually resisted the damage and didn't move.

"No, it accumulates high-intensity energy in it, and once it is released, it is equivalent to a small missile explosion.

The entire Cloud City will be affected!"

Sister Disaster suddenly reminded loudly.

"Damn! Retreat!"

Lin Hao hurriedly ordered.

"It's too late, it will be released within [-] seconds, at this time, even if we fly at full speed, it will be difficult to fly away from Yuncheng!"

Miss Disaster interrupted.

Lin Hao's face was quite bad.

At this time, the surrounding temperature began to drop rapidly, and the rain in the sky turned into snowflakes.

In the summer of August, September and August, the body surface temperature plummeted to 8 o'clock.

[Suicune releases skill "Absolute Zero"

Chapter 81 Evolution!Shanaido! 【Please customize】

Chapter 82 Cos Paradise? 【Please customize】

After a battle, the central area of ​​Cloud City was completely turned into a rubble, and the remnants of a huge centipede stood there. It is estimated that people who come here in the future will be amazed at what happened here.

The task was completed, and a motorcycle packed with three people galloped away from Yuncheng.

Lin Hao was sitting behind Sister Li, while Guo Shuang was sitting behind Lin Hao with his arms around Lin Hao's waist.

Because the road is not very smooth, and Sister Disaster is driving as fast as ever, Lin Hao was "flanked" by "front and back" on the way.

He also had a rare experience of what is called pushing back: feeling.

This really pushes the back: ah.

Behind Guo's cheeks blushed, she could also feel Lin Hao's touch, but there was nothing she could do.

This motorcycle is only in such a small position, coupled with such a fast speed, she can only hold Lin Hao tightly, her chest against Lin Hao's back.

After a three-hour journey, Lin Hao returned to Yunshui Villa in a blink of an eye.

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