Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 110: :sword

Xiang Jing immediately used the "God Lord" to engrave all the construction drawings of the city structure on this part of the Sichuan Province on the "God Kingdom" and kept them in the'God Lord' separately.

Soon after, Forestry sent a list to Xiang Jing.

A lot of things were written in detail above, and the specific purpose was also indicated. Except for some materials, all assembled, but only forty to fifty thousand hunting points.

But don't talk about 40,000 or 50,000 now, Xiang Jing can't even come up with 1 point, and he is really in debt.

It can only be entrusted to a different space in the grassland, and once a week, one can hunt for 450,000 to 660,000 hunting points.

Four times a month, it will take at least 5 months to pay off.

In other words, for the next five months, the system store is just a display, Xiang Jing can only stare at it, and will pop up from time to time to urge Xiang Jing to pay off his debts.

This list item Jing has been collected first, and tomorrow I will go to the different space in the Ssangyong Club to see if there will be any gains. Maybe it hits the **** luck, and it will be paid off at once.

In terms of city construction, Xiang Jing is not in a hurry to hand over the drawings to the people under him.

The first city not only covers Sichuan Province, but also covers some surrounding cities.

First take this as a starting point, expand the territory around it, and completely take Sichuan Province, and then take the territory of other provinces.

After all the land for building the city is taken down, manual work will be carried out, which will be more secure and safer.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome to prevent all aspects of intrusion and the transportation of materials along the way.

Secondly, there is no shortage of drawings, but some talents in this area are not enough. For such a large project, hundreds of people are not enough to look at it.

Xiang Jing has long asked the forestry to help pay attention, not only for construction, but also for talents in various fields.

The chip of the wisdom of Klein's family is still in his hands, and if such a large treasure is brought into play, it will usher in a rapid rise here.

Early the next morning, Xiang Jing went to the original city of Shuanglonghui, which was no bigger than the dynasty in every aspect.

The forces of the original Ssangyong Club had long been annihilated, and now that the dynasty moved in and the Beast King of Baishan guarded him, nothing happened.

In the pool of a community where the different space is located, people from the dynasty guard the surrounding area.

According to Forestry, no power can be used here, and the fight can only be carried out by individual ability.

Although the same D-class different space, because of different factors, the different space here is obviously more difficult.

It is no wonder that Ssangyong will occupy a different space, and the development is not particularly good.

Xiang Jing didn't hesitate much, but jumped down and dived into the pool.

Energy ripples swept across his body, Xiang Jing felt that all the power in his body was sealed, not only the power, but also the Yuanli. Even the space ring was sealed for him, which also showed that he could not even use martial arts and became harmonious. Ordinary people are generally no different.

"Fuck! Playing so big!"

Xiang Jing spit out, and he recovered, he has come to an abandoned city, surrounded by scrapped vehicles and houses, very cold.

Then, many monsters suddenly appeared on both sides of the street, including the house.

These monsters are not very strong, but Xiang Jing is just like an ordinary person now, so it is fatal to pop up so many.

Xiang Jing's eyes twitched and raised his thunderstorm neutron lightsaber to meet the enemy.

Fortunately, the sword was taken out before entering, otherwise it would be troublesome now.

Xiang Jing gave a low shout, holding a long sword in his hand, and slashed at a zombie.

The sword light passed, the head moved, and the monster behind him approached, tearing to Xiang Jing's back.

Xiang Jing's body suddenly moved a few inches forward with impossible subtle movements, just to avoid the attack of the monster behind him.

Xiang Jing raises his sword like a swordsman, stabs, stabs, picks, cleaves, and slashes. Each sword is extremely simple, but they are all used to the extreme. There is no waste of energy, no extra moves, and one sword will be cut. A monster.

If there is a master of martial arts or a real weapon master, you will be exclaimed when you see Xiang Jing. This is a very high realm with a sword, reaching the point of returning to nature and simplicity.

At this moment, Xiang Jing resembled a killer with no emotions, waving his sword expressionlessly, killing every blow.

Although I really don't want to use this thing I'm about to forget, but now things are urgent and no one knows.

However, even though Xiang Jing's swordsmanship was exquisite, it was no more than an ordinary human body, unable to hold more and more monsters, and the space for traveling was becoming more and more limited.

A light curtain rose suddenly, wrapping Xiang Jing's entire body in it, blocking attacks from all sides.

I don't know how many these monsters are, they are densely packed, as if there is no end.

Xiang Jing continued to use his sword, and after killing a few monsters, he moved quickly, caught the scrapped vehicles and some buildings, and landed in a place with relatively few monsters.

He is now the legendary krypton gold player, his own strength is no different from ordinary people, but he has the best equipment to sling everything.

The monster quickly rushed in Xiang Jing's direction.

Standing on the roof of a bus, Xiang Jing practiced wielding a lightsaber in a thunderstorm to kill these monsters.

Fortunately, these gadgets are not purely cheating, they have hunting points and experience, and more than a hundred monsters died in Xiang Jing's hands in a moment.

Seeing more and more monsters around him, Xiang Jing felt bad.

The random time of these monsters will only get more and more, and the dead are far from appearing. If this continues, they will be overwhelmed by these monsters.

With a movement of his mind, a pair of steel wings suddenly unfolded. Xiang Jing pedaled hard, reaching a certain height, waving his wings and gliding onto a billboard.

What made him most disgusting was that both the thunderstorm neutron lightsaber and the shelter of the sage could be used. However, the steel wings were blocked and could only glide briefly, otherwise the silver wings would fly out and kill these things.

Xiang Jing stood on the billboard and the monsters surrounded the pillars.

Several deformed monsters and mutant beasts like the shelter chameleon climbed up the poles, and Xiang Jing swung his sword to cut them down.

Following the swaying of the pillar, the monsters had to knock down the pole because of the large number.

Looking around, there is no retreat, and there is not much physical strength left, Xiang Jingyi gritted his teeth, and has to pull a few backs in the spirit of death.

He closed his eyes slightly, holding the sword at his side, and opened it leisurely, an extremely fierce force exploded from his body.

The thunderstorm neutron lightsaber shines, and seems to be excited by the momentum that appears on Xiang Jing.

Holding the hilt of the sword, Xiang Jing calmed down and suddenly shouted "Cut!"

The whole person fell in the air at the moment the pillar fell, and the sword in his hand slashed out horizontally, and an extremely bright sword light swept across the torrent of monsters, killing a piece.

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