Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 123: :personal I.D

Before the person who chased Zimo could react, he was slapped in the slap, and he didn't dare anymore, and yelled, "Fuck you!"

The original two battles, three chasing one after another, turned into a five-person melee, and the wider the range, the more people joined.

In the true sense of this match, it became a melee.

The instigator, Zimo, is a small transparent incarnation, and is inextricably standing at the corner of the ring with a person pretending to fight.

All these authorities are fascinated, and the onlookers are also dumbfounded. Except for a few people like Xiang Jingmo Shangsheng who can see it, the others just clapped and applauded.

There are so many of them. They are not in a match anyway, and they just cheer for the excitement.

In the apocalypse that may die at any moment in the next moment, when there is no computer, no mobile phone TV and other recreational tools, it is also an enjoyment to be able to watch such a melee.

The chaos of a hundred people was once extremely chaotic, but the ten people who were able to stand in the end all had their own abilities and skills.

After nearly an hour of fighting, the melee of a hundred people finally came to an end.

The last ten people on the stage, even though they were covered in bruises and panting, struggled to stand.

But they won, they are the last ten people.

Among these ten people, there was naturally Zimmer, and his injury was not light, and he tried his best to win afterwards.

Forestry let them go to rest, and then began the second match.

In the second game, Gao Ming, a man in his thirties, also showed the calmness he should be at his age during the battle. After every shot, he would expect the enemy to be ready to move forward.

He was among the remaining ten people, and he was also the least injured.

In these few melees, being able to win one of the ten places is just the threshold. Their performance in battle, their choices in response to different situations, etc., are all hidden tests.

The third Korean style came on stage, implementing his decisive fighting style, and superb fighting skills to solve the opponent cleanly.

But it also caused a lot of people to attack.

Although he won in the end, he was very embarrassed.

Summarizing a battle, he eliminated nearly 20 people, showing the strength.

At this point, the final screening of the three hundred people was over. The thirty winners stood in the front, and the remaining 270 stood in the back.

The thirty people ahead were full of energy, with a sense of pride that had come to nothing.

The more than 270 people in the rear are weaker, but they are still rare players. While admiring others, they regretted reviewing the previous comparison.

But by now, the overall situation has been determined, and it is not helpful to say that the opportunity is in front of you. If you miss it, you miss it.

Forestry is on the high tower and announced that the first batch of screening competitions has officially ended for nearly 50 days. The three hundred people who stand out will join the unreserved team, equipped with special accommodation and training grounds.

As the relocation of the headquarters is in progress, the forestry plan has planned a large area of ​​land, dividing the original headquarters on the different space side and the new headquarters on the exchange stone monument into one area.

The large surrounding area is all used to build specialized residential area training venues, etc., and is allocated uniformly.

Naturally, these three hundred people lived closest to the inner circle, and the thirty people who won in the end were even closer to Xiang Jing's residence.

After the first round of screening was over, Forestry announced the second round of screening on the same day. This time there is no limit on the number of people, and the entire Tiankui city will register.

The competition system is based on every one hundred players, and the top ten will advance to the next round.

In the second round, a hundred people were gathered before the melee, and the same was true in the third round.

After three rounds, only the top ten will be eligible to join.

There is no time limit for this screening, and it can start tomorrow.

However, if everyone signs up once, if they are eliminated, it will take a week before they are eligible to continue to sign up.

Also in order to prevent people from impersonating, etc., the city has designed a department to handle information and identity, as long as it is a person in the city, it must go through it.

Those who didn't deal with it after the time, or deliberately avoided it, could not escape Mo hurt his eyes.

In addition, Xiang Jing stipulates that people without identification can not sign up for screening.

The equipment for making the identity certificate was purchased by Xiang Jing Renpai at the system store for a huge price of 100,000 hunting points.

Every identity certificate is produced, and the person's blood type, appearance, height, weight, strength, and even bones, internal organs, cochlear pupils, retina and other parts will be tested and finally produced.

It can be said that an identity certificate contains all the information of this person.

Unless this person changes his face and replaces the bones and blood together, he will never escape the verification of the instrument.

And the final shape is not the previous card form, but directly implanted in the body in the form of a chip, which is more safe and secure.

The relevant inspection equipment was also distributed to various relevant departments and four gate locations.

Therefore, if you want to enter and exit the city gate, you must have an identity certificate and pass the inspection. If you don't have one, you must pay a certain amount of materials or mutant crystal nuclei to allow entry.

As for hard break?

Linyuan Corpse King can rush to the scene within a few seconds, and the shadows that Mo Shangsheng cultivated and the defense forces of the city are not vegetarian.

And people who want to live in the city for a long time must also pay for mutant crystal nuclei, which is enough for one person per month.

Ten mutant crystal nuclei can be exchanged for the right to reside in Tiankui City for one month, no matter how it is considered a very worthwhile sale.

Not long ago, the forestry also issued an announcement through the light curtain of the planned city rules and regulations. Anyone who violates the city regulations will be severely punished.

Everything in the entire Tiankui City is gradually improving and is moving in the direction of a virtuous circle.


That night, the night was deep and three hundred people sat neatly on the ground on the training ground.

The two huge searchlights next to it illuminate the entire site.

Xiang Jing sat on the container in front of them, waved his hand, and the forestry team personally carried boxes of genetic medicine up.

"I'm the one who speaks and counts. Each of these first-order genetic medicines will be taken up in order."

Xiang Jing said that the forestry will arrange to distribute these first-order genetic medicines.

Under the auspices of the forestry, a branch of genetic medicine was distributed to them in an orderly manner.

"City Lord, I have used this thing."

Xiang Jing looked at Zimo who was talking. He was holding the genetic medicine in his hand and scratching his head in embarrassment.

Xiang Jing immediately analyzed his data, and indeed he had used a Tier 1 genetic medicine. It appeared to be exchanged for the stone tablet.

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