Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 140: : Discuss

Xiang Jing thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's okay, Linyuan Baishan, you two will practice forestry with you."

Linyuan Corpse King and Baishan Beast King twisted their necks and moved their body joints. Naturally, they would accompany them to the end for this kind of fight.

A corpse and a beast didn't pretend, and he greeted him with a low shout.

Forestry set up a posture, waited for the two of them, and did not fight back, just stood and let them fight.



Two dull sounds came out, and the attacks of Linyuan Corpse King and Baishan Beast King hit the forestry body, just like hitting an iron plate, without any damage, his hands and feet were still numb.

After dozens of moves, Linyuan Corpse King and Baishan Beast King both waved their hands.

Linyuan Corpse King rubbed his numb wrist and said, "City Lord, Forestry is too resistant to beatings. It hurts my hands even if it doesn't hurt."

Forestry stood steadily on the spot, with a little triumph and triumph on his face.

But he knew that, resisting their beating, it looked nothing on the surface, and the internal organs were still a bit uncomfortable. After all, this golden armor only covered the surface of the body, and the internal organs could not be considered.

But B has been installed at this point, and it can't be broken. If it has broken, it will be installed for so long.

Xiang Jing nodded, and in a blink of an eye he looked at the husky lying in the corner of the central square, screaming and sleeping.

The husky, who was learning with a beautiful poodle in his dream, suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing across his back, and the whole dog woke up immediately, and then met Xiang Jing's gaze.

I don't know what happened, but the Husky is also very mindful, and he trot over to lick Xiang Jing without saying a word with his tongue out.

Xiang Jing kicked away its dog's head and big wet tongue, raised his eyes to Lin Lin and said, "Hit him."

Although I don't understand why Xiang Jing let him hit this man, his life is in the hands of others and he still has to be obedient.

Immediately stared at a pair of dog eyes, and stared at the forestry with a low growl, not to mention that he really wanted to do so, and felt a bit of a fierce animal.


After the husky let out a roar of dogs, wolves, or wolves, he rushed toward the forestry.

Since he has the same power as the forestry, he came to the forestry almost in the blink of an eye.

Forestry saw Xiang Jing bring back the huskies before, thinking it was a pet dog that he picked up easily, but now that he really got in touch with him, he realized that this is also a difficult master.

In a hurry, he raised his hand and blocked him, and the husky's growing dog gnawed on his arm.


The pain from the arm made Lin Lin couldn't help taking a breath, shaking his arm vigorously, and at the same time clenching a fist with the other hand and punching towards the Husky's belly.


The Husky bit on Lin Lin's arm, and was suddenly hit. The whole dog shivered in pain, loosened Lin Lin's arm, and was thrown out by him.

The Husky waved his paws in the air, and finally fell on all fours, bowed his body and stared at the forestry and roared in a low voice.

Just now the forestry punch made it hurt. The same forestry's arm has two rows of tooth marks at this moment, and blood is flowing out, but the wound does not look deep.

Just when the Husky was about to continue its attack, Xiang Jing stopped it. He had already tested the forestry ability, and there was no need to continue the attack.

Hearing the end of the battle, the Husky suddenly changed his face, sticking out his tongue and wagging his tail, trotting to Xiang Jing, looking at him flatteringly, licking the dog eleven.

It is totally different from the fierce beast that bit the forestry arm before. Those who don't know will really mistake it for just an ordinary pet dog.

Xiang Jing didn't look at it, but patted its dog's head and let it stay aside.

After circling Xiang Jing twice, the Husky ran back to the place where he was just now and lay down again, and went back to look for his poodle in his dream.

Forestry simply treated the wound and stood next to Xiang Jing, waiting for Li Qiang's evolution to end.

Linyuan Corpse King suddenly made up a knife next to him and said, "Forestry, do you want to get a rabies vaccine?"

Forestry gave him a white look and ignored him, but touched the wound with his hand. He wondered if he would go to the medical care area to ask if there is such a thing as a rabies vaccine.

Xiang Jing looked at Li Qiang, who was surrounded by thunder and water, and the lightning on his body was obviously stronger and stronger than the water.

It is estimated that it is caused by the uneven use of gene medicine, but there should be no problem.

Also because of the dual-attribute physique, he will spend a lot longer than forestry.

After almost half an hour, the thunder and water on Li Qiang's body gradually retracted into his body.

After he opened his eyes, his expression was similar to that of Forestry, with surprise and joy.

Xiang Jing asked him to try his strength.

Li Qiang nodded, and the water flow in his right hand converged, and a small whirlpool soon formed and threw it forward.

Suddenly after the whirlpool left his hand, it was like a small waterspout, sucking all the surrounding things in.

Xiang Jing asked the weaker ones to stay away. The power of the waterspout sucked a person with one or two hundred times the power in, just like playing around.

Mainly because of Li Qiang's own strength, the waterspout has so much power.

Following Li Qiang's left hand thunder flashing, a thunderbolt rushed out of his hand and hit the waterspout.

Thunder flickered on the waterspout, and then the whole explosion burst, and the surrounding area became a restricted area with thunder-filled water.

And the power of this explosion is enough to tear and destroy everything in the waterspout.

After seeing the power of Li Qiang's ability, Xiang Jing beckoned him and asked him to try two tricks with himself.

Now he and Li Qiang are the only ones who have broken through five hundred times the power, and only he has the ability to fight against Li Qiang. No one else can resist it.

Strength also wanted to try his current strength, Xiang Jing just can help him, eager to try.

Because of site restrictions and the strength of the two sides, Xiang Jing didn't want to discuss the whole city and dismantled it. It was stipulated that weapons could not be used.

Li Qiang's pure power is now 580 times, and now that his ability is greatly enhanced, Xiang Jing has to take it seriously.

The strength of 520 times, coupled with the characteristics of the blue dragon totem, increases the strength by 26 times. The first three forms of the Demon Eight Form are superimposed forty times, and the overall strength is 586 times.

Xiang Jing felt that his strength had almost risen, so he rushed directly to Li Qiang.

Li Qiang was also unambiguous when he saw Xiang Jing pounce on his face, raising his leg was a side kick.

The powerful force brought the sound of breaking the wind, Xiang Jing threw his fist to resist, and a sonic boom sounded under the collision.

The sudden shock made the husky, who was just about to go further with the poodle, awakened again.

I looked up and saw the fierce collision of the two streamers in front of me. The speed was so fast that I couldn't see the figure. The air sonic boom sounded continuously, and the entire central square was hit and pitted, and most of it collapsed.

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