Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 147: : Go to war

Xiang Jing guessed that this was just the vanguard, and the real main force had not yet arrived.

Such a terrifying army of monsters turned out to be just the vanguard. It was terrifying to think about it, and the real main force could hardly be imagined.

After observing a circle, Xiang Jing didn't make any movement. He left here and went to look outside the other three walls, but did not notice the phenomenon of monsters gathering.

It seems that this group of monsters is planning to use the north gate of the inner city of Tiankui as their main target.

Xiang Jing came to Li Qiang's temporary residence. After such a long period of construction, the height of the four walls is about ten meters, which is considered to have a certain scale.

Xiang Jing asked Li Qiang to inform all the people who could not reserve and those who could not come here, as well as the six of Han Feng Qi Mo Lin Yaozu.

This time they were only assembled, and the Linyuan Corpse King of Forestry continued to build on their respective walls.

These people are all very efficient in action, and they have all assembled in ten minutes, and the farthest is from the South City Gate.

Xiang Jing took out the newly drawn mountain forest map and said, "Now in the mountain forest 700 meters away from the North City Gate, there are no less than 50,000 monsters. These are just the vanguard forces. I want you to solve them before their main force arrives. Drop these monsters."

Li Qiang looked at the map, thought for a while and said, "Town Lord, I will take them."

The number of monsters with 50,000 heads is too huge. There are only 483 people here. Facing an enemy a hundred times more than one's own, it is no different from sending to death.

Li Qiang took this into consideration before proposing to lead the team.

Xiang Jing raised his hand to reject him and said, "This action will only let them go. Don't worry, these monsters are just the vanguard. They have not arrived yet and they can handle it."

Of course, Xiang Jing couldn't let the hard-trained people go to death. Although the monsters were a hundred times greater than them, their overall strength still had the advantage, not without the power of a battle.

And only if they have experienced the baptism of real war, these people can continue to transform into growth and become stronger.

Li Qiang was obedient and knew that he had thought about it. Xiang Jing must have made the decision after consideration.

"Clean up your own guys, and we will support you when necessary." Xiang Jingyi pointed to the outside of the city wall and drank "Go!"


Four hundred and eighty-three people responded in unison, and the three hundred people who were unable to reserve quickly began to line up in units of combat teams.

There are a total of four teams, each with seventy-five people, each with twenty-five people, each with swordsmen, gunners, and crossbowmen.

Excluding the six Han Feng, the remaining 177 unavailable members are a three-person team, a total of 59 groups.

The battle formation is very simple. Three hundred people in the reserve team are the vanguards, one hundred and seventy-seven members are unable to cover and cooperate with the attack. Han Feng Zimo and six people attack freely.

Ascending to the north wall, which is still being heightened, Xiang Jing took out the orbital gun mount of the church to the side.

Although the material of the inner city wall cannot be completely in accordance with the drawings of the Kingdom of God, the thickness and width of these areas are all built in strict accordance with the proportions.

Each city wall is 30 meters thick, and passing four cars at the same time is not a problem.

Moreover, the inside of the wall is not hollow or fixed with steel bones. It is all built with solid materials.

It doesn't take up much space to put a temple railgun, which is like the paper-like wall built by the previous dynasty and has no place to stand.

Xiang Jing adjusted the muzzle of the orbital artillery in the temple, aiming at the mountain forest, it shot out, then turned the angle a little, and shot it again. Then he shot all three artillery guns and rehearsed in a line, and hit the forest Among.

Suddenly, the gunpowder smoke filled the sky, the fire blasted into the sky, and it was accompanied by the roar and screams of a large number of monsters.

Xiang Jing's three guns directly opened the war, and the 483 people who were already ready to go, roared towards the mountains and forests.

The monster army in the forest roared for the first time, and then the tide-like monsters poured out of the forest and rushed towards Han Fengqimo and them.

The strength of the six Han Feng Qimo was far superior to the others, and they accelerated to throw them away, and directly rushed into the monster group, slashing.

For a while, blood splattered from the stump and broken arm, and in just a short while, no less than a hundred monsters died under their hands.

After a sprint, they quickly broke away from the group of monsters and killed them behind them. There were more advanced and powerful monsters there, and they were also the leaders in command of these monsters.

They know what they should do, and kill the enemy's main force is what they should do.

The hundreds of people behind were not to be outdone, like a sharp sword inserted into the monster army, directly separating it from it, cooperating with each other, harvesting the lives of this group of monsters in a rhythmic and orderly manner.

A great battle started. The enemy was 50,000 and ours was not enough, but Xiang Jing was going to fight, and the blood of humanity could not be wiped out because of this environment.

Xiang Jing snapped his fingers, and the projection light curtain opened over the entire Tiankui City. This time it was not Xiang Jing or the forestry figure, but the battlefield less than 500 meters away from the North City Gate.

As long as it is within the scope of Tiankui City, regardless of the inner city or outer city, you can clearly see what happened on the light curtain.

At this time, everyone in the city stopped their work and looked up at the monster group in the light curtain. The humans holding weapons and struggling to kill, their weapons and their bodies were dyed red with blood, and their bodies were under their feet. They piled up into mountains, and monsters came one after another, but they still couldn't stop their steady progress.


At the rear of the monster army, a loud noise suddenly erupted in the mountains and forests, and then the two figures jumped into the sky.

One of them is Han Feng, and the other is a monster like a gorilla but covered in barbs.

Unexpectedly, there is a monster with more than 300 times the power in this monster army.

In mid-air, Han Feng held a short spear, greeted the enemy, and pierced the monster's four eyeballs.

The gorilla monster roared and reached out to grab Han Feng's short gun.

But in the next moment it was directly pierced, and after the short spear passed through its palm, it cast its momentum unabated, and directly stabbed it towards the head.

However, due to the length of the short gun, Han Feng was already very close to the gorilla at this time.

The gorilla endured the severe pain in his palm, and angrily waved his other palm toward Han Feng's head.

Han Feng didn't even look at it, and was unmoved, only the short spear in his hand and the enemy in front of him.


With a sound, Han Feng's short spear stabbed into the gorilla's head, and its palm was only a piece of paper away from Han Feng at the moment, and the whistling wind blew his hair into chaos.

Han Feng drew his gun and announced the death of the gorilla monster.

Han Feng is not a brainless person. Within a period of their leaping in the air, they had already calculated **** this gorilla under the gun, and the result was not beyond his expectations.

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