Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 151: : Three fools on sled

The battle scenes of Xiang Jing and Feitu, the battle scenes of Li Qiang and the mantis monster Basilisk, including the scene of Tiankui City being attacked by an army of monsters, are divided into three screens by the light curtain, and three battle scenes can be seen at the same time.

Seeing the earth-shattering battle scene, even people in other corners of Sichuan Province could not help but feel horrified.

The people in Tiankui City are even more so. They are only one wall apart from that battlefield, and even in the direction of the southern city, which is the furthest away, they can feel the powerful aftermath of energy.

After Feitu's order was issued, the ten monsters had already assembled an army and launched an attack towards the northern wall of Tiankui City.

"Death to guard Tiankui City!"

The forestry roared, and the sanctuary railgun fired three shots in a row, smashing into the dark army of monsters below.

However, this templar railgun can only cause damage to monsters less than a hundred times, but monsters over a hundred times have no effect.

But this does not affect the determination of everyone on the wall to defend Tiankui City.

"Death to guard Tiankui City!"

In such a loud shout, the people on the city wall raised their weapons and attacked the monster trying to climb on the city wall.


The quantum barrier works, unfolds the defensive barrier, and keeps the entire monster army outside the city wall.

One after another monsters tumbled and fell, but afterwards, countless monsters filled the vacancy in an attempt to break through the quantum barrier.


A giant monster standing upright for several tens of meters, higher than the entire Tiankui city wall, roared, waving four small hill-like fists against the defensive barrier.

The power of this monster was about three hundred and fifty times, and the defensive barrier was definitely unable to hold up under a few punches.

"court death!"

With a cold snort, the forestry leaped up from the city wall, holding a **** knife in his hand, and slashed at the giant monster.

The light of the knife flashed, and the giant monster's four huge arms were cut off, and even its head moved with it.

Forestry rushed out of the defensive barrier, and after a few slashes, there were patches of monsters that died in his hands, including several monsters more than 300 times larger.

Forestry quickly swung a few knives, broke a path, and returned to the city wall.

After kicking the husky and standing aside, he said, "Hey, dead dog, you don't want to be stewed in dog broth, just show your skills, otherwise the city lord's methods, you know."

The Husky on the side felt that the human still remembered the hatred he bit him before, but there was no evidence.

It doesn't need to say that it will also shoot. His life is still in Xiang Jing's hand, and Xiang Jing promised it before. When this battle is won, all the little **** in Tiankui City will pick it up.

For the little bitch, a raging fighting spirit burned in the Husky's heart.

With a disdainful snort, the Husky stepped forward to the edge of the city wall, stood on all fours, suddenly opened his mouth, and let out an earth-shattering beast roar.

With this roar, the forestry standing next to it was almost stunned, and many of the monsters outside were shocked to death by the roar and lost consciousness.

But they are all relatively low-level, but they also clean up a wave of monsters.

"Erha, you actually took refuge in the enemy!"

Suddenly among the monster army, a loud roar sounded, and an Alaska with the size of a husky stood on the back of a monster and stared at the husky on the city wall.

"Tear home, why are you here? Let me explain."

The Husky saw Alaska and hurriedly wanted to explain.

"Needless to say! I am going to kill my relatives righteously today, and kill you, the scum of the dog!"

Alaska roared, suddenly rushed out of the monster army, and went straight to the defensive barrier.

The Husky barked his teeth and leaped out of the defensive barrier. The two dogs collided in mid-air, and their teeth and claws were used together, and the dog's hair flew all over the sky.

The strength of this Alaska is not weak. It is also more than 400 times more powerful. It belongs to one of the ten monsters, and its strength belongs to the middle class.

The Huskies are only four hundred and forty times more powerful, and Alaska has more than four hundred and seventy times, which is a full height of the Huskies.

The two dogs fought hard in the monster army.

They had a good fight, but the low-level monsters beside them died a lot.

Suddenly, the Husky bit Alaska's ear, then shook off the monster beside him and jumped back to the wall.

Forestry saw the husky grinning and licking the wound on his body, and realized that it had defeated Alaska.

Alaska looked at the huskies returning to the city wall, suddenly turned around and returned to the ten monsters.

A few minutes later, something that everyone didn't expect happened.

Behind the monster army, where the ten monsters gathered, a loud noise suddenly erupted. The impact caused by the powerful energy shook all the monsters in that circle to death, including some weaker monsters with more than 300 times the power.

Forestry quickly raised his eyes and saw that there were two dogs and five monsters of different shapes facing each other. There were also three monster bodies, all of which were the ten monsters just now.

"You two beasts dare to betray the supreme Three Lord Saint King!"

One of the monsters with three heads roared, "Today you are all going to die!"

Standing next to Alaska was a Samoyed. It glanced disdainfully at the five monsters on the opposite side and said, "I wanted to save your life for a little bit of affection, but you just said that, you must die. !"

As soon as Samoyed's voice fell, the dog's shadow flashed, and one of the three-headed monsters had already been trampled under its feet.

"Tell you, I have a name, and I am King Satsuma!"


The three-headed monster clutched the wound that had lost its head and screamed. Alaska on the side saw it and went straight up and killed it.

"If you want to die, please try! I see who can stop our two brothers today!"

Samoyed snorted coldly, turned around dismissively and swaggered towards the north wall with Alaska.

No monsters dared to provoke them along the way and could not make way for them.

Li Qiang, who was dedicated to fighting the monsters, didn't know this scene, but Xiang Jing and the people on the city wall could see it clearly.

With a sword smashed away from Feitu's attack, Xiang Jing glanced at the city wall, thinking that these two dogs were a bit interesting, and it was estimated that the sled would be all three fools.

"Huh!" Fight with me and dare to be distracted, let's take your life!

The pitch-black energy in Feitu's hands surged, and he attacked Xiang Jing with two hook-like weapons in his hands.

Xiang Jing waved his steel wings and avoided this trick flexibly.

Its black energy is indeed very strange, and the Silver Wing, which has just been soaked by it, immediately loses contact and can't control it.

But that's it.

Xiang Jing didn't care about fighting with Photograph, distracted to check other aspects of the situation.

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