Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 172: : The Fourth Prince

This is the text of the Motoco family, and it says "The third city, Akura, No. 707, the 13th main road of Qimat, the owner of Sokha Road, and the appearance."

A green light flashed, proving that the man named Sokalu was safe.

The information identities such as Sokalu were fabricated by Yuan Yuan out of thin air, and they were forced to implant them in their database without knowing it.

Although the technological civilization of the Modoco people is very advanced, they are still children in front of the system.

The thirteenth main road 707 was also an empty house, which happened to give Xiang Jing an advantage.

The chief of guard put away the light curtain, his attitude was obviously eased a lot. "Recently, the country is not peaceful, please pay attention to your safety. Our guard team will **** you back to the third city of Akula, and please cooperate with us in taking notes."

Xiang Jing looked at the guards gratefully, tears in the corners of his excited eyes, and thanked him repeatedly.

Following Xiang Jing, he stood on the frisbee of the security regiment and flew away with them.

At the same time, Xiang Jing Road was also thinking about a question. Since he would be teleported to other planets millions of light years away from the earth, would that little girl be like him, no longer on earth at this time.

Thinking of this, Xiang Jing felt confused. This is undoubtedly a very bad guess.

I hope this is just my own guess.

Just as Xiang Jing was thinking about things, a very huge miniature city could already be seen ahead.

From Xiang Jing's perspective, it can be seen that it is a huge city suspended in the sky.

The scale of this city is no less than the full version of Tiankui City, and it has already taken shape.

This is the third-ranked Motoco star, the third city of Akula.

Xiang Jing is high in the sky, and you can see patrolling teams densely underneath. The ground and sky are full of strangely shaped and various means of transportation. There are people from the Motogo clan everywhere, as well as other creatures. It should be other planets. Coming.

There are also some huge beasts pulling cargo carts and so on.

At a glance, Xiang Jing's first impression was prosperous, extremely prosperous.

Over the area close to Akula, there are also heavily guarded and special high-tech defense barriers.

Upon closer inspection, I discovered that this super-giant city was not suspended in the air, but started construction on a few high mountains. It used a kind of anti-gravitational high-tech, similar to the principle of same-sex repulsion. Steady, this caused the spectacular phenomenon of the floating city.

Xiang Jing followed the chief of security through multiple inspections, recorded the case transcript, and reissued the certificate. Only then did he gain freedom and leave the police station.

As soon as he left the police station, there was a dull hum like a horn in his ears.

Immediately after that, no matter what people were doing, everything stopped at this moment, and then knelt down, bowed his head respectfully, and folded his hands together.

At this moment, Xiang Jing is also kneeling on the ground doing the same movements like all the other people from other planets of the Moldovan tribe.

But he didn't really kneel down and controlled his body very well with his strength. No one could see it, and no one would notice him.

The horn sounded four times in succession from far to near, and then a shadow enveloped the city gate.

An extremely large beast, with a head like a cow, with four horns, a mouth like a snake, two long beards beside its cheeks, four legs, two tails, red and blue all over the body, and red is the majority.

In the information materials obtained by Xiang Jing, if this kind of horn appears in the Modoco people, it means that there are people with extremely noble status and status. All people below the four-star rank must bow down to show respect.

There are many officials and generals under the royal family of Moldova.

Unification is divided from one star to five stars, with one star being the worst, and five stars being the highest, which is only one line behind the royal family and the king.

Further down there are small officials of innumerable large and small, etc., which is nothing at all.

In the current situation, the horns rang four times, and there is such a Motoco star, the royal behemoth is the first to open the way, which means that a certain royal or prince passed here.

Although the princes are put together to say, but the king is always a member of the royal family, and his status is more or less higher than that of the prince.

After the behemoth, an extremely luxurious huge car slowly passed over the entire city, looking like a small mobile fortress.

Next to the car, there are neatly and well-equipped military guards. The two guards in front hold flags high in their hands, with a pattern of a red plant on a yellow background and gold border.

This is a unique symbol of the royal family of Moldova, implying the supreme status and inviolable dignity.

The two guards at the back held a flag with a red beast figure on a yellow background and gold border.

This is the fourth prince of the royal family of Moldova, the banner of the Modoco Vodma, and the brother of the contemporary Lord of Moldova, ranking fourth in the entire royal family.

Modoco Vodma is one of the strongest people in the whole Modoco clan, and is regarded as the **** of war of the Modoco clan.

Rumor has it that the previous Lord of Moldova died of illness, and there were many sons vying for the position of the Lord, but only the younger brother of Modoco Wodema, the current Lord, succeeded. .

As for the failed royal families, most of them were killed by Modoco Vodma when they seized power.

It can be said that Modoco Wodeba can sit on the position of this country's lord, and most of them rely on this brave and invincible brother.

Xiang Jing's belly slandered, this Motogo is a race that has been developed for tens of thousands of years. The scientific and technological civilization is well developed, but this feudal system is still retained.

But this is a matter of other planets, and Xiang Jing is too lazy to participate in the work.

But the huge car was a bit messy, so get one back and drive out.

There is also the God of War of the Moldogo family. Xiang Jing didn't expect to meet it so soon, and he didn't know the strength of the God of War of the Moldogo family. I really wanted to try two tricks with him.

The car of Modoco Vodmar ran over and left quickly, and the mighty and incomparable caravan drifted away, and finally disappeared from the sight of the crowd.

Then everyone got up and went back to what was not done or what was being done.

Xiang Jing got up and started to wander around on this strange planet, strange country, and strange city. He had to buy some novel things when he saw it.

The general currency system store of the Moldoco family also has some exchanges. One point of hunting points is exchanged for 10,000, and Xiang Jing is exchanged for 1,000 hunting points, which is 10 million. It can be said to be very cheap.

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