Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 180: :truth

Xiang Jing even saw his manor, in the lower left corner of this picture.

And in the center of this picture is a black circle, which looks like a bottomless black hole, constantly devouring everything around it.

Looking at this picture, Xiang Jing felt a very uncomfortable feeling in his heart, like a person falling into the water, unable to struggle, only gradually feeling that he was submerged, suffocated, and then died.

Frowning, Xiang Jing folded the picture and put it away. There are still thirteen days. After the source charge is over, he can leave here and return to Earth, hoping that there will be no moths during this period.

"Master Sokalu, the manor has been inspected, no suspicious persons have been found, the defense has been strengthened, and it is patrolling 24 hours a day."

Abbey Road came to Xiang Jing to make a report.

Xiang Jing nodded, turned and jumped from the top of the tower.

In the dark, Xiang Jing lay on the soft big bed, slowly becoming sleepy, closed his eyes, and gradually evened his breathing.

And outside, tonight's third city is destined to be unstable.

The patrols conducted house-to-house searches, no matter whether they were high-ranking officials or wealthy businessmen, none of them were spared.

Such a carpet search, although time-consuming and labor-intensive, is more effective.


An old house in the corner of the city was directly reduced to rubble in an explosion. Several dark shadows sprang from it and fled quickly, followed by the patrol team.

In an instant, lasers of various weapons were blasted in the air, and the surrounding buildings and streets were beaten to ruin, and many civilians were accidentally injured.

"#160;#160;#160; As soon as I thought of this, the chase became more fierce. At the same time, nearby patrol teams were also quickly surrounded, and various high-tech tracking and capturing equipment were also presented.

"The second team, four teams, and seven pairs blocked them in front of them, and the first team followed me."

Mojiduo said in a deep voice, these rioters finally couldn't help showing their feet, and they must gain something today, otherwise they would be ashamed of the trust of the residents and the lord of the third city.


Led by Mojido himself, four teams surrounded the men in black at a crossroad.

Seeing the security team pressing forward, the three men in black raised their weapons one after another, preparing to fight to the death, even if they died, they could not fall into their hands.

As soon as Mojido raised his hand, the four teams stopped at the same time, besieging but not attacking.

"Current Capture Network!"

Following Mojido's order, the four teams took out white **** one after another and threw them at the three men in black.

The sphere suddenly dispersed in mid-air, turning into a net of carrying currents, and falling towards the man in black.

The current grid is intertwined, covering the entire sky above the man in black.

The three men in black yelled, raising their weapons to tear the nets.

However, when their weapons came into contact with the electric current grid, they were shaken by the electric current conducted from above and the weapons were released.

The material used to make the current grid is also extremely strong, and such an attack cannot be destroyed at all.

Seeing the overwhelming pressure of the electric current network, the eyes of the three men in black showed decisive expressions.

Once trapped by the current grid, the current above will immediately disable them and become lambs to be slaughtered.

"The truth will eventually come to light!"

At the last moment, the three men in black yelled in unison, violently tore open the night clothes on their chests and pressed them down.

Just like Time suddenly pressed the pause button, and the lives of three men in black were paused at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, their bodies began to twist, as if space was twisted, they were directly twisted into a mass of flesh and blood.

The three groups of flesh and blood quickly condensed and turned into three pitch-black spheres.

Seeing these three pitch-black spheres, an unprecedented sense of crisis arose in Mojido's heart.

This sense of crisis has only appeared when someone wanted to kill many times.

Without hesitation, Mojido urged all the defensive items on his body, and the whole person threw back desperately.


The gears of time began to turn again, and at that moment, Mojido had just made a slamming motion.

However, the three pitch-black spheres exploded like an inflated sphere.

The surrounding buildings instantly turned into dust, and the guards died directly in the fire and impact, and the rest were lifted out and lost their lives in the air.

Three whole blocks were turned into nothingness at this moment.

Looking down from the sky, the third city seemed to have been hollowed out suddenly.

This sudden explosion awakened the entire third city, but the ban was still there and no one dared to go out.

Xiang Jing frowned and sat up on the bed. He could hear all the movements of the explosion.

He got up and walked out of the room and ran into Abbey Road head on.

"Master Sokalu, it looks dangerous outside now. For your safety, please stay in the room and at least don't leave the manor."

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Xiang Jing said, passing by Abby Road, and went straight to the top of the tower.

In the urban area in the distance, gunpowder was filled with smoke and fire, and an entire area was completely destroyed. Screams, wailing, and bitter crying sounded across the sky.

The figure flashed, and Xiang Jing was already at the scene of the explosion the next moment.

Only when you really come here can you appreciate the damage caused by this explosion.

The garrison and ambulance personnel are rescuing and extinguishing the fire as quickly as possible, and the rubble is everywhere with broken arms and crying sounds.

There was an aura that made Xiang Jing feel disgusting all around, not to mention it, but it was very similar to the picture he drew.

"City Lord, hold on, and the ambulance crew will arrive soon!"

As Xiang Jing looked around, a startled breath caught his attention.

Looking at it, Mojiduo was crushed under the ruins, his body was scorched, and the blood flow continued. He had lost consciousness, but he was still alive, and a group of people surrounded him.

A relatively powerful person, using his own power and equipment to remove all the ruins that were pressing on Mojido.

Afterwards, some of the first aid medicine and special effects were all taken by Mojido, which could stabilise his life.

Xiang Jing glanced twice, and after confirming that he would not die, he walked towards the source of the explosion.

When it came to the source of the explosion, the entire area had been bombed and collapsed, revealing the routes of various damaged facilities below.

There was still an unusually boring and nauseous smell at the scene, which is hard to say, but it makes people feel sick and uncomfortable.

Xiang Jing sniffed, held his breath, and looked around.

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