Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 186: :underground

The fourth prince stood up and walked outside, "I don't want the money to be returned to you, you will die, no matter how much money you have, you have to spend your life."

Xiang Jing lowered his eyebrows and smiled pleasingly, noncommittal.

It is not so much to protect him as to imprison him in disguise. The news that he left the third city all night last night must have been known to the third prince the first time.

In this sensitive period, there is really no problem with the third prince.

Xiang Jing doesn't matter, it's the same everywhere he goes, anyway, the plan continues as usual.

Morin has already been resolved over there, and then it depends on how to deal with it on the ground.

I don't know if the rioters in the city have been caught. If they are forced to confess to the City of Dawn, then it will be in trouble.

Xiang Jing stood by the window of the room above the high tower. There was only one way from here to the bottom of the tower. There were many guards guarding him in the open and in the dark. Outside there were ten steps, one post, five steps and one guard, and even a fly flew. Not coming in.

Xiang Jing is like a prisoner. Someone will bring him food and drink. Even if he wants to go out, he can only be within a limited range.

Touching his chin, Xiang Jing didn't know what the third prince was making, but none of these could reflect him.

He spent hunting points in exchange for a high-level intelligent puppet, and re-engraved some of his own information into the terminal chip. Xiang Jing left quietly in this manor that was called an iron barrel.

To enter the third city, you have to pass through a dense forest, which is filled with the third prince's people. Xiang Jing changed his appearance, hid his figure, and passed through here quietly.

When passing a small mountain bag, Xiang Jing found that there were more soldiers stationed here than in other places, and he quickly left after a quick glance.

Back to the third city, Xiang Jing found a place to live at will. The manor was temporarily unable to go back, and he must have been monitored by the Third Prince's troops.

Until night fell, Xiang Jingjing stayed in a tavern, and then took advantage of the deep darkness and melted into the thick darkness.

Xiang Jing went all the way to the garrison station, touched into the prison where the prisoner was held, and scanned it carefully, but he didn't see anyone in black, nor did he see a Motoco star who was covered in blue.

The entire security regiment was searched inside and out, and even the underground arsenal was not let go. After a round of search and no results, Xiang Jing left here.

"It shouldn't be"

Xiang Jing held his chin with one hand, "The Security Corps has such advanced manpower and material resources. It shouldn't be that no one has been caught for a whole day, but it is impossible for those thugs to escape a completely blocked third city."


Xiang Jing thought about this possibility, and shook his head in denial. The first time he blew himself up, he probably didn't expect it. Later, if the mob thinks about the possibility of blew up again, the Star of Modoco is a 30,000-year-old civilization planet. If even this problem is solved No, it would have survived for 30,000 years.

After thinking about going, Xiang Jing thought of several possible places, the first one was the City Lord's Mansion.

Along the night, Xiang Jing quietly sneaked into the city lord's mansion, but after searching the entire city lord's mansion upright, he did not find the mob caught.

Without staying too much, Xiang Jing went straight to a place.

That was the first day he came to this planet and was escorted to the place that night.

Although he was on an airtight car along the way, and the car had no obvious trajectory, Xiang Jing left a mark there and found it easily.

A military base built inside the mountain, hollowed out the entire mountain, and then expanded into a huge base with the help of high-tech equipment.

Xiang Jing spent hunting points and entered this again without disturbing anyone.

If no one swaggered and searched the entire base, they had been searched on the ground and found nothing.

After opening a hidden door, Xiang Jing walked into a passage leading to the underground.

Walking on the stairs of Hui's surname, Xiang Jing couldn't help speeding up, and the 100,000-meter long corridor in Morin was still fresh in his memory.

After a while, he heard movement under the stairs.

Slowing down, Xiang Jing fumbled against the wall. At the corner of the stairs in front, there was a man-made hole in the wall.

Xiang Jing stood in front of the cave entrance, disabled the alarm at the source control door, and quickly entered inside.

There was a passage behind the entrance of the cave. Xiang Jing turned left and right and walked about a kilometer before reaching the end.

The light at the end was similar to that in the corridor, very dim and suppressed.

Xiang Jing stepped out of the channel and entered a large space.

This place is surrounded by dark walls and huge pillars, which looks spectacular.

But there are still many figures in it, all tied with shackles and chains, and long chains extend into the wall.

Xiang Jing took a closer look and saw that there were other strange creatures outside of the Modoco clan.

It doesn't look like an animal, but it is also an intelligent creature, perhaps a creature from another planet.

All of these people locked here are dying and have lost consciousness at the moment, and their bodies are covered with various wounds, and they don't know what punishment they have received before.

Xiang Jing approached them, looked around carefully, and suddenly there was a faint voice of conversation in the passage outside.

Xiang Jing glanced towards the entrance of the passage, and quickly flashed a pillar on his body, hiding it in the shadow. At this angle, you can see the whole space by just a little probe.

After a while, two figures walked in here, two fully armed guards.

"Damn, let us two come again, do you really think we are their subordinates."

A Modoco star on the left, slightly thinner, said dissatisfied.

The slightly fatter one on the right said, "Is there any way, we are newcomers, and we are the only ones who do these dirty work."

The thin man curled his lips and said, "Hey, you say, we are sending people to the bottom every day, what are we doing now?"

The fat man pursed his lips and said, "Ghost knows, let's just follow the instructions above. Otherwise, if you are unhappy, maybe we will be here one day."

The thin man couldn't help but shivered, and repeatedly said, "Let's work quickly, I don't want to make that unhappy."

As they said, they walked straight to a Modoco star, unlocked the chains that had locked him, and carried him out one after another.

I don't know whether the fat man intentionally or unintentionally murmured, "Last time I smelled a pungent and unpleasant smell from below, I also saw some organs and limbs."

"What did you say?" The thin man asked back.

"It's nothing, let's go quickly, we can't afford it when we are late."

All of their conversations were heard exactly in their ears.

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