Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 190: : Huon

"White Devil."

"Sorry sir" said the bartender, "we don't have this kind of wine here, and we won't make this kind of wine."

The white devil is a taboo, and this is something that the entire Mordochian people know.

People usually avoid these three words, let alone as the name of a wine.

And Xiang Jing blatantly said these three words, no one knows what kind of consequences it will cause.

Xiang Jing calmly threw a bag of Motoco gold coins toward the bar, about a thousand.

"Can it be adjusted now?"

The bag seemed to sway accidentally, and the opening was opened when it was tilted, revealing the golden coins inside.

Seeing so much money, but still pure gold coins, no one is not moved.

A few even put their hands on their waists quietly.

"Sir, I don't know what I can do for you."

When the atmosphere became very strange, a well-dressed and elegant man walked out of the backstage.

Seeing the people coming, the whole tavern became quiet instantly.

"It's Boss Huon, Boss Huon is out, this kid is going to be unlucky."

"I heard that Boss Huon came here to make trouble last time, and he's still lying in the hospital."

"It is rumored that Boss Huon has an official background. No one in the entire First City dared to mess with him. This kid must have gone sideways today."

"It's that Mr. Huon turned out to be a queen bartender, with a superb technique of sweet wine. It is said that a cup of red moon made at the peak was sold for a high price of ten thousand gold."

Many alcoholics couldn't help but lick their lips.

"If I can taste the best product that Huon boss tuned out, it will make me want to live ten years less."

A group of people gloated at Xiang Jing, and those with weapons in their hands were holding wine glasses and drinking leisurely.

I saw Huon walk straight to the bartender's position, let the original bartender go down first, and then looked at Xiang Jing and asked.

Xiang Jing looked at him and said again, "The White Devil."

Huon nodded calmly and said, "Okay, please wait a moment."

Under the horrified gaze of most people, the bartender calmly removed many kinds of wine from the wine cabinet.

Then the various wines were mixed and adjusted, and this was repeated nine times. At the moment when the wine cup was opened, a strange smell drifted out of it and instantly filled the entire tavern.

The bartender put the prepared wine in front of Xiang Jing and said, "Please use it slowly."

Seeing the glass of wine in front of him that was filled with fairy mist, hazy, and exuding bursts of strange fragrance, Xiang Jing took a sip.

Then he nodded and said, "A well-deserved name, this bag of gold coins belongs to you."

Xiang Jinghao directly threw a bag of gold coins on the bar to the bartender.

Everyone's gazes at Xiang Jing changed unanimously. They thought it was a small character who finds fault, but it doesn't look like that now.

This person's background may be much larger than expected.

Immediately someone searched for Xiang Jing's appearance and information in his mind.

But after thinking about it for a long time, the result was only zero.

Xiang Jing's whole body was instantly covered with a veil of mystery, making people unpredictable.

In the first city of Moldova, in this tavern, it was the first time they dared to talk to the owner Huon like this.

Xiang Jing slowly tasted the rare wine, which caused a group of drunkards to stare and swallow.

Huon calmly accepted a bag of gold coins, smiled at Xiang Jing and said, "Sir, I would like to invite you to have a drink in there. I don't know what you want."

Xiang Jing put down the remaining half of the white devil, raised his eyebrows and said, "It's better to be respectful than to obey."

After Xiang Jing left with Huon, the half glass of wine in front of the bar was instantly crowded with people, and everyone swallowed wildly and sniffed hard, but no one dared to move.

Xiang Jing followed Huon to the third floor of the tavern, in a private room that was very luxuriously decorated and could be described as inhuman.

Half of the entire third floor is the scope of this private room, which is like a small bar, basically has everything that should be there, and there are special people to serve, not only the Modo stars, but also the girls on other planets. Yes, it is a paradise for men.

Huon sat on the huge sofa and motioned Xiang Jing to sit freely.

Xiang Jing sat opposite him, and a few girls with angel faces and devil figures immediately surrounded him.

Xiang Jing leisurely enjoyed their service while drinking top-quality wine.

Huon wiped his hands with the best silk cloth, looked at Xiang Jing and said, "I don't know how I can help you?"

The white devil is taboo on the entire planet Modoco, but in his Huon, it also belongs to a kind of alcohol, the top alcoholic drink.

The number of people who know this wine will not exceed one slap. Although Huon has never seen the young man in front of him, since he knows the White Devil, and he came here by name, according to the rules he had set at the beginning, he can Agree to Xiang Jing's request within his ability.

Xiang Jing said with a harmless smile, "I want to know if the country lord is still alive?"

After hearing these words, Huon's face instantly became gloomy. He looked at Xiang Jing and said, "Sir, this joke is not funny at all."

Xiang Jing put away his smile and said sternly, "Do you think I am joking?"

Huon took care of his clothes and stood up and said, "I set the rules of the white devil, but this cannot be a reason for you to make trouble. I will pay for the expenses you are here today. I have something to do, please do it yourself. "

"Douglas Huon was born in a small town on the southern border of the Star of Modoco. He was admitted to the First Military Academy at the age of nineteen. He graduated as the best academy of the year. He joined the Third Army of the Moldovan Crusade in the same year. At the age of 20, until the age of 30, he recorded the missing persons file for ten years. After ten years, he reappeared in the first city and opened this tavern until now."

Hearing Xiang Jing telling about his own experience like a few Jiazhen, Huon stopped.

Xiang Jing continued confidently, “I’ll read another file, code-named seven, a shadow guard for the country’s lord, no information. It is mainly responsible for protecting the lord’s life and eliminating all threats to the lord’s safety. Hidden danger."

Xiang Jing looked at the expressionless Huon and said, "Shadow Seven, do you want me to continue?"

Huon stood there blankly, seeming to be trying to restrain something, but in the end he managed to endure no attack.

Sitting back in his seat, Huon drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, staring at Xiang Jing and said, "Who are you?"

Xiang Jing smiled and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is what you want to do next."

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