Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 198: : Five days

Xiang Jing nodded and did not answer any more.

The fourth prince looked directly at Xiang Jing and said, "Don't you have anything to tell me?"

Xiang Jing raised his eyebrows and said nonchalantly, "What do I want to tell you?"

The fourth prince squinted his eyes, "I went to the database to see your information, it is very complete, and it is complete so that no loopholes can be found."

"But one thing, I have always been puzzled. On this planet, you are like a stranger, and you seem incompatible with this place."

Xiang Jing said, "Since you have read my information, you should know that I was born and raised on an alien planet, and now I have returned to my hometown. Naturally, all aspects will look different."

The fourth prince paused and said, "My instinct tells me that there should be something hidden in you that I don't know."

"Heh" Xiang Jing smiled and said, "How dare I, you are the fourth prince, and the entire planet of Modoco is under one person and above ten thousand people. Isn't it easy to check me? , If you don’t believe it, you can investigate."

Feeling the full of mockery in Xiang Jing's words, the fourth prince stopped talking and walked away.

After the fourth prince left, Xiang Jing clearly noticed that the entire villa had more powerful aura and more troops.

Forget the time, you can return to Earth in eight days, and things here must be handled as soon as possible.

He can basically do it, and then it will be up to the Modoco Ward Dam to win the trust of the indigenous people in the underground city.

The third prince can now be said to be in charge of the entire Modoco Empire, but he is still a prince in name.

The wanted order for St. Pirates was quickly issued to the country and even the surrounding allies.

But that was just a disguised identity of Xiang Jing, they couldn't find it even if they turned the surrounding star field upside down.

After two full days, after searching for the family of the Lord of Modoco and Saint Thief, the Fourth Prince decisively sent soldiers to search for Morin.

However, when these soldiers entered the deep Morin, they all went and never returned.

The fourth prince then directly dispatched a hundred of his own guards.

These escorts are powerful, and their individual combat capabilities and team combat are far superior to ordinary troops.

They went deep into Morin, but Morin was too vast, even with the most advanced searchlighting equipment and weapons, their search speed was not much faster.

The search was still fruitless for three full days. The Fourth Prince gave a shocking order to burn Morin.

Not simply burning it, but using heavy firepower and large-scale state machinery to flatten the entire Morin to the ground.

This command should have been known to only a small group of people.

Because nominally the Fourth Prince is going to rescue the Lord’s family, but doing so may put the Lord’s family in fatal danger.

However, when Xiang Jing got the news, he would not allow the Fourth Prince to proceed so smoothly.

He edited a press release overnight, with the headline **** red in big letters, and then collected some evidence through the source method, and then sent it to all electronic devices in the entire Moroccan Empire and even the surrounding star domain.

The content edited by Xiang Jing is clearly shown on both the home and the building outside.

Moreover, it was screened at 360 degrees without blind spots, and could not be deleted from the shelves, as if it had been remotely controlled.

For a time, the entire Motoco empire was panicked, and various remarks against the Fourth Prince were scattered in the streets and alleys.

People from hundreds of years old to children who learn to speak have all known about this.

The Star Controls embassies of some neighboring countries in Motoco sent ambassadors to the palace to question the Fourth Prince.

After all, the image of this matter is too big to be exposed. Once exposed to everyone, it will not be able to be fooled by a sentence or two.

Moreover, some planetary leaders have a good relationship with Modoco Ward Dam, so it is natural to figure out this matter.

After all, this involves matters between planets and planets, and it will also affect the peace that the entire Star Alliance has built up so hard for so many years.

The fourth prince was naturally furious and ordered to delete these things. However, no matter what they did, they couldn't make it clear. They could only watch this article play in an endless loop.

The angry fourth prince almost demolished half of the palace hall.

In the face of the visits of ambassadors from various planets, he must restrain, receive patiently and explain clearly.

Once this matter is handled properly, the entire Motoco Empire will be isolated and attacked in groups.

At the very least, he must stabilize these planets and countries before he prepares everything and the plan is officially implemented.

After a long conversation, the Fourth Prince finally stabilized the ambassadors after paying a certain price.

But by doing this, he was pushed to the cusp of the storm, not to mention burning Morin, even a single spark could not appear.

Moreover, the safety of the family of the country owner must be guaranteed. This is the condition he negotiated with the envoys of several major countries.

After sending off the ambassadors, the fourth prince went straight to his secret base and ordered the process to be expedited. The plan must be implemented within seven days.

After Xiang Jing left, he came here once, and naturally he discovered that someone had sneaked in here.

The people here are absolutely loyal to him, so the fourth prince's first suspect is the only outsider Xiang Jing, so he will be tested.

However, Xiang Jing did not show any footwork, and the guards of the manor confirmed that they had been under surveillance.

And with the strength of Xiang Jing that the Fourth Prince saw, he didn't have the ability to come and go freely in his base.

But I don't know why, the Fourth Prince always has a knot in his heart. He always feels that Xiang Jing has a direct relationship with this matter, but he can't find evidence.

The fourth prince was very irritable. It was obvious that the entire Motoco empire was under his control, but he just felt that something hindered him and made him very uncomfortable.

And Xiang Jing, the initiator of all this, is silently calculating the countdown to return to Earth, as soon as the time is up, he will return to Earth.

He has already muddled the water of Modoco Star, and whoever can win in the end depends on their respective abilities.

But in the end, he can all rely on different identities to get a certain gain, but it is estimated that he has already returned to Earth by then.

"Five days left"

During these five days, Xiang Jing was leisurely in the manor of the Fourth Prince, enjoying an extravagant life that ordinary people could not imagine.

During the period, I also took time to go to Morin to look at the situation there.

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