Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 222: : Cockscomb

Forestry looked at the ten information sheets in his hand, nodded and said, "Brother Xiang, this is the information of the ten students in Tiankui City, do you want to see it."

Xiang Jing thought for a while and said, "Send it to me."

In the file transferred by opening the forestry, there are detailed information about ten students dispatched by Tiankui Academy.

After looking at it twice, he nodded and said, "You can contact Dean Sun to make arrangements, change the competition system, and add appropriate rewards."

Forestry nodded and said, "Brother Xiang, don't worry, I will contact Dean Sun later."

"By the way, I also told Dean Sun that the previous screening points will be recorded in the first round, and rewards will be issued as usual, and there will be a second round of screening, which will be set by our Tiankui City personally, with the rules and time and place."

After Forestry heard this, he nodded and agreed. Xiang Jing was obvious to all of his dissatisfaction, and he seemed to be ready to take over.

In the morning of the next day, Xiang Jing got up early and ran in the morning. After returning to take a shower, he went to the cafeteria to eat. Many students on the road avoided him and pointed at him from time to time.

As soon as they sat down to eat, Qin Hu and Yuyang sat opposite him, and they kept staring at him without talking.

Xiang Jing was a little uncomfortable when they saw him, and asked, "Why are you staring at me, there are flowers on my face?"

"Classmate, are you a human?" Qin Hu asked abruptly.

Xiang Jing almost didn't squirt a mouthful of milk and said, "Do you think I am not like a person?"

Yuyang looked at Xiang Jing carefully, as if he wanted to see through him, and shook his head after a while and said, "Weird, really weird."

Xiang Jing looked at them confused, "What are you talking about, what's weird?"

"Your game yesterday!" Qin Hu widened his eyes and said, "You didn't know that after you defeated Chu Kexin yesterday, the video of the battle was reposted on the college forum, and you are now a big red in our college. "

Xiang Jing frowned slightly and asked, "Who sent it?"

"You didn't send it?" It was Qin Hu and Yuyang's turn this time that they looked dumbfounded.

Xiang Jing shook his head and said, "I didn't send it."

Yuyang frowned and said, "Someone wants to frame you."

Qin Hu also reacted, "Fuck, did you offend someone?"

"Show me that video." Xiang Jing didn't think about who had offended him. It didn't matter who he was anyway.

"Now, look, this is the scene of your game yesterday. It looks like it was shot outside the court after zooming in."

Xiang Jing took over Qin Hu's communicator, and it played the game between him and Chu Kexin yesterday.

From the beginning to the end, everything was recorded intact, and shot from multiple angles, it is difficult to determine the specific shooting location.

Qin Hu took back his communicator and said, "But to be honest, you can defeat Chu Kexin really that no one has thought of. It really gives us a 14th-level long face..."

"But it's one thing for you to win. It's another thing to post this video to the college forum. Now everyone in the 16th grade is going to be angry. Although you didn't do it, no one would believe it. "

Yuyang earnestly helped Xiang Jing analyze the wave, and everyone suspected that Xiang Jing made this video for the first time.

He wants to prove himself in this competition. According to this guess, he did it. However, sending out the game video is a character issue.

And the video is still silent, no matter how you look at it from start to finish, no one in the project is bullying Chu Kexin.

Coupled with Chu Kexin's popularity and status in the academy, like the house goddess, Xiang Jing will naturally be listed as a public enemy.

Therefore, the person who framed Xiang Jing this time really succeeded in turning him into an enemy of the entire 16th grade.

Xiang Jing took a sip of milk and said, "Send me that video and I will see if I can find out something."

"Okay, when I look back, I will also find someone to check it for you. Be careful yourself. Yesterday, Level 16 eliminated a lot of people, so I didn't have that much care."

Qin Hu said and sent the video in his hand to Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing smiled indifferently and said, "Chu Kexin lost everything like that, and that group of 16th level is nothing more than that."

"Boy, you are crazy!"

On the dining table next to him, a cockscomb head slapped the table and said, stood up and walked in front of Xiang Jing, looked at him condescendingly and said, "You are the 14th-level kid who won Kexin yesterday."

"It happened to be looking for you." Cockscomb snapped the knuckles of his fingers and said, "Let's solve it here."

Xiang Jing sneered and said, "A trash that can't pass the first round of screening, what qualifications does it have to fight me?"

"And" Xiang Jing said, squinting his eyes, "I don't like someone standing talking to me."


Without warning, Xiang Jing raised his hand and patted Cockscomb's shoulders, Cockscomb's whole person lying directly on the ground uncontrollably.

The movement here immediately attracted the attention of all the students who were dining.

Cockscomb chuckled twice, got up from the ground and said, "I know I am not your opponent, so I borrowed the method you used to deal with Kun Xu Cai yesterday."

Cockscomb said as he took out a miniature camera device from his arms, with a win-winner expression on his face.

Xiang Jing looked at him like an old idiot and said, "Since I can use this method to deal with Kun Xucai, do you think I didn't expect others to use this technique to deal with me one day? Look at what you recorded."

Cockscomb was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Xiang Jing calmly, not as if he was lying, he turned on the camera and watched in doubt.

As he moved his gaze to the camera equipment, a slender hand with well-defined joints suddenly stretched out, grasping his camera equipment, and then squeezed it hard.

Cockscomb looked at himself with his own eyes, and the instrument he bought at a huge price was broken into pieces, leaving only a pile of scum.

"You fool me!" The cockscomb stared at Xiang Jing angrily. He was so angry that blood flowed up. Now his blushing and thick neck looks like his hairstyle, which really looks like a big cock.

"You accompany me with the holographic camera! Do you know how much this is!" The cockscomb head really looks like a big blasted rooster now, constantly roaring at Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing looked at him like an idiot and said, "In other words, you have nothing to record now."

The cockscomb head that was yelling suddenly came to an abrupt end. He stepped back and said, "I suddenly remembered that there is something at home, so let's take a step first." He left the canteen as if to escape.

Xiang Jing didn't really go after him, and continued to sit down and eat breakfast.

And the surrounding students retreated one after another, not daring to provoke Xiang Jing, a person with strong brains and good hands.

After the cockscomb was gone, Qin Hu gave Xiang Jing a thumbs up and said, "Cow!"

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