Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 226: : Challenge

After Li Yuan stepped off the ring, Dong Wu stood up and said, "My name is Dong Wu, my brother, a 16th grade student in Tiankui City, ranked 89."

Dong Wen stepped up and said, "My name is Dong Wen, I am a younger brother, and I am a 16th grade student in Tiankui, ranked 82."

When Xiang Jing met their two brothers before, he felt that Dong Wen's fighting talent was higher than Dong Wu's, and it was normal for them to have the current ranking.

Dong Wu said, "We won't pick people anymore, just the top 30 in the 16th grade of Tianhui Academy."

Li Yuan in the audience glanced at them and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Ahem," Dong Wen hurriedly grabbed Dong Wu and said, "My brother just missed his tongue. We are in the 16th grade of Tianhui Academy, the top 50. Our two brothers will challenge you."

Li Yuan smiled and turned around, "The top 50 in the 16th grade of Tianhui Academy stayed, and the rest of the unrelated people all left the court. The referee team cleared the court."

With Li Yuan's order, everyone in the entire playground moved, and a lot of staff outside the field also entered the field and began to clear the field and arrange it.

The battle arena for fifty-two people, the original arena alone is definitely not enough.

After the staff entered the arena, they quickly moved these small arenas, and after one operation, they spliced ​​into a huge large arena.

Dong Wen and Dong Wu stood on the ring, looked at the fifty people standing under the ring, confidently beckoned and said "come to fight."

Standing in the audience, Liu Lanxin recalled what Wei Shenma had just said to her. Her heart felt as painful as a needle stick, and her self-confidence was unprecedentedly frustrated.

When clearing the field, he had a question about Wei Shenma. He ranked 16th in Tiankui Academy, but the result made her almost desperate.

"I belong to the bottom group in the same level of Tiankui Academy. Anyone who ranks one hundred and eight thousand miles away can easily abuse me, not to mention the ranking. I can be one of the top 16 in Tiankui Academy. A hundred people with a place are all monsters."

Seeing the students of Tianhui Academy standing in the audience, Xiang Jing calmly looked at them and said, "I am not ashamed of losing, I am afraid to be ashamed. If you don't even have the courage to face this difficulty, then why will you face each other in the future? To those more terrifying monsters."

"Dong Wen and Dong Wu, take off your clothes!"

Hearing Xiang Jing's order, Dong Wen and Dong Wu took off his clothes accordingly.

Xiang Jing looked at the scars on their upper bodies, and a flash of appreciation and distress flashed in his eyes. "Say it yourself."

As if he understood Xiang Jing’s intentions, Dong Wen pointed at the scar on his abdomen that had almost passed by for a day and said, “This is two years ago, when we were exploring a monster’s nest, we were discovered by giant soldier ants, in order to cover the retreat of teammates. It was cut by the giant soldier ant's big tongs, and almost the upper and lower parts of the body were separated, but fortunately, his life was too big and he was saved."

Dong Wu on the side took a deep breath, turned around and pointed to his back. A big round scar said, "This is a year ago when a force invaded our mine. In order to regain the lost ore, he was buried in the mountain. The particle bombs inside exploded, and that kind of particle rice money rubbed the heart and penetrated the body. The rear of Tiankui City provided timely support and barely survived."

They only selected the more serious and obvious scars on their bodies, and said that the remaining large and small, and even the hidden injuries and diseases still remaining in the body, did not say too much.

However, even so, this deeply shocked everyone present in this stadium.

Someone in the audience couldn't help hiding their faces and crying, and the teachers and students of the Tianhui Academy bowed their heads in shame.

The actual combat that they think is strong, they seem so insignificant and small in front of these scars.

How can the years be quiet, it's just that someone is carrying your weight forward.

"Today, no matter whether you will challenge yourself or not, these rewards will be issued to you."

Then he turned his head and looked at Forestry and said, "From today, we will disconnect all the connections between Tianhui Academy and the front-line battlefield. Instead of letting these greenhouse flowers die on the battlefield like cannon fodder in the future, I would rather them forever. Don’t go to the battlefield either."


"City Lord!"

Dean Sun stood up and looked at Xiang Jing demandingly and said, "This is the responsibility of my dean. I hope you can give Tianhui Academy again and give these students a chance. Don't cut off the connection with the front line. , This city is gone in the future."

Xiang Jing looked straight ahead blankly, and Li ignored Dean Sun again.

Dean Sun wanted to say something, Li Qiang on the side quickly grabbed him and pressed him down.

Dean Sun doesn't understand Xiang Jing, can he still not understand? On the surface, he said that, but in fact it is not to stimulate these students.

If these students are still bloody, they should know how to do it.

"Tianhui Academy, 16th grade student Liu Lanxin, ranked first, challenged."

A cold voice sounded from under the ring, and then a silly girl holding a full moon scimitar stepped onto the ring.

"Tianhui Academy, grade 16 student Jin Yu, ranked second and challenged."

"Tianhui Academy, Tang Nan, a 16th-level student, ranked third and challenged."

"Tianhui Academy, 16th-level student Hu Qi, ranked fourth, challenged."


"Tianhui Academy, 16th grade student Wang Dong, ranked fiftyth, challenge."

One by one, every name is challenged, which represents the backbone and spirit of these Tianhui students who refuse to admit defeat. Even if they could lose, they were never afraid.

What their Tiankui students can do, and my Tianhui students can do the same. They used to be arrogant and arrogant and have passed away. From today, from now on, they will catch up and be unwilling to fall behind.

Li Yuan walked out at the right time and said, "Tianhui Academy's 16th grade top 50, challenge Tiankui Academy's 16th grade Dong Wen Dongwu, challenge, start."

"The last ten dragged Dong Wen, and the rest of them rallied to Dong Wu. First defeat one, and then join forces to attack the other. Don't fight alone, and use our numerical advantage."

In a short period of time, Liu Lanxin made the personnel arrangement.

He was the number one in the 16th grade, and he was the most convincing in what he said, and there was no problem with the arrangement.

Dong Wen ranks higher, indicating that his strength is stronger than Dong Wu. Priority is given to defeating the weaker Dong Wu, and then gather to attack Dong Wen. This is the simplest and most convenient method.

The others agreed in unison, and quickly divided into two groups. Most of them went to assemble Dong Wu, and the last ten held Dong Wen.

"The strategy is good, but I have to have the ability to hold me down, brother, I'm going up first." Dong Wen yelled and clenched his fist directly.

His speed was so fast that the naked eye couldn't catch it at all. The ten people who were about to drag him forward, only felt a flower in front of him, and then they lost consciousness and fell to the ground softly.

Dong Wen stood among the ten people, slowly raised his head, staring at the remaining forty people like a wolf.

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