Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 231: : Plan Two

Lin Yaozu asked, "City Lord, let's take the knife with which force first."

"No" Linyuan Corpse King seemed to have thought of something, and said with an unkind smile, "Let's pretend to be victims and throw some smoke bombs to let them bite the dog and make a hairy mouth."

Xiang Jing and others burst into treacherous smiles at the same time.

Looking at the detailed information of the Quartet forces in front of him, Xiang Jing's eyes flashed with an insignificant luster.

Forestry said, "Then continue, the second point is the matter of the Three Lords. The reason why we chose to rest and form an alliance with the rest of the forces was to fear the Three Lords of the Holy Kings."

"I'm here," Li Qiang said. "This **** Sage King's account three years ago, I and he are going to turn over it, really like we are bullied.

"Not in a hurry" Xiang Jing looked at the territory of the kingdom of God in front of him, pointed to the areas above and said, "Now most of the region of China is in the hands of the Three Lords, let's not move him yet."

"Why?" Zimo asked, "Our current strength can completely fight the Three Lords and the Holy King. If we really want to fight, we are not afraid."

Li Yuan still smiled, he pulled Lazimo and said, "Although we are not afraid of the Three Lords, but once we start a full-scale war with it, we can win, and it will be a tragic victory. By then, our strength in Tiankui City will drop sharply. The other four forces will pounce like wolves that smell meat."

"In addition to the territories of our five major forces, the territories occupied by the Three Lords are one quarter of the entire Huaxia Kingdom, but the other three monsters are not vegetarian. By then, the five major forces will reopen the battle for the territory, and the monsters will also In the same way, the scale of the war will only erupt more and more, so that in the end the entire Huaxia Nation has returned to its appearance three years ago. Our efforts in the past few years have been completely wasted."

Zimo was stunned when he heard it, then scratched his head and sat down.

Li Yuan was indeed right. In the past three years, the forces of all parties, whether humans or monsters, have gradually stabilized, and a balance has been vaguely formed.

Once this balance is broken, the entire China nation will fall into chaos again.

In order to complete the kingdom of God, this balance must be broken, and it seems like it has fallen into an endless loop.

Xiang Jing nodded and said, "It is true, so let's not take the initiative to attack the Three Lords. Isn't there still some time before the three-year time limit? If it doesn't come by then, it's okay. It will come and it must be killed. Detailed layout will be done later."

"Following the plan, let the remaining four major forces have civil strife first, and then we will look for opportunities to take them down. Those spies in the city, you make a fuss."


Xiang Jing quickly made overall planning and layout. This delicate balance is tenacity and fragility, but as long as he has absolute strength, he can completely ignore it.

But before that, play with them first, stir the muddy water, and fish in the muddy water.

Then Xiang Jing asked Forestry to bring him back, and soon released the news about going to the East Sea Pavilion to discuss the alliance, so that the people in Tiankui City would know about it.

The rest of them all perform their duties to accomplish what they want to do.

That night, Mo Shangsheng came to Xiang Jing's room.

After Xiang Jing gave him the genetic medicine, he asked, "Have they deployed any personnel over the past few years?"

Mo Shangsheng nodded, and then handed a list.

Xiang Jing read it carefully, paused a little in the middle, and then burned down the list.

Tell Mo Shangsheng about the content of the meeting tonight, and after ordering something, let him leave to do it.

In the dead of night, Xiang Jing sat on the bed thinking of a question.

"Why does this world become like this?"

Perhaps for people on earth, three or four years have passed, the reason is no longer important, the important thing is to live.

However, Xiang Jing's time before and after all add up to only a year, and all the past events are still vivid.

He sounded that the day he was playing games at home, was struck by lightning, and then woke up to the end of the world.

Something must have happened during the time he was struck by lightning and fainted, something that could change the world and drive the world into madness and destruction.

"Are aliens invading?"

If someone said that before, Xiang Jing might be suspicious, but since he personally met the Klein clan, went to the Modo Star, confirmed the existence of extraterrestrial life, and witnessed so many weird things, He did not rule out this possibility.

"But why? Why did you choose the earth?"

The more Xiang Jing thought about it, the stranger he became, and the more he thought about it, the more confused he became. The mystery and clouds in front of him were not reduced, but more.

Thinking about that, Xiang Jing fell asleep in a daze.




The sound of water droplets rang in his ears, Xiang Jing converged on consciousness, and stared blankly at the surrounding area. Only a beam of light was shining in front of him, and a drop of water would fall down every once in a while on the ground. A "tick, tick" sound was made, and a puddle of water accumulated on the ground.

Xiang Jing instinctively walked towards the light, one step, two steps closer and closer.

The vision in front of him became clear, he saw it, he saw it clearly, the color of the water was red, and the puddles on the ground were also red.

The pungent smell of blood rushed straight into his nose for a moment, and the tongue and mouth were full of sweet smells.

"Do you want to seek light? Are you worthy?"

"Your hands are already stained with sin and blood, and they can't be washed clean."

"We are born dark."

"Put on your glasses, put down your weapons, and pretend to forget, can everything you have done in the past be treated as if it has not happened?"

"Little Qi, you shouldn't have left."

"Seven brother, why, why betray us!"

"Tianqi, do you think you really killed us?"

"Master Qi, no one can stop you what you are going to do, but I want to try."

Every sound, every sentence, seemed to be far away in the sky and close to my ears, like the words of a magic sound around my ears, constantly echoing beside Xiang Jing.

Familiar and unfamiliar faces, the deepest memories in my mind, appeared in front of me bit by bit.

The gap where the beam of light entered was not the sun above, but still one after another cold corpses, ticking with the blood remaining in the body.

"Get out of here!"

Xiang Jing roared, and he stood upright from the bed, and blasted his fist forward.


After a loud roar, most of the city lord's mansion was turned into ruins.

Over the silent city lord's mansion in the middle of the night, the police sirens suddenly made loud noises. Forestry, Li Qiang, Linyuan Corpse King, Baishan Beast King, and Han Feng rushed here in an instant.

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