Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 233: : Pocket Watch

I saw Xiang Jing sitting in the middle of the valley at this moment, with a long breath, like an old monk entering Ding. Guanghua is restrained and looks no different from ordinary people.

However, when Li Qiang and the four of Forestry Li Qiang saw Xiang Jing for the first time, they were instinctively shocked, and they even had the illusion that the mountain was leaning back and being out of reach, and they wanted to kneel down and worship.

Obviously they were above the valley, looking at Xiang Jing below the valley, but they felt as though they were looking up at Xiang Jing.

This feeling only appeared for a moment, then disappeared without a trace, it felt like a dream.

Xiang Jing slowly opened his eyes, took a deep breath, and two thick air columns rushed out of his nostrils.

A pair of eyes are restrained, and there is no sharp edge, looking at even more ordinary people than ordinary people.

But his every move seems to be pulling something, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Xiang Jing held the lock rope on his wrist and muttered to himself, "It's not the time yet, Yuan, you really didn't lie to me."

If someone now has extremely high detection methods that can detect Xiang Jing's camouflage and power system, he will definitely drop his jaw.

Xiang Jing's current strength is perfectly controlled at 999 times, not much, but not much.

Standing up, Xiang Jing stepped forward and came to Li Qiang and the others, smiling and saying, "Thanks for your hard work, let's go back."

"Boss, you." Li Qiang is currently the strongest in Tiankui City except Xiang Jing, and the person closest to the one-thousand-fold watershed. He clearly felt the difference between Xiang Jing, but he couldn't tell where it was different. .

Xiang Jing walked forward and said, "Talking while walking."

On a remote mountain peak, where the mountains are clear and the water is beautiful, it is warm in winter and cool in summer, and a villa is built.

A person lying on a recliner, basking in the afternoon sun leisurely, the direction he looked at was the location of the valley without bias.

Even though I couldn't see the specific place far away, the beam of light just now was so eye-catching and dazzling.

A black-clothed man appeared behind him silently, and said in a low voice, "Hall Master."

"Not in a hurry" Huangfu Haoran, who was lying on the recliner, raised his hand to stop the black-clothed man and said, "It's not time yet. Just now the beam of light disappeared midway, he shouldn't be there yet."

"Shadow, don't stay in Tiankui City. Although he hasn't reached that point, he is estimated to be about the same. If you continue to stay there, he may find it."

"Yes, the lord of the palace." The man called Shadow Du said in a deep voice.

"Oh," Huangfu whispered while twisting his shoulders. "If there is such a big noise, those guys will not let it go so easily. Go and persuade you. If you don't listen, just follow the old rules."

The shadow still stood behind Huangfu Haoran, unmoved.

Huangfu Haoran was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "After all, he was a brother."

Shadow said coldly, "He is a traitor."

Although the voice was calm, it seemed to pass through Jiuyou.

Huangfu Haoran said after a moment of silence, "The last time."

After a brief silence, the shadow took two steps back, and a gust of wind passed by, and he was no longer visible.

After the shadow left, Huangfu Haoran took out a pocket watch that had been looking at it for some years. Although it looked old, the chain and cover were clean. It was obvious that its owner often wiped and carefully maintained him.

Gently rubbing the smooth cover, Huangfu Haoran looked at Tiankui City again, pressed the hinge, and opened the pocket watch.


The pocket watch was still running normally, and the second hand jumped quickly.

In the internal test of the pocket watch, there is a color photo with nine people on it, the heroic Huangfu Haoran is on it, and the shadow with his pocket full of invisible face is also on it, Xiang Jingye, who looks cold and arrogant. On top.

"Hey, the two owe nothing. From then on, the bridge will return to the bridge and the road will return. Goodbye is your life and death."

Huangfu Haoran closed his pocket watch, and the next moment, the person had disappeared on the recliner.

With regard to Tiankui City, Xiang Jing probably explained his current situation and the reason for such a big movement just now.

Li Qiang nodded and said, "In other words, after the power reaches a thousand times, it will be restricted by the rules of this planet and cannot interfere with ordinary people's affairs."

Forestry curled his lips and said, "Fuck, let's just keep it as it is now."

Linyuan Corpse King and Baishan Beast King nodded with deep approval.

They are all the top combat power of Tiankui City. If they are restricted, and there will be a large-scale war in the future, they can't participate in the war and restrain the opponent's strong.

In fact, Xiang Jing didn't know exactly what the restrictions and punishments Yuan said were, but he could probably feel a little bit.

Just after his strength reached a thousand times before, he definitely felt that the whole person had been sublimated.

However, at the same time, an invisible force restrained him like a chain, making him very uncomfortable.

Obviously able to exert extremely powerful power, but because it is too strong, it is restricted and suppressed within the rules and system.

It's as uncomfortable as a full-level player with top-of-the-line equipment trying to abuse food and being blocked by the server.

In addition, Xiang Jing also felt another force that he had never seen before, very vague and hazy.

However, because of time, he felt that if he dragged it further, he would be completely locked by the chain when the beam of light was retracted into his body, so he put on the lock rope decisively.

The power went from 1,000 times to 999 times. Xiang Jing could clearly feel that although it was only twice the distance, the result was a huge difference.

For example, with a thousand times the strength, he can squeeze a 999 times strong with one hand, but with a 999 times the strength, it is difficult to kill a person with the same strength.

Xiang Jing now understood what Yuan meant, at least in this matter, he didn't fool himself.

On the way back, I ran into Han Feng and they were rushing over with people in a hurry.

Xiang Jing hadn't told them about the matter before. Han Feng and the others must have seen the big movement just now, and they rushed over directly with people.

Forestry stepped forward to call Han Feng and the others, and gave a brief explanation, without saying clearly, that the matter over the valley had been resolved.

Han Feng didn't ask much, turned around and took someone back to Tiankui City.

However, the movement here was not only seen by the humans, the monsters entrenched on one side also saw the beam of light soaring to the sky, for a while, an undercurrent surging near Tiankui City.

Xiang Jing returned to the City Lord's Mansion, where repairs and maintenance work were going on. As soon as he landed, he saw three four-legged beasts leaping towards him from a distance.

He slammed directly into Xiang Jing's face, followed by his furry body and drooling tongue.

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