Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 244: : Third on the top list

Thinking of this, Xiang Jing couldn't help but remember that he would be restricted after a thousand times.

He appeared here, but left without saying a word.

Xiang Jing suspected that Jing San had already broken the 1,000-fold mark. The reason he didn't do it just now was because the law restricted him.

Otherwise, just because Xiang Jing killed him once before, there is no reason to let him go.

However, there is another point he can't figure out.

"Buckle buckle"

When Xiang Jing was puzzled, a knock on the door sounded, and the voice of the general guarding him came from outside, "City Lord Xiang, what's wrong?"

Hearing his voice, Xiang Jing wanted to understand that Jing San didn't kill anyone outside. He only moved his hand once, but failed.

In this way, everything made sense, Jing San, whose power exceeded a thousand times, was indeed restricted by some kind of power.

The arrow just now should have been a move that cost a certain amount of money, otherwise it won't just come back.

However, based on Xiang Jing's understanding of him, since there is a chance to shoot, he will definitely not let it go. This time he failed, and he will definitely come again next time.

Jing San was actually one of the nine people on the list that year. Xiang Jing had only seen his eyes since he knew him, just like just now, except for the eyes, the rest are all wrapped in black clothes and black cloth.

Nothing about his age, sex, etc., even his real name.

He has always been called by his code name "Shadow", his strength is quite strong, and he was ranked third in the sky list, so many people also call him Yingsan.

The best thing is assassination. As far as Xiang Jing knows, if he shoots, he has never missed it once.

Like the crossbow arrow just now, although it was considered a failure, Xiang Jing was not completely lucky.

Regardless of why Yingsan is still alive, the arrow just now was too crude in his opinion, and it didn't look like Yingsan's style at all.

Now that he can find himself accurately, it means that he has been eyeing him before, and when other aspects are uncertain, he will shoot so hastily, unlike him.

This arrow looked more like a temptation, and didn't really want to kill him.

"It's okay, General Zhao, I just turned over and overturned the cup. Let someone come and clean it tomorrow morning. I'm going to rest."

Xiang Jing dealt with General Zhao outside, lying alone in the hospital bed. Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

This night, he thought a lot and remembered a lot. The past was like a movie, and scenes were shown in his mind.

Xiang Jing thought of one thing, something that made him nervous when he thought of it.

Yingsan is still alive. Is it possible that the other seven people he killed with his own hands have also revived from the dead, or in other words, they are not dead at all.

A cloud of mist enveloped Xiang Jing. He originally thought that this return would speed up the pace of the establishment of the kingdom of God. The appearance of Ying San, a person who should have died long ago, really made him out of defense.

It seems that this action will not be as he wanted, but even so, it can't stop him from moving forward.

Not only that, but he has to speed up the process. Now that there are more variables like Yingsan, in order to prevent the increase of variables, he must complete the current plan as soon as possible, and then make additional arrangements and arrangements to prevent regenerating changes.

It's a big deal to kill him again.

Thinking of this, Xiang Jing's eyes flashed fiercely.

If you can kill you once, you can kill you a second time. No matter if you were once the king of killers or the third in the ranking, as long as you dare to stop me, you will kill you all.

After a while, Xiang Jing leaned against the wall behind him and sighed long.

Since he was planning to kill the other eight of the top nine in the sky list five years ago, everything has gone back.

Even if he was sorry for them, if he could make another choice, he would still do that and kill them without hesitation.

This is the liberation of Xiang Jing and the burden of sin, and it is also the greatest respect and salvation for them.

The next day before dawn, there was a scream in the residences of the high-level triads.

By the time the people arrived, the high-level triad society had been massacred to all seven levels, and most of the remaining were generals with good strength.

This scene completely caused the triad to be shocked, angry and afraid, and the deputy city lord Zong Xiang directly overturned the desk.

With his toes, he could also guess that they were the killers of Tiankui City, but after one night, those killers must have left long ago, and he had no evidence at all.

However, this was only the first step. Just when Zong Xiang was desperate and trying to find evidence of Tiankui City, his subordinates reported urgently and surrounded the Tiankui City army in six directions of the triad, and suddenly launched a fierce attack.

When Zong Xiang heard this, he seemed to have finally found a vent in his anger, and yelled, "Hit, fight me, Tiankui City took the initiative to provoke the war and call me to their hometown!"

"Deputy, Deputy City Lord"'s subordinates tremblingly said, "The troops in Tiankui City didn't know that there were a lot of new high-precision equipment and weapons that had not been seen there. It's a humanoid monster that just tore our defense line apart."

"What's the matter?" Zong Xiang stared at his hands and said, "Didn't our spies have been staring at the arms research in Tiankui City, the new weapons from them."

He was yelling at him like a quail, his head was down and shivering.

The answer is very simple. The spies inserted into the city of Tiankui by the triad have long been stared at and found out, but I don't know it. How can such a top-secret thing about new military technology weapons be so easy for you to detect.

Just when Zong Xiang scolded his subordinates and furious, the army of Tiankui City, under the leadership of the six Han Feng Qimo, drove straight in and penetrated into the hinterland of the triad.

There was no one to stop it, and it was absolutely crushing. The soldiers of the triad were beaten to throw away their helmets and armor, and even surrendered directly without seeing the wind, and all the stubborn resisters were killed.

However, within an hour, Zong Xiang had just made a plan, and the six iron armies of Han Feng, Zimo, Li Yuan, Lin Yaozu, Gao Ming, and Wang Han smashed into the triad city.

As for things like shouting and mocking people, I'm sorry, I have no time to play with you.

The six people all shot together, rising from the air, and punching the defensive cover outside the triad city.

Six masters with more than 800 times the power all shot together, but the triad's defense cover, which can only resist six or seven hundred times the power, was completely vulnerable, and it was directly turned into fragments.

In the next moment, Han Feng's six directly descended on the headquarters of the Triad Society, and the people who were surrounded by them were not all in one at all, and they were all killed by them.

All the way straight through the entire triad headquarters, until Zong Xiang and other high-level officials.

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