Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 248: : Plan One

"Once they can't resist it, they will definitely hold a group for warmth. These ten group armies, separated by only 100,000 people, are combined with a lot of strength."

"If their three forces can't withstand our offensive in a group, they will definitely ask for help from these ten legions. Then, when we cooperate inside and outside, we can take them in one fell swoop."

"We can do something about it." Xiang Jing thought for a while and said, "You can use the ten hidden legions to contain the other three monster forces. At that time, let the five legions hidden under water make a surprise attack and attack at the same time. Take them down."

"But there is one more thing to pay attention to," said Forestry. "We are at war with multiple forces at the same time. Even if we win, we may have a lot of losses. When the time comes, foreign forces will see a crack, which will be very disadvantageous for us.

Xiang Jing nodded. Forestry said what he considered. When a full-scale domestic war starts, there will surely be many coveted people who want to make a fortune and must be prepared.

"Let's do it." Xiang Jing pointed to the virtual map and said, "Ten of you, the forestry is in command, and the other nine are in teams of three. At the same time, you will lead troops to attack the other three forces. As for the monster forces, follow the original plan. What do you think about sitting in Tiankui City and getting the Three Lords at the same time?"

After thinking about it, everyone agreed with Xiang Jing's decision, so that not only could the fighting power be evenly distributed, but Xiang Jing was sitting in Tiankui City, not afraid of being stabbed in his hometown.

Then everyone discussed a lot of detailed issues together, such as who to send to attack which forces, the terrain there, detailed information, and so on.

How to deal with the prisoners who surrender, the route of the march, the arrangement of weapons and equipment, the route of food and grass transportation, the deployment plan, etc.

It wasn't until dawn was dawn that all the specific information content was finally determined, and there were many emergency plans for emergencies.

Xiang Jing moved his shoulder twice and said, "I will return to Tiankui City in a moment. Everyone has a good rest today and will act tomorrow. You must take the entire China mainland territory within 30 days."

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

At the farewell of Forestry and others, Xiang Jing got on the aircraft to Tiankui City.

He originally thought that there were so many mutant crystal nuclei in Tiankui City, all of which were exchanged for hunting points, and he bought a bunch of high-tech killers directly from Krypton, and raised the overall strength by a level, so that he had more chances of winning. , Is also faster. As a result, the system blocked the function of exchanging crystal cores for hunting points, uncle.

But it doesn't matter, with the current strength of Tiankui City, as long as there is no accident, it is a matter of time to deal with these forces.

Xiang Jing returned to Tiankui City at noon. After a short rest, he went to the mountain range where the Three Lords and Kings were alone.

To the northwest of Tiankui City, there is a mountain range that separates the two sides like a moat.

On this side of the mountain range, a large army of 600,000 directly under the six generals of Tiankui City is stationed to guard and stop monsters from invading Tiankui City.

And on the other side of the mountain range is the old rival of Tiankui City, the territory of the Three Lords Saint King, which will harass the border of Tiankui City from time to time.

Xiang Jing didn't go to find the guard who was in charge of garrisoning here, unfolded the steel wings, flashed a stream of light in the sky, and rushed straight into the mountains.

Soldiers on patrol saw a flash of light across the sky and hurriedly reported.

The defender sent orders to everyone, strengthened guard, forbidden to leave the camp privately, and violators were dealt with by military law.

Not long ago, he received a joint order from Han Feng and others, no matter how much movement occurred on the mountain side today, he was not allowed to leave the station for half a step and do his own job.

Although he didn't understand what these big men were going to do, the guard looked at the gradually darkening sky, and he felt a sense of urgency that the mountains and the rain were coming.

Immediately order everyone to increase their vigilance to prevent accidents.

However, Xiang Jing rushed into the mountains alone, looking down from a high altitude, and seeing a lot of monsters from a distance, raising his hand and swinging two swords at random.

With these two random swords, they cut out two substantive sword lights that were visible to the naked eye, and directly cut apart a small piece of mountain below. The mountain collapsed, and the monster was even more dead.

Suddenly, a shrill cry sounded from the mountains.

"Who! Dare to go wild in the territory of Lord Three Lord Saint King!"

Then a black light burst into the sky, and then a man with a black lacquer, a sharp beak and a hooked nose, and his clothes made up of black feathers stood opposite Xiang Jing.

When Xiang Jing saw his appearance, he knew that he was a somewhat famous beast general under the name of the Three Lords, like a raven.

The black silk loomed around the raven, tilted his head and smiled weirdly, "Humans, hehe, humans dare to break in alone, hehe."

Xiang Jing looked at the sullen raven indifferently and said, "You don't deserve to know my grandfather's name, and ask your family's three masters to get out. Maybe I can save your life if I am happy."

"Take your life! Human! Hehehe!"

Suddenly, the raven seemed to be insane, rushing directly to Xiang Jing, completely not finishing his lines according to the routine.

"Tsk, don't you have any of these things normal."

Xiang Jing said, the nirvana sword in his hand slashed out.

When the raven was about to rush in front of him, the black air in front of him gradually dissipated, and then returned to nothingness.

Looking at the raven again, the bits and pieces that had been chopped down by a single pass, couldn't fight it, all fell into the forest below with a crackle.

Xiang Jing no longer concealed his aura and directly released his aura. The powerful aura formed an unparalleled wave of aura, shattering the forest below and blowing away the clouds in the sky.

"Three Lord Saint King, get out for the Lord!"

A loud roar resounded through the entire ten-mile mountain range, shocking thousands of birds and beasts to flee, and those who were close were directly shocked to death on the spot.


Suddenly, in the entire mountain range, dozens of powerful auras rose up in the sky, and then one by one, powerful monsters with a hideous look, tall as a mountain, or the size of an ordinary person, with weird bodies, flew or climbed, or stood or stood. Chao Xiangjing, who was standing together, came over here.

"A bunch of choppy."

Xiang Jing glanced at them with disdain, and then flew down, cutting out the Nirvana Sword in his hand again and again, and the sword light surged for a while, and his murderous aura was shocking.

After a while, Xiang Jing was left above the mountain, and the monster corpses below had already piled up into a hill.

Xiang Jing then looked at a raised hill in the middle of the mountain. Although it was very subtle, he still felt a powerful breath faintly emanating from there.

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