Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 261: : Skeleton Party

Xiang Jing rubbed the scum on his chin, looked at the two thin foreigners in front of him, who could slap to death with one slap, carefully pondering.

He was not overflowing with sympathy, but wondering if there was any use value in these two people.

Intelligence, ignorance, physique, weakness, strength, a dog raised in Tiankui City can kill both of them, courageous, timid as a mouse, brain, and looking at them.

It seems that apart from the native Y people, these two goods have nothing to do with them. To be honest, Xiang Jing has no reason to carry such two burdens.

So after one person slapped them and stunned them, leaving some food and some fast-growing food seeds, as well as genetic medicine that could make them self-preserving, Xiang Jingyang left.

There was one sentence left, just five words, you are too weak.

The chance of life is given to you. Whether you can survive or not depends on your own ability and abilities.

After Xiang Jing left this small town, he went all the way to the north. At his speed, it would take about three days for the bar to arrive at his current location.

And it was almost a month since Mo Shangsheng gave him this news, Xiang Jing only hoped that nothing happened.

However, everything is unsatisfactory. Those who want to come will not come, and those who don't want to come will not be driven away.

One day later, Xiang Jing had already entered some cities in country Y, and there were more nearby buildings. He was going to cross a bridge in front of him. When he got there, things that he didn't want to happen still happened.

This is the only way on his itinerary. If he had to make a detour, it would be delayed for almost a week.

The bridge was not broken, but was well preserved. Basically, there was no damage. The blocked cars were also artificially cleared and piled up in the middle of the bridge. Dried blood bullet pits can be seen everywhere. It seems that a comparison happened here long ago Large-scale battle.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Jing thought for a while and chose to cross the bridge.

Even if he knew that people were hidden behind the scrapped cars, the bridge piers on both sides, and some buildings behind him, he still chose to go there.

Because he didn't want to delay time, he could only kill these people if he couldn't.

Sure enough, not long after Xiang Jing stepped on the bridge, a bunch of people popped up immediately and surrounded him.

Compared with these big five big men, Xiang Jing's thin appearance is simply a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Hey, the little chicken over there..."


Before he could finish the words to take the lead, Xiang Jing started his momentum and rushed directly to the other side of the bridge. The rapid blast of air directly sent off the foreigner who was blocking the road.

These foreigners fell into the river below one by one like dumplings, and were eaten clean by unknown monsters under the water.

The remaining group of people got up in the dust, and looked at Xiang Jing who had already appeared on the other side of the bridge.

Everyone swallowed, and the leader wisely asked everyone to evacuate, and stop making trouble with this person.

When the strength of the two parties is similar, disputes often arise, and when one party shows the power of absolute crushing, then the other party can only look up and evade.

Xiang Jing has no time to entangle these foreign devils, and if he bothers him again, he won't mind killing him.

Two more days later, along the way, Xiang Jing scattered scattered and encountered some foreign group forces, all of which were uninfluenced bandits and robbers, who avoided what they could avoid, and killed those who could not.

However, until now, I haven't encountered any more powerful forces in Country Y, but Xiang Jing was a little surprised. In other words, the local forces in Country Y are just too rubbish.

In fact, it cannot be said that the influence of country Y is rubbish, mainly because Xiang Jingkai is too ruthless.

In the four years or so since the end of the world, people have just stabilized and further developed, and Xiang Jing has unified the whole country, coupled with the support of various weapon configurations and high technology.

The process of development that should have taken more than ten years or even tens of meters after the end of the world was abruptly advanced by Xiang Jing so long. It is not surprising that such a contrast will occur.

But this does not mean that there is no one in Country Y, otherwise there are so many powerful monsters in the last days, and no strong person would have died against these foreign devils.

However, these are not related to Xiang Jing's affairs. He came to find someone to dominate this time, and he didn't want to have too many entanglements with the local forces in Country Y.

It didn't take long for Xiang Jing to follow the location and photos to find the bar where the photos were taken.

Fortunately, this piece is well preserved, and basically no monsters have been seen. It seems that some forces have cleaned up this generation before.

Xiang Jing walked out of the street and walked towards the bar.

Just appearing at the intersection, the wind whistling in my ears.

Xiang Jing dodged sideways, then looked again, and kept his crossbow arrows stuck in the tree aside.

Xiang Jing's heart was tight. He thought it was Ying San chasing him, but he felt that there was no Ying San's aura on the crossbow arrow, and then looked at the direction where the crossbow arrow was shot, which was the direction of a park.

A black shadow was moving inside, shifting position.

Despite taking advantage of the dark environment and fast-moving speed, he still couldn't escape Xiang Jing's eyes.

He saw clearly that it was a person dressed like a gangster in CSGO, except for a pair of blue eyes exposed outside, the rest was completely wrapped up.

Xiang Jing saw that there was a skull sign on his arm, and he looked like someone from some power.

The next moment, Xiang Jing appeared next to this man, and was knocked out without a word.

After he woke him up with a splash of cold water after the five-flower tying, Xiang Jing took out the photo and pointed at the humanity above, "Hey, have you seen this woman?"

After this guy woke up, he looked at Xiang Jing in horror. His movements were already very concealed. Coupled with the cover of the surrounding environment, he didn't expect to be discovered by this person so soon.

How did he appear next to him in an instant? In summary, there is only one point. The person who looks sick in front of him has the ability to crush him absolutely.

In order to survive, the man dressed as the culprit looked at the photo in his hand, and then shook his head, saying that he had never seen it.

Xiang Jing changed the question again, "Is this the site of your organization?"

After hearing this, the gangster nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, it's the site of our Skeleton Party."

The culprit trembled when he said it, but in fact he wanted to use the name Skeleton Party to tell Xiang Jing his identity.

The Skeleton Party also has a certain reputation in country Y. Whenever it encounters it, the weak will avoid it, and the strong will have to give three points of face. It is equivalent to a force organization like the East Sea Pavilion of the China State and Beimo City.

But Xiang Jing didn't know this at all, and even if he knew it, he didn't care at all.

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