Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 264: : Task settlement

Xiang Jing was taken aback, and blurted out "zombies?!"

Yuan Mu's current appearance is very similar to the zombies once seen in movies. He is bloodthirsty and cruel, and he bites when he sees people.

But it's a little different, not on the clothes.

Most of the zombie movies filmed in the past were in the Republic of China. At that time, the dead’s family would find a way to buy a set of Qing dynasty official uniforms. The dead came to the underworld to respect and bless future generations to flourish.

Becoming a zombie is naturally an official uniform of the Qing Dynasty, and it is not necessarily that a zombie wears an official uniform of the Qing Dynasty.

Pulled away.

The well-known zombies in Huaxia Kingdom are all jumping and jumping, but Yuan Mu's movements just now are extremely flexible, and his body is just cold and rigid, and does not have the characteristics of copper skin and iron bones like Huaxia Kingdom zombies.

Suddenly, Xiang Jing thought that he had just broken the seal of the chain and cross of the scriptures, and the word "vampire" popped up in his mind subconsciously.

"Nima's, isn't it."

No matter how vampires appeared in the end of the world, the zombies were already enough to rip.

But don't all vampires have IQ, reason and brain? Why does Yuan Mu now look like a vampire, a zombie brain, a combination of Chinese and Western?

"Perhaps he didn't **** blood and was in a frantic state."

The source suddenly said abruptly.

That Xiangjing took it seriously. He clenched his right hand and slapped his left palm. He suddenly realized, "It makes sense."

"Why don't you just grab someone and give Yuan Mu a breath."


"Ding, there are blood bags in the system store. A little hunting point can be exchanged for 10 bags of 400 ml blood bags."

Xiang Jing took out twenty bags, broke Yuan Mu's teeth, and bit down at the blood bag.

Yuan Mu's original manic and hideous face suddenly calmed down when he bit the blood bag and his teeth were in contact with the rich blood, and then sucked frantically at the blood bag.

It was so much enjoyment, the 400ml blood bag was sucked and dried up in no time.

Xiang Jing replaced him with a new blood bag and sucked in. Yuan Mu gradually calmed down, the mania and bloodthirsty in his eyes also slowly subsided, but his pupils were still crimson.

When Yuan Mu washed all the 20 bags of blood, he hiccuped and finally calmed down, and his eyes slowly recovered his sense and clarity.

Yuan Mu blinked blankly, looking at everything around him with a dazed expression.

Xiang Jing pulled him up, leaned against the wall, squatted in front of him and pointed at himself and said, "Do you know me?"

Yuan Mu was taken aback, the young man in front of him looked familiar, and seemed to be a very important person in his memory.


"You, you are." Yuan Mu opened his mouth and felt that a **** smell could not stop in his mouth, but he felt it was delicious and comfortable.

"Xiang Jing."

Xiang Jing squatted in front of Yuan Mu, "Tiankui City Lord."

"Xiang Jing, Lord Xiang." Yuan Mu suddenly muttered to himself like a demon.

Suddenly, his entire face became distorted again, and he grinned and bit at Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing frowned and exchanged dozens of blood bags for Yuan Mu to suck.

However, the blood bag at this time did not seem to have any attraction to Yuan Mu. The bloodthirsty red pupil stared at Xiang Jing, constantly trying to pounce on him.

"Made, is Rabies Shi Lezhi?"

Xiang Jing slapped him directly and fainted. No matter how much he was, he would tie him up and take it away.

Xiang Jing took out the tough rope from the space ring, wrapped Yuan Mu into a mummy, fought against his shoulders and prepared to leave.

Suddenly a cold sound originated in the ear.

"Ding, the SA-level mission is completed. The existing mainland territory of China has all been included under the host item Jing, which meets the mission completion standards, and the completion rate is 100%. Mission rewards are now issued."

"Hey fucking."

I was finally willing to send a task reward.

After destroying other forces and taking over the Four Kings before, Xiang Jing once asked Yuan why the mission was not completed.

Yuan told him that most of the Huaxia Kingdom had been defeated, and there were still many small places to accept it.

So Xiang Jing dispatched Han Feng and the others to wipe out these small forces, and it was only now considered to be truly complete.

Fortunately, there is no overtime, otherwise he will be hunted down and killed, which he cannot bear.

"Ding, the host is trying to fart, the task is settled, overtime for one week, one million hunting points or ten years of life will be deducted."

"Ding, the hunting points are sufficient, one million points have been deducted, and the remaining hunting points are 312 million hunting points."

Xiang Jing spread his hands helplessly and wanted to do something about him. I'm sorry. Once the fifteen-day prohibition on the conversion of mutant crystal nuclei from hunting points was released, Xiang Jing replaced all the mutant crystal nuclei in Tiankui City, and the local tyrants expanded. It's incredible, a mere one million hunting points, sprinkled water.

"Yuan, hurry up, give out the task rewards."

"Ding, the host completes the task overtime, the reward is halved, and the task completion rate is 100%. Now the reward will be issued."

"Fuck it, don't take it for fun."

Xiang Jing's whole person is all at a loss all at once. He thought he had won Yuan once, but he didn't expect that he would still be unable to do the trick.

"Ding, kill 20 million points x 1"

"Ding, weapon and equipment modification stone×1"

"Ding, Poseidon Drawing×1"

"Ding, Spirit Armor×1"

"The reward has been distributed, it has been placed in the system panel and space ring, please check."

Xiang Jing pouted. Of course it was unhappy that half of the reward was deducted, but now he has several hundred million in deposits, and he doesn't care about it because of his wealth.

"Ding, the source detection system is not perfect. It will enter a state of comprehensive rectification, upgrade and maintenance. The system will shut itself down in one minute, and all functions will be stopped."

"A minute to count down 60, 59, 58..."

"Fuck it, brother, you have been upgrading a bit frequently recently, come here again, how long will it take to upgrade this time."

Xiang Jing asked indifferently. In his opinion, the system upgrade took only ten and a half months. With his current strength, there is basically no danger. Most of the hunting points obtained are used to build China. , So I don’t really care.

"Ding, the time for this system upgrade and rectification is uncertain. Please be mentally prepared for the host. Any item you want to redeem can be redeemed before the countdown ends. When the countdown ends, all system functions will be closed."

"That's it."

Xiang Jing didn't feel that he lacked anything right now, basically what he wanted in the space ring.

After thinking for a while, I exchanged some fresh ingredients and put them in the space ring. After all, I am not used to eating things in Country Y. I don't know when I can return to China in the future, so I am prepared to relieve my greed.

"Ding, the exchange is successful, after deducting one thousand hunting points, the item has been put in the space ring, please check it."

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