Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 272: : Baron Lantang

Not only did he take care of him in every possible way, but also gave him genetic medicine, which taught him a lot of things and principles.

Especially knowing that he, a dying person, was rescued from the seal of the ice cube, Yuan Mu's gratitude to Xiang Jing was even deeper.

Xiang Jing did not continue on the way after he had sent away the people who had left the Holy See. He waited here for news from Elbeira.

Calculating the time, it should be investigated.

Sure enough, as Xiang Jing expected, Albeira arrived that night and brought a huge iron box.

Elbeira sat opposite Xiang Jing, sniffed, and covered her mouth and nose and said in disgust, "People from the Holy See have been here."

Xiang Jing raised his eyebrows and said, "No way, it's too popular now."

Elbella smiled gracefully, "Don't worry, I have investigated the answer you want, and soon, you will be ours."

"Okay, let's talk about it." Xiang Jing tilted Erlang's legs and leaned on the back of the chair and looked at Albella.

Elbella clapped his hands, and Bill lifted the huge iron box and put it next to them.

When the iron box fell to the ground, it visibly shook twice, and it was obvious that there was something in it.

"I went back to investigate for you. That place is the territory of Baron Landeng. I don't know what you want to ask, so I brought him to you."

Xiang Jing smiled, "You, a female blood without a title, can move a baron. This way, I am a little surprised."

Having dealt with the vampires of the Holy See at the same time, Xiang Jing has not provided less information about them recently.

Among the kinship, the female kinship rarely has a knighthood. Unless the elder in the family has died and there is no male in the descendant, women will be selected to inherit the hereditary title. Otherwise, women in the kinship will not inherit the title.

The knighthood is a symbol of status and status among the kinship, and the kinship attaches great importance to it. Generally, people who choose to call it will be called XX Baron, XX Viscount, etc.

Xiang Jing remembered that Bill and Harvey, who had already been on the street, called Elbeira as a lady, and did not carry the title.

Of course, this does not mean that women have no place in the blood race.

For example, the descendants of a certain Duke and Marquis do not have a knighthood, but others who have a knighthood dare not offend, because once offended, they will face the punishment of being knighted behind her.

Obviously, the current Albella who could be sent to win over him should not have a low status in the blood clan, otherwise he would not be so unscrupulous to capture a baron with a territory for him.

Albela smiled and said, "Want to know why, become a member of our clan, I can tell you, it is not impossible even to do something else."

Elbella is very tempting to extend an olive branch to Xiang Jing.

However, Xiang Jing didn't take him at all, and said, "Open it, let me see this Baron Lan Deng."

Bill opened this huge iron box under the instruction of Albella.

The five sides of the front, back, left, and right stretched out naturally, revealing a tied vampire inside.

This vampire has messy hair and wrinkled clothes, which is normal for ordinary people, but it is a bit unbearable for the blood race who has always attached great importance to appearance.

It seems that before he was caught, he should have tried his best to resist, but with this ordinary rope, can he be tied? Or does Elbela have some special means that even the baron can be controlled by her?

Xiang Jing didn't think deeply, looked at Albeira and said, "He will cooperate well?"

Elbella took a graceful sip of the blood that Bill poured on him. "I'm only responsible for bringing people over for you. Whether you can ask what you want depends on your ability."

In fact, she could force Baron Lan Deng to be 100% obedient with a special method, but she didn't want to, she wanted to see how much this man had.

Xiang Jing also asked casually, not expecting much from her.

Turning his head to look at the angry vampire in front of him, Xiang Jing said, "Baron Lan Deng, right? Cooperate. Let's end early, and you can leave early."

Baron Landeng looked at Albeira angrily and said, "Albeira, even if you have the blood of a marquis, you can't treat me like this. It is an insult to me to let a human judge me."

Elbella said with a face as usual, "Baron Langdeng, I am afraid you have misunderstood, but this time I have received instructions from the palace. If you have any comments or dissatisfaction with all my actions, you can report to the palace and punish me afterwards.

For some reason, when Baron Lan Deng heard the words Palace, he suddenly stopped talking, his face even became ugly.

Xiang Jing changed his position and stood in front of Baron Lan Deng and said, "Now you can answer my question."

"Humph." Baron Lan Deng turned his head in disdain, "Vulgar and lowly species, if the blockade is unlocked, I will drain your blood."

"Tsk, it's uncooperative to say so."

Xiang Jing nodded and stood up, took the silver cup full of holy water, the mithril cross pendant and the mithril short knife from the table and placed it in front of Lan Deng.

"I heard that your holy water Mithril is the nemesis of your vampires. I haven't seen it when I grow up. What is the use of this thing for you? Since you are a baron, your strength should be good, and you should not die so soon."

Xiang Jing said that he picked up the Mithril knife and slowly pressed Lan Deng's bare arm.

Lan Deng didn't expect this human being to have something from the Holy See, and shouted "Albella!"

Mithril is fatal to their vampires. Simply touching the skin will cause pain like being burned by a fire. Once injured, it will cause them great harm.

It's like an ordinary person being shot, it's likely to die.

Even if he was a baron, he could not withstand the devastation of Mithril.

Facing Lang Deng's call, Elbella still drank the blood in the delicate tea cup gracefully, deafening.


The Mithril short knife was tightly attached to Lan Deng's arm, making a sound like a scorched thing, and even smoke wafting out.


Lan Deng couldn't help but screamed, his body writhing crazily.

However, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from the bottom of the box, and naturally he couldn't escape Xiang Jing's short knife.

Seeing that the skin of Lan Deng clinging to the short knife festered away at a speed visible to the naked eye, there was not a drop of blood, all evaporated, and Xiang Jing took the short knife.

Looking at the undamaged Mithril Knife, Xiang Jing pretended to be surprised and said, "It seems that the rumors are true. This Mithril can really harm vampires."

"How about, Baron Lan Deng, have you figured it out clearly?"

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