Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 297: : Really you

With the help of the ruins as a foothold, Xiang Jing pulled Dana into several vertical jumps and landed steadily on the ground, then quickly left, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

After Xiang Jing left, Li Qiang patted his palms and said, "Get up now, add chicken drumsticks at night."

The people who were half-dead and fell to the ground just now stood up as if they had been treated with stimulants.

Xiang Jing pulled Dana and ran a dozen kilometers away before stopping, panting heavily on his knees.

Dana was also panting. If she didn't run fast just now, she might have to be arrested today.

After returning, Dana took the hard drive and looked at Xiang Jing and said, "The computer has a password, I removed the hard drive."

Xiang Jing took the hard drive, looked at it and said, "Let's find out if there is a computer. Let's install the hard drive and see if we can find anything useful."

After half a day, Xiang Jing installed a computer, successfully powered on, and clicked to turn on my computer.

I found a folder in the C drive and opened it. It contains detailed records of how to grow food, including the growth cycle, output, etc., and also made a video.

Dana, who saw this scene, had an excited and happy smile on her face.

Xiang Jing calmly turned to the bottom and opened a record file, which stated at the beginning that special soil and water are needed to plant such fast-growing grain seeds.

However, the specific soil and water are not mentioned, and they are similar to ordinary ones from the video.

Dana saw that Xiang Jing's expression was wrong, and asked quickly, "Do you understand Chinese? What is written on it?"

Xiang Jing nodded and said, "I studied in Huaxia Kingdom before and I can understand it."

Then I translated the above content completely and told Dina.

After Dana heard it, it turned cloudy for a moment, and said annoyedly, "If only I had just taken some dirt and water from their greenhouse."

Xiang Jing took a deep breath and said, "It's okay. Now that we have these information, we are not in vain. The dirt and water matters. Let's think of a solution later, but let's hide it for a while, and lose such important files Now, that force will definitely not let it go."

Although impatient, Dina also understood the current situation and nodded helplessly.

However, she was also shocked by the strength of the Chinese man just now. With such a strong strength, Dana is really rare in her life.

Xiang Jing secretly compared a YES in his heart. Now Dana will not leave China in a short period of time, at least she will be in China before acquiring soil and water.

During this time, enough DNA comparison results of the research institute came out.

In this way, another week passed. During this period, Li Qiang's acting skills were very good. He brought people out to catch Xiang Jing every day, and they had to push them to the border area.

In the afternoon of that day, Xiang Jing received a communication from Li Qiang, "City Lord, the results of the DNA comparison at the research institute have come out."

"How is it?" Xiang Jing suddenly opened his eyes from a rest state and asked.

"City Lord, according to the DNA comparison of your sister and that of Bishop Dana by the Scientific Research Institute, the two are the same person."

Xiang Jing was silent for a long time, even his breathing became very light and slow, and finally he let out a long breath, and his tight body slowly relaxed.

"I see. Thank you to the Research Institute for my hard work. You still follow the original plan and listen to my orders."


After hanging up the communication, Xiang Jing looked at Dana who was concentrating on researching the information. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but the softness in his eyes.

"I finally found you."

Dana seemed to feel that someone was looking at her, and when she turned her head, she met Xiang Jing's soft and complicated eyes.

Frozen, "What's wrong with you, Peter?"

Xiang Jing turned around and frowned slightly. Although she was sure that Dina was the little girl, it seemed that she had lost her previous memories and did not remember the previous events at all.

Xiang Jing thought for a while, then suddenly took out his own photo, pointed at himself on it and asked, "Dana, do you know him?"

Previously Xiang Jing only asked Daina if she knew Xiang Jing, but now he directly took out the photo, which is more intuitive.

Dana's gaze shifted to Xiang Jing in the photo. Suddenly, there was a moment of trance in her eyes, and then she shook her head decisively and said, "I don't know, what's the matter? Is this Chinese person your previous friend in China?"

Although the trance in Dina's eyes disappeared for a while, Xiang Jing still captured it accurately. He was sure that something must have happened to the little girl over the years that caused her to remember nothing now.

Xiang Jing took the photo and asked unwillingly, "If you take a closer look, maybe you have an impression?"

Dana approached the photo, her eyes were no longer in a trance this time, she shook her head firmly and said, "I have never seen it, and I don't know it."

Xiang Jing smiled reluctantly, put away the photo and said, "It's okay, by the way, can you tell me what were you doing before joining the Holy See?"

Previously, I only asked about Dina's life experience. Now that I was determined, Xiang Jing wanted to find some clues in her words.

Although I don’t know why Xiang Jing asked this, Dina turned around and said to him, “Actually, I am an orphan. From the moment I remember, I grew up in the Holy See. According to the nun who raised me, She was praying in the church that night, and suddenly heard the cry of a baby coming from the door. When she opened the door, she saw me in my infancy."

"The nun saw that a child of mine would be frozen out of the house at night, so she took me into the church and helped me find my parents. But country Y is so big and there are so many people, and I haven’t found it after so many years. , I gave up. Later, under the guidance of the nun, I became a priest and gradually became a cardinal."

Dana also told some stories about her growing up, such as the first time she met a real vampire in a year, the first time she fought against a blood clan, met the ferocious and brutal werewolf, the kind pope and so on.

It can be said that the experience over the past ten years is impeccable, as if it is true, at least Dana thinks so.

However, Xiang Jing knew that the truth was not like this. Dina was actually a little girl, her real name was Feng Xin, and she was a real Chinese.

Xiang Jing asked, "Where is the nun who raised you now?"

After Dana heard this, she shook her head sadly, "Shortly after the catastrophe began, the world fell into chaos, and the nun died in chaos."

Xiang Jing frowned when she heard this. If Dana became like this by someone deliberately, then the nun's death would be completely unfounded.

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