Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 303: : Small town

In fact, Xiang Jing knew the location of Dina, and even knew how many attacks she had received recently, and all the armors were fed back to his righteous master.

The most serious one was that it was attacked by two Marquis at the same time, but both were blocked by the armor. There was definitely nothing, but people didn't know how.

Xiang Jing didn't worry, he couldn't take it off unless he wanted to put on the armor.

Three days later, at night, Xiang Jing came to the border town where Dana was located, which bordered the plain in front, which was a forest in the past.

It looked like it was originally a ranch, but now it has become the temporary residence of the Holy See, which is regarded as the first line of defense for mankind in Country Y.

However, these vampires are also really good at picking time to do things. This country Y is about to be re-established, and now it is going to fight a war. The people of the Holy See only need to instigate a little bit to make the people of Y country angry. Vampire catharsis.

Xiang Jing stepped into this small town, and the Templars who were in charge of patrolling and guarding couldn't find him.

Following the goal, I came all the way to the outside of the church in the small town. The neighborhood can be said to be heavily guarded, three steps, one post, five steps and one guard. In addition to the place where the faith is located, very important people also live inside.

Xiang Jing came to the roof with a light leap, walked to a position quietly, and then climbed the eaves, standing upside down and looking into the window.

Inside is a small room, smaller than Xiang Jing's residence in St. Paul's Cathedral, at most there is more room for a bed.

Dana was resting on the bed at this time, breathing evenly.

Xiang Jing looked at her carefully, and after confirming that she was okay, he didn't want to wake her up, so he turned and left here.

When he came to this small town, Xiang Jing didn't plan to go to Dana directly. He had done enough things on the surface, and now he wanted to go into the dark.

And once the kinsmen know that he is in this small town, Xiang Jing and the kinsmen’s hatred will definitely send a team of people to kill, then this small town will not be able to withstand the indiscriminate bombing of the kinsmen. .

Therefore, Xiang Jing is now going to enter the village secretly, not to shoot guns, and to observe the situation in secret.

He has nothing to do with how the Holy See and the kinsmen fight. He only cares about Dana's safety and will help him if necessary.

Xiang Jing found a better location. He was able to see the surrounding environment and the house of the church at a glance. There were two Templars standing guard on the top of the building, but he didn't even find him.

Therefore, without the cardinal and the Templars in this small town, Xiang Jing stayed here quietly.

If it weren't for fear of being discovered, he even prepared to eat hot pot.

Early the next morning, Xiang Jing got up and stretched, hiding in the shadows and looking at the town.

There are no ordinary people in this town, they are all priests of the Holy See.

There are Templar knights patrolling on the road, all faces are serious, slightly tired, it seems that during this period of time, the confrontation with the blood clan has damaged their strength.

Looking at the church again, there was no movement, except for occasional people who ran in and out to send information documents.

Pulling his gaze further away, he looked at the forest on the other side of the plain.

With Xiang Jing's eyesight, he could see people moving in the dense woods, it is probably the scout of the blood race.

However, it seems that there will be no fighting again in a short time, and there is such a large plain in the middle that there is nothing empty. Once one party starts, it can be seen at a glance, and it is easy to be used as a living target.

Moreover, the war is not the final word in this local battlefield. The pope and some powerful cardinals above are probably negotiating with the blood family.

Once the negotiations are over, it is time to officially announce that it will not be possible. The battlefield in such a small town cannot affect the overall situation.

However, what Xiang Jing didn't understand was that in such a small place, Dana and a cardinal were stationed, and there were at least three blood marquis on the opposite side.

Could it be that this ghost place is still a battleground for military strategists.

Xiang Jing took advantage of the night to look around. There was no shop in front of the town, no shops at the back of the village. There was only a big road leading to other places, and then there was a plain and a forest over there.

On the other side of the forest is the territory of the blood race. Xiang Jing has also visited it. There is nothing special, but a castle that exists over there seems to have been newly built.

I don't know what's special about this place, Xiang Jing simply responds to all changes, quietly waiting for the situation between the blood and the Holy See to ferment, to see what it will become.

In this way, without anyone knowing, Xiang Jing stayed in this town for half a month.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of food and water on the body, and it will be no problem to live for more than 70 or 80 years.

"Boom Rumble"

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, and the sky became gloomy. It seemed that it was going to rain.

Xiang Jing leaned against the corner, boringly flipping through the magazine he found in his hand, staying here every day, and had to think of a way to pass the time.

After a few thunders rang outside, it didn't take long before it started to rain.

Unlike the expected pouring rain, it was a patter of moderate rain, not heavy, but the rain was enough to wet the ground and people's clothes.

A damp and cold air gradually filled the town.

Even so, the Templars in the small town did not relax their vigilance, or find a place to shelter from the rain, and even started patrolling more carefully.

Because of this kind of weather, there will be fog, and human sight will be blocked, which is more conducive to the travel of the blood.

What they are wary of is that the blood race sneaks over through such weather.

Although these priests have gained the power to fight vampires, they are still inferior to the blood race in many hard conditions of physical fitness.

Xiang Jing rubbed his hands, raised his head and glanced at the forest across the plain.

I saw that there were more people in the forest under the rain curtain than before.

Xiang Jing knew in his heart that these vampires finally couldn't help it.

Those scouts are expected to come over as the vanguard, followed by the main force.

I just don't know if the opposite is a tentative offensive this time.

After a glance, Xiang Jing continued to hold the magazine and looked, let alone, some of these foreign stars are indeed pretty. Although Xiang Jing doesn't know one, it doesn't hinder his aesthetics.

A minute later, Xiang Jing suddenly picked up a self-made simple hand crossbow on the side. It was loaded with a crossbow made of Mithril arrows. It was a time when Dana attacked a vampire. He picked it up easily, but it was just this one.

Closing one eye, Xiang Jing casually aimed at a vampire walking through the rain and pulled the trigger.

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