Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 305: : Last wish

"The main force outside is actually to provide a cover for us, and our main purpose is to release a powerful blood race suppressed under this church."

"Who is it?" Xiang Jing didn't seem surprised, and asked calmly.

The blood race took advantage of this weather to launch an attack, which is understandable. At first, it is understandable to send scouts to sneak in.

But I thought I was found in the middle of the plain, so why didn't I go, but rushed to the town desperately. What's the point?

If they run back, they can at least ensure that the loss is minimized, but if they rush forward, basically there is no life.

And the main role of scouts is to spy, and they don't have a strong combat effectiveness.

Now that it has been discovered, that is to say, it has lost the meaning of combining inside and outside, why bother to rush into the town to die.

Xiang Jing guessed that these blood scouts must have other functions, as expected, he guessed right.

When all the power of the Holy See in the small town was attracted to fight against the main force of the blood race, it was time for the remaining blood scouts to come into play.

Faced with Xiang Jing's question, the blood scout shook his head, "We were only told the way to release the sealed blood, and nothing else."

Xiang Jing touched his chin and asked, "Where is that blood family sealed in the church?"

Xiang Jing can be sure that the seal has not been released, because when these blood scouts appeared in the church, he followed behind.

The blood scout raised his hand tremblingly, and pointed to the fountain with angel sculptures in the atrium.

Xiang Jing’s holy water was scooped from there.

Xiang Jing walked over with the unlucky ghost, walked around the small fountain, and found nothing special.

The induction also didn't sense anything similar to the aura of the strong, and there were only the sacred attributes in the Holy See, and it couldn't beat the blood clan.

After the blood scout approached here, he kept twisting and convulsing, feeling like he was experiencing some painful punishment.

When Xiang Jing saw this scene, he zoomed out a bit, which left him a sigh of relief.

Then he looked at the kin scout and asked, "How did you enter here, ignoring the church's oppression on you."

It stands to reason that the church is a forbidden place for the blood races, and they should not come in.

The blood scout said tremblingly, "Our blood has a secret technique that can ignore the oppression brought to us by the church in a short time, but it can't be done in a sacred place like the Vatican. It can only be useful in such a small church."

Xiang Jing thought for a while and asked, "Are you going in St. Paul's Cathedral?"

In the case of St. Paul’s Cathedral, Dina said that the Holy See was investigating, but the ghost knew whether they took this matter to heart.

Hearing Xiang Jing’s question, the blood scout shook his head in fright. "This is absolutely impossible. St. Paul’s Cathedral has a long history and strong sacred attributes. Even the Marquis cannot enter. Even if the Duke can barely get close, his strength will be suppressed. It's very low, just like looking for death."


"Unless what?"

"Unless, someone has defiled the sacred attributes from the inside of the church, so that the sacredness of the church is no longer pure, so that the church is no different from ordinary buildings."

"Make it clear." Xiang Jing looked at the kin scout, he felt that this guy said the point.

"For example, although this church is small, it is full of sacred attributes, but as long as it is defiled or destroyed with dark power from the inside, it is no different from ordinary buildings."

"For example, this angel sculpture is the gathering place for the sacred attributes of this church. If it is destroyed, this church is just like an ordinary building."

Xiang Jing nodded, and then asked, "Can you vampires destroy it?"

The blood scout shook his head decisively, "The places where the sacred attributes of each church are gathered are forbidden places for vampires. Not to mention destruction, even if they are close, they will be greatly hurt. If you want to destroy, only humans can do it."

"That's it." Xiang Jing smiled. This time he was even more sure that there was a ghost in the Holy See, and it was among the few people he expected.

With the answer to the question in his mind, Xiang Jing was in a good mood, and asked casually, "What are you going to do to release the strong man of the blood race."

After the blood scout rolled his throat, he squatted and said, "Broken, destroy this statue."

"You fool me?"

The corner of Xiang Jing's eyes twitched, and he pulled out the Sword of Destruction and placed it on his neck.

The icy chill from Jian Feng reached the blood scout's heart, causing his body to tremble faster.

"No, no," he said, resisting fear. "It's the Holy Blood Temple that gave something that can destroy this sculpture without our own hands."

He said that he took a crystal clear crimson amber from his wrist.

"This kind of blood-colored amber, each of us has one. As long as this thing is thrown at the sculpture, the fragile appearance cannot withstand the squeezing of the two forces of light and darkness, and it will explode. The impact of the two forces is enough to destroy it. This statue."

Xiang Jing picked up this blood-colored amber, and indeed felt the power of darkness in it, but it was now in a sealed state.

Looking at the blood races that he had just killed, they also had exactly the same **** amber in their hands.

It seems that this blood family did not lie to him.

But now all the people who should be asked are asked, and everyone who wants to know is known. This blood scout seems to be of no use value.

Just when Xiang Jing was considering whether to kill the blood scout with a sword, he suddenly said weakly, "The sacred attribute of the angel sculpture is too strong. I can't live anymore. Hope, I hope you can do me a favor."

Xiang Jing looked at him and said

At least in light of the useful information he provided, Xiang Jing was willing to fulfill his last wish, of course, provided that he did not violate Xiang Jing's principles.

"I, I was also a human being, because a ruthless fire took my family away. I was selected by the blood and became a vampire. I lived in dark corners and shadows day and night, when I was dying. Before, I thought, embrace again, light, as a human being, even if I die, I will go to hell."

The kin scout said, his eyes persistently looked at the white and flawless angel sculpture, with persistence and yearning in his eyes.

Even if this sculpture is fatal to him.

Xiang Jing looked at him, did not say much, pulled him close to the sculpture, and threw him against the fountain.

The sacred attributes emanating from the angel sculpture caused his skin to fester and turn into steam, melting into the world bit by bit.

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