Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 325: : Against the Light Array

And if Xiang Jing could give an angel with all his memories to the Holy See for free, it would be an inestimable wealth for the Holy See.

First of all, the mystery of heaven is enough to arouse the curiosity of many people. Second, the appearance of a real angel can inspire and inspire people.

In the previous battle with the kinsmen, the Holy See did not lose and the kinsmen did not win, but in a way, it was a big blow to the Holy See.

The appearance of angels will play an absolutely vital role in the stability of the hearts of the Holy See.

Furthermore, the angel's study of illuminati and the methods of dealing with dark forces will definitely be much stronger than the Holy See, can learn a little bit, can deal with the blood race and increase the great power.

Moreover, an angel who takes the initiative to display the sacred wedding dress is a not weak combat power in itself. Even if the strength is suppressed, there is no one in ten, and it is not the ordinary blood duke can handle.

Therefore, this condition given by Xiang Jing can be said to be very rich.

However, the Pope didn't want to just agree to him, because Xiang Jing said just now that China had captured several humans in sacred wedding dresses.


The pope stretched out **** and said.

Xiang Jing stretched out a finger and said indisputably, "One, no bargaining."

The pope frowned and thought for a while, and still agreed to Xiang Jing's terms.

Regarding the sacred wedding dress, Xiang Jing should have known something from the captured angel, otherwise he would not come to himself with such certainty.

After he learned the relevant information about the sacred wedding dress, he still came to himself, stating that he still had what he needed.

However, this thing may be dispensable to him, and he can also choose to go back and continue to interrogate the captured angel, then the Pope loses its value.

After thinking of this, the Pope agreed to Xiang Jing's exchange terms, even if he was reluctant.

The pope arranged his thoughts for a while and said, "If you want Dana to return to the original state, you need to find a way to pull the soul of the Seraphim from her body, but at the same time, you need to sort out her memory and completely separate the Seraphim and her soul memory. Otherwise, it's useless to simply pull out the soul, and it may become an idiot from then on."

"What method?" Xiang Jing asked a crucial question. The information he learned from the pope is similar to that of the angels, but the most critical soul problem has not been solved yet.

The Pope shook his head and said, "My strength is limited, and I cannot separate the soul, and Dana's situation is too complicated, even if there is a way, I dare not implement it easily."

In fact, if the pope had a way, he would have sorted out Dana's soul memory, and used the power of the seraph to deal with the blood race, and asked Xiang Jing to ask.

Xiang Jing asked, "So, is there a way?"

The Pope’s limited power can’t do it, but that doesn’t mean there’s no other way. If you want to play word games with Xiang Jing, this stuff is a bit tender.

Moreover, it is impossible to get in for him a human being in a sacred wedding dress, so he must get enough useful things back, otherwise it will not be discussed.

Seeing that the pope couldn’t hide from Xiang Jing, he nodded and said, “In the Holy See’s Illuminati, there is a powerful formation that can separate the soul from the body. Although no one has ever used it, since it is effective for the soul, it must be. The soul that can separate the sacred wedding dress."

"However, it takes a lot of energy to activate this formation, which I cannot do with my current strength."

Xiang Jing directly asked, "What formation and what are the trigger conditions?"

The Pope said, "The formation is called the Inverse Light Formation. It takes five strong men with such powerful powers as you and me to be able to activate it."

This next Xiang Jing can be regarded as understanding why the Pope said that it could not be done. There are only a few strong people like Pope Xiang Jing in this last days.

And such a strong person is either a hero of one party, or a man of troubled times, or a generation of heroes, who must be arrogant and powerful.

And to launch this Inverse Illumination Array, five powerhouses of this level are needed. If such a powerhouse wants to ask for help, it is no different from reaching the sky.

However, such a problem is not a problem for Xiang Jing. As far as Xiang Jing knows now, the powerhouses of the same level, besides him and Li Qiang, there are four Pope and Dracula Torrido. .

But don’t forget that in the Huaxia Kingdom, the forestry Linyuan Corpse King and Baishan Beast King are both more than 900 times and nearly 1,000 times more powerful. In terms of combat effectiveness, they are completely worthy of the Pope and Dracula Torrido.

Han Feng, Zimo, Gao Ming, Li Yuan, Wang Han, and Lin Yaozu are the next-ranked ones, all of whom are nearly nine hundred times stronger.

Xiang Jing had the final say, and he added Li Qiang, Forestry, Linyuan Corpse King, and Baishan Beast King. There were exactly five people, and their strength reached the standard.

Touching his chin, Xiang Jing said, "Tell me the plan and method, and I will give the person to you. Leave the rest alone."

The pope thought for a while, "I can give you a complete method of use, as well as previous user experience records, but again, give me two humans who are sacred by angels."

Without thinking, Xiang Jing nodded and said, "Okay, it's a deal."

Anyway, the value of the angels caught was almost squeezed out, and there happened to be two foreigners, and it was no big deal to throw them at him.

Moreover, the status of angels in the Holy See is extraordinary, and it is uncertain whether they will be given two guardians or two uncles.

Arranged with the Pope, one month later, I will come to him for exchange.

After leaving the Vatican, Xiang Jing asked Linyuan Corpse King to personally **** the two hapless ghosts.

However, there are still twenty days before the time agreed with Dracula Torrido, how to deal with the ancestor of this blood race is still a problem.

Do you want to kill him?

Xiang Jing had this idea, and then shook his head thinking it was unrealistic.

It can be said that it is very difficult for a strong person of this level to kill. It can be seen from the battle between Xiang Jing and the Pope.

Both losers and losers are fighting to run out of ammunition and food. It is harder to kill the opponent than to reach the sky.

Moreover, once a powerhouse of this level ran away desperately, it was difficult to catch up.

Killing him will also affect the balance between the blood race and the Holy See.

Therefore, Xiang Jing is not going to do anything to Dracula Tori, but he has to explain what he says.

Xiang Jing thought for a while, and after a while, suddenly thought of something, got up and went to St. Paul's Cathedral.

This is a ruin, without the shelter of St. Paul's Cathedral, most of London has completely fallen.

Xiang Jing is here to wait for Dracula Torrido to come, and then give him an explanation.

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