Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 328: :material

The first is the preparation of materials. If you want to set up the inverse light array, you need a lot of weird things. First, the feathers of the crow, the wings of the bat, the teeth of the blood race, and the hair of the werewolf.

Even if this is the case, Xiang Jingjing can get it, the most ridiculous thing is that there is a demon's blood.

Nyima’s has angels, heavens, gods, and horses. Isn’t that enough? Now there are some demons, and are they going to get all Satan Lucifer.

There are holy water, mithril, holy silver, and crosses, which Xiang Jing can also get, but what kind of ghosts are angel feathers?

He caught a few angels, but they all came down through the sacred wedding dress, with wings of wool.

In addition to these, it is necessary to depict a very complex and complicated matrix. The matrix book has detailed annotations and painting details, but the degree of complexity...

Let’s put it this way, Xiang Jing felt okay at one glance, nausea at the second, and nausea at the third.

But disgusting is disgusting, and the results are still a little bit. At least it is only a matter of time to draw this huge array.

It's just that Xiang Jing is really one of the first two people with this material, and he deliberately asked the Pope to make sure that the above things are true and false.

As a result, the pope told him with a serious face that all the things recorded above were true and there was nothing wrong.

This is embarrassing for Xiang Jing, all the materials above can be obtained by Jingjing, but the blood of the devil and the feathers of the angel have become a big problem, and there is no way to start.

Take one step at a time.

Xiang Jing and Linyuan Corpse King brought the formation map back to Tiankui City, found a safe and spacious place, and dispatched a group of people to begin to portray the layout.

On Dana's side, the pope said that he would take care of him, and nothing would happen for the time being. Xiang Jing chose to temporarily come back to deal with the affairs of Tiankui City.

In the Tiankui City Prison, under heavy watch, in the cell where Gabriel was locked up, Xiang Jing looked at Gabriel and asked, "In my cognition, angels have wings. Why do I think you have not only occupied Except for the human body, there are no signs of angels anywhere else."

Gabriel sat in meditation with her eyes closed, and did not pay attention to Xiang Jing. Since the last time Xiang Jing met her once, she has been silent like this, asking nothing, just like a mute.

Xiang Jing shrugged and said, "Maybe you don't know. I'm doing business with the Holy See in the West. Maybe I can let you go to the Holy See to save you from staying in my dark, cold and humid cell every day."

Gabriel still did not reply to Xiang Jing.

Sure enough, Gabriel, one of the four archangels, was not so cheating.

Xiang Jing pouted his lips and left the cell, giving up the idea of ​​getting news from Gabriel.

This level of power is not so easy to fool.

In the next period of time, several cities in China are still being constructed and developed step by step.

At the same time, the original urban ruins have been cleaned up, and new road trunks have begun to be laid.

Xiang Jing is planning to build the Huaxia Kingdom completely according to the plan on the Kingdom of God. Now the overall situation of Huaxia Kingdom has been set, and it can be completed at one time by this opportunity. It is only a matter of time.

However, the only problem now is how to deal with the black mist on the East China Sea. Profound water can be used to prevent him from invading the mainland for the time being, but it will definitely not work for a long time.

In addition, monsters in the ocean have attacked the land more frequently in recent years. Once a part of the land is completely occupied by them, it will be very difficult to regain it.

I heard that the overseas Australian country (adly) is surrounded by the sea, facing the massive invasion of marine monsters, and lacks the ability to do so. In desperation, they can only choose to abandon part of the land, and the monsters occupy one third of the continent. It's harder to regain it than to climb to the sky.

Therefore, in terms of national sovereignty, Xiang Jing is doing his part and will never compromise with any forces.

The cede of land and compensation will never happen again, unless Xiang Jing dies and the entire China nation is destroyed.

After thinking about it, Xiang Jing still didn't think of any way to deal with the black fog.

It used to be able to use electromagnetic gun ultrasonic to force it back, but now it appears again, and it has become more difficult to deal with than before, so I am not afraid of these things.

Just as Xiang Jing was distressed, the forestry reported and caught several human beings who had been sacred. Xiang Jing handed them over to Li Yuan.

But the forestry still didn't leave, and continued, "City Lord, one of the people caught this time is different."

Xiang Jing recovered, looked at him and asked, "What's the situation?"

"One of the people caught this time has the same symptoms as the sacred wedding dress, but it is not the kind of holy light, but a power that looks very evil and dark."

Suddenly something connected in Xiang Jing's mind, and he got up and said, "Take me to see."

Followed Forestry all the way to the prison, the cell where the newly arrested person was detained.

Through the iron windows on the iron gate, Xiang Jing looked inside, but after a glance, he did not find any figures.

Forestry naturally saw it. He was about to order to open the cell. Xiang Jing raised his hand to stop him. He took the key and opened the door to a gap. The whole person flashed past, and the cell door closed again. The bunch of keys were thrown out together.

Forestry opened his mouth and said nothing in the end.

As soon as Xiang Jing entered the cell, an extremely depressing and dark aura rushed towards him, and then a figure rushed towards him at an extremely fast speed.

Xiang Jing didn't even look at it. He just leaned over.

Hearing only a bang, the figure was kicked and hit the wall with a kick, and then slid down softly, losing the ability to move.

Xiang Jing slowly walked in front of him and looked at him.

This person should be from Southeast Asia, which is the place where the third brother is in Thailand.

However, he now looks a bit different from the people over there. There are black marks on his skin, just like tattoos, but it reveals an evil nature.

At this time, he looked very fierce, similar to a beast, even though he was restrained by all his power, he wanted to attack Xiang Jing.

However, after being kicked, he was honest for the time being, curled up like a lobster, but still staring at Xiang Jing and grinning towards him.

"Do you know why you were arrested?" According to Forestry, this person was arrested from Thailand, so Xiang Jing spoke Thai.

It seemed that he heard familiar words that this man like the murderer didn't expect, and then he slowly got up, leaned against the wall behind him and said "Why?"

The standard Thai is also spoken.

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