Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 334: :free time

These people are naturally the shadow of Mo Shangsheng.

Since the mission came to China, their every move and every move was within the shadow's surveillance range.

Otherwise, Xiang Jing couldn't let them go, so freely in and out of the streets and alleys of Tiankui City.

Including the Pope and Dracula Torrido, Mo Shangsheng and Linyuan Corpse King followed.

The attributes of both of them are dark, suitable for tracking and sneaking, and their strength is not much different, and they are not easy to be found.

When the Holy See and the blood group searched the places where angels and demons were imprisoned, they also witnessed the strength of Tiankui City.

It is different from Country Y, which is chaotic, divided by various forces, and messy everywhere.

In the Huaxia Kingdom, here in Tiankui City alone, the people live and work in peace and contentment. Everyone has a smile that would only appear in peaceful times. That kind of smile can't be pretended to be, and it comes from the heart.

There are bustling troubles, bars, hotels, supermarkets, and shopping malls. As long as they are in the peaceful era, Tiankui City basically has them.

This gave the people in the mission a illusion that they were in the last days or in a metropolis that was once peaceful.

The facts tell them that this is the end of the world, because there are many things they haven't seen in the market. This towering city wall and the unprecedented big city are things that you can't see in the peaceful era.

It was at the market where the members of the mission saw a lot of high-end good things, and they just displayed them in such a grand manner, as if they were not afraid of others to grab them.

There are also a variety of new types of transportation equipment. There is no need to use gasoline as a starting energy source. Solar power can be fully supplied, and the speed is fast, energy saving and emission reduction, and there is no sign of congestion on the road.

There are also many women and pedestrians on the street. In the last days, women’s status has plummeted, and they are easily captured by men. They lead a life that is worse than life. And here, women and children, whether old or weak, are so happy. Natural harmony.

The scenes they saw along the way made them feel shocked by waves, and even forgot what their original mission was.

Half an hour passed quickly, and when the mission had not realized that time had passed, they had been taken back to the gate of the city lord's mansion by the soldiers of Tiankui City.

It can be seen from their expressions that what they have seen and heard in the past half an hour has had a huge impact on their hearts.

Even the Pope and Dracula Torrido looked calm as water on the surface, but they were still shocked deep inside.

They are all the supreme leaders of a party, and they have naturally seen many big scenes.

Even the Pope’s own Vatican and the Sanctuary of the Holy Blood have not been affected by the end times.

Of course, on the Vatican side, Xiang Jing was an accident.

However, the Vatican and the Temple of the Holy Blood can accommodate only a few people, and they are able to resist it by relying on the foundation accumulated over the years.

The city of Tiankui was different. This city didn't exist at all in the peaceful age, so it was said that he was a newly established city in the last days.

This city is huge, and the light of the area is really unprecedented. When they first arrived at the gate of Tiankui City not long ago, they felt a sense of looking up.

It is normal for such a large city to have so many people in it. What makes them unexpected is that the security of so many people should be very poor and it should be very difficult to manage.

However, the facts made them slap their faces mercilessly. Not only did the people live and work in peace and contentment in the city, they were also prosperous and prosperous, and there was a sense of peace and security.

Such a big city is still in the last days, this is really unimaginable.

And think about it carefully, this city was established in the last days, and it has only been more than four years since the end of the world. To build such a large city, it can be said to be a supernatural skill.

In the same way, it is a fantasy for them to find a place to detain angels and demons in such a large city.

Walking at an ordinary speed, they couldn't finish one-tenth of Tiankui City in half an hour.

It's even more impossible to ask passers-by. These Chinese people look at them like anti-thief, they can do business, ask for news, sorry, no.

This also caused them to gain nothing for half an hour except for seeing the powerful and solid strength of Tiankui City of China.

Draw a map?

Yes, let you paint, not to mention that Tiankui City occupies such a large area, and you have to paint until the year of the monkey by hand.

The original layout design of Tiankui City is enough for you to drink a pot.

The layout of all the streets and houses in Tiankui City were built strictly in accordance with the above of the Kingdom of God, and all these things added up were a huge maze map.

Usually it's nothing to watch shopping. Once activated, unless you have the strength to break this formation, you will never think of it in your life.

Therefore, these people of the Holy See and the blood race wanted to draw a hand-drawn map, and they fainted without drawing twice.

Because every time they go to a place, they feel that this place has just been here, and when they turn their heads and feel that they have never been, they will confuse themselves.

This is also one of the reasons why Xiang Jinggan allowed them to enter the city of Tiankui, and it was also to show these Westerners the power of China in the East.

Seeing that these people had returned, with the expressions that Forestry wanted to see on his face, he smiled and said, "Everyone, please come with me. The Lord has been waiting for you for a long time.

With a "creak", the heavy door slowly opened to both sides, revealing an empty hall inside.

The forestry stepped in first, and the Holy See and the blood group behind kept up.

Forestry walked into the hall, all the way to the steps where the seat of the city lord was placed, and respectfully said, "Lord, the mission of country Y is here."

Xiang Jing sat on the throne at the moment, smiling at the dumbfounded Pope and Dracula Torrido.

If they were shocked by what they saw in Tiankui City, then when they saw Xiang Jing, they were really shocked, and then dumbfounded.

They have had many speculations that the current leader of China may be an old man, a powerful man, or a legend.

As a result, when they saw Xiang Jing, the word "finished" appeared in their hearts.

It was not that Xiang Jing would kill them, but the previous contact made them feel deeply that Zhang Jing is a pit, an old and cunning profiteer.

There is no trade without losing money when dealing with her.

And now he is the country lord of Huaxia Kingdom, plus the three angels he brought out some time ago, using his **** to think and know what's going on.

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