Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 354: : Off

Xiang Jing didn't have any perverted pleasure, this was the end they deserved.

He is willing to bear all the sins for his actions, so he chooses one not to stay, all will die.

As time passed bit by bit, the raging fire and green liquid seemed endless.

One after another fell down, and in the end, only the pope who had been slashed with a stick was left.

Xiang Jing looked at the Pope, "I will not let you commit suicide. On the contrary, I will kill you personally, let you rise to heaven, go to your god, and let you accept the baptism of heaven in endless guilt and pain. "

After Xiang Jing finished speaking, under the eyes of the Pope with horror, anger and resentment, a sword killed his life.

Xiang Jing flew over the Vatican, retracted the instrument, and then controlled the fire in the wood and the fire in the stone, and burned violently toward the Vatican.

The raging fire rose up, devouring this holy place with thousands of years of history and all believers in the world.

The fire has been burning for three days and three nights, and the flame is as if it is spiritual, burning only in the Vatican.

However, if someone tries to approach or extinguish it, the flame will swallow it instantly.

When the fire finally extinguished, the Vatican, which was once bustling, was left in ruins. The grand occasion of the year was destined to be seen only in books.

Since then, the Holy See, an organization that has existed on the earth for thousands of years, has been completely destroyed.

After solving the group of hypocrites of the Holy See, Xiang Jing went straight to the territory of the blood race.

It's very simple to find this group of vampires. Just find an old castle and demolish it. The blood that lives inside will naturally come out.

Under Xiang Jing's persecution, without much effort, he asked the location of their base camp.

When Xiang Jing arrived at the blood clan’s lair the next day, a castle standing on the top of the mountains, Dracula Torrido and a group of blood clan seniors were already waiting for him here.

Around Xiangjing City, there are basically high-ranking blood races, and the weakest are also at the Duke level.

"Why, want to do it?"

Xiang Jing looked at Dracula Torrido and asked.

He came to the blood family, not to destroy them, let them end with the Holy See, at least Xiang Jing can be sure that the blood family has nothing to do with this matter.

Because they and the Holy See are on the opposite side, if they participate in this plan, it is equivalent to betraying their Satan.

The kinship is also a power that has existed in the West for thousands of years. The Holy See has been destroyed. If the kinship is no longer there, then the entire West will be in chaos.

Although it will be a matter of time before the earth is unified, Western managers are Easterners, and they will definitely have a rebellious mentality.

In order to stabilize the situation, Xiang Jing needs the support of these veteran powers in the West to let them take charge of their own people, and the blood race is the first candidate besides the Holy See.

Dracula Torrido smiled and said, "There is an old saying in your country that it is a great pleasure to have friends from afar. We are here to welcome the Chinese Lord."

"In that case, sit down and talk."

The screen shifts to the chamber of the Blood Clan Castle, Xiang Jing and Dracula Torrido are sitting opposite each other on the long conference table, with a group of high-level Blood Clan sitting on either side.

"Then, I don't know if the Lord of the country comes from afar, what's the point?" Dracula Torrido asked directly.

Xiang Jing took a look, and the good black tea on the table said, "You all know about the Holy See."

The conference hall became quiet in an instant, and the atmosphere became tense in an instant.

The Holy See is the enemy of the blood for thousands of years. They will pay attention to every move. Not to mention that the Holy See, which has existed for thousands of years, was directly destroyed. The huge Vatican was also burned to death, and even the foundation was uprooted.

The instigator of the destruction of the Holy See is now sitting at the conference table, which makes the kinsmen present not think much.

"Naturally knows."

Dracula Torrido squinted his eyes and said, "I also want to thank the Lord of the Kingdom for getting rid of this big worry for our blood."

"Don't get me wrong." Xiang Jing looked at Dracula Torrido and said, "I am here today, not to prove anything. I just want to tell you that I have this ability to destroy the Holy See, and naturally also have this power to make your blood family disappear. ."

"I don't think you will." Dracula Torrido said calmly. "If you came today to go to war, you won't be sitting here and talking to us so much at this time."

The blood races present, whether they are the duke or the prince's ancestor, are sitting in their positions at the moment, listening quietly like a pupil who just went to school. Although the inner fluctuations are a bit large, they still dare not show it.

The strongest person of the blood clan, the conversation with the strongest person of Huaxia Nation, these dukes and princes who are usually above the blood clan, couldn't intervene at all.

"That's right." Xiang Jing nodded and said, "I am here today with only one purpose. Do your kinsmen choose to surrender to me or follow the footsteps of the Holy See and disappear from this world?"

After Xiang Jing finished speaking, he stared directly at Dracula Torrido, regardless of the many kinsmen present. In fact, he and Dracula Torrido were the only ones who had the right to speak.

Xiang Jing's remarks were very domineering, and it was simply unreasonable.

If a person who has no power to bind a chicken says this, it is undoubtedly looking for death, but it is Xiang Jing who said this, which can't help but they have to weigh it.

Dracula Torrido's expression became a little unnatural, and he thought about it and said, "This matter, we still need to reply to you after a unified discussion within our blood clan, after all, I am not alone in the big blood clan. "

"I only give you one minute." Xiang Jing didn't give Dracula Torrido time or opportunity to practice Tai Chi at all.

Dracula Torrido frowned suddenly, he could see that Xiang Jing's determination, a disagreement, might really destroy their blood.

"My ancestor, I am willing to bear everything."

Time passed by, when all the blood races were silent, Tsmich Rhodes, the blood race ancestor who had just returned to the blood race, stood up and said.

Dracula Torrido looked at him, his expression moved slightly, and finally nodded.

If Dracula Torrido is the first to support, then he will bear the eternal infamy of the blood family, but if he is replaced by another person, he can still sit on the position of the ancestor of the blood family and control the power of the blood family, and the human heart of the blood family will not Too much loss.

It is equivalent to the Back Pot Man, and Tsmich Rhodes is now playing the role of Back Pot Man.

Of course, this was under Xiang Jing's instruction. Otherwise, if it drags on like this, it may really happen.

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