Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 367: : Zhang Tu

Seeing the posture of the village chief, Xiang Jing knew that he had misunderstood him, and helped him up and said, "The village chief, don't be nervous, I have something to say to you."

Under the suppression of Xiang Jing's absolute power, the village head bit the bullet and sat up even if he was afraid, but it was obvious that the whole person was shrunk together, and his head was half short.

Xiang Jing was helpless, knowing that once he took the shot, this phenomenon would be unavoidable. He had planned to stay for a few more days, but this time it seemed unnecessary.

Xiang Jing told the village chief the thoughts he had just arrived, as well as some pros and cons, and then he decided whether or not Qin village should "disappear" in this deserted ancient mountain range.

After the village chief heard what Xiang Jing said, he actually had the answer in his heart, but he still looked at Xiang Jing from time to time, for fear that he might upset him if he made a mistake.

After a while, he said softly, "Everything sounds like a fairy."

Xiang Jing would not be able to adapt to his appearance for a while, just think about it, don't force him.

"Then do what I just said, I will go to Zhangcun, and the rest is up to you."

Xiang Jing got up and left the village chief's house after speaking, stopped at the door and said, "Come out."

Qin Tian, ​​who was hiding in the corner of the door, walked out and looked at Xiang Jing.

Unlike other people's fears, although Qin Tian's eyes had changed when he saw Xiang Jing, he was more eager to worship and yearning.

Xiang Jing nodded secretly, as he deserves to be a person with a protagonist setting, it is really extraordinary. With such a person, it will be easy to do great things in the future.

"Come with me."

After Xiang Jing finished speaking, he walked straight to the entrance of the village. Qin Tian followed closely behind him. He didn't say a word or ask another sentence.

When they arrived at the entrance of the village, the villagers were almost relieved by this time. Xiang Jing did not speak to them, but directly picked up Zhang Chong, who was suppressed by his own strength and could not move, and asked, "Where is Zhang Village?"

Xiang Jing's eyes looked at him calmly, as if asking another ordinary question.

Zhang Chong couldn't bear the slightest resistance, and trembled and said, "On a hillside two hundred kilometers away from here."

Xiang Jing threw Zhang Chong down, along with a broken knife, which was not very long or heavy, but sharp enough.

"kill him."

After faintly speaking these three words, Xiang Jing continued to walk towards the outside of the village.

Qin Tian barely hesitated, picked up the short knife on the ground, and under Zhang Chong's horrified gaze, he stabbed him in the heart.

As if worried that one move was not enough to be deadly, Qin Tian repeatedly stabbed several other key points. Qin Tian's techniques were very skilled, and seemed to have become accustomed to such things. He did not stop until Zhang Chongqi died.

At this time, his whole body was covered with blood, and it looked scary, but his eyes were abnormally calm, and the hand holding the knife was steady, without the slightest tremor.

The familiar psychology and fighting with those wild beasts in the wild had already tempered Qin Tian's strong heart.

Qin Tian simply wiped the blood from the knife and hands on Zhang Chong's body, and then trot a few steps to follow Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing came to the village about ten kilometers away. The distance was almost just right. There was only one force in Qin Village, and there were no particularly powerful beasts nearby.

Then the hands overlapped, and a yin and yang fish array was in Xiang Jing's hands. Then the yin and yang fish flew into the sky and gradually became bigger and bigger, and then slowly fell, covering the ten-kilometer radius.

Then Xiang Jing opened his hands, and the totems of the four gods appeared in the four directions of the yin and yang fish at the same time, and they quickly intertwined to form a new formation.

The two formations overlapped, and finally disappeared within this ten kilometers range.

After finishing this, Xiang Jing looked at Qin Tian who was shocked and said, "Let's go."

Qin Tian returned to God and followed Xiang Jing, walked for a while and asked, "Master, where are we going?"

"Zhang Village"

"What to do?"


"Who to kill?"

"Who want to kill whom."

Xiang Jing said very calmly, as if he was talking about something trivial.

Although Qin Tian was young, he was premature in mind. He had just listened to Xiang Jing's conversation with the village chief outside the house, and he already understood what Xiang Jing was going to do.

The distance of two hundred kilometers is not too far for Xiang Jing, even if he takes Qin Tian with him, he can get there in just an hour.

However, Xiang Jing chose to walk and walked through the deep mountains and old forest with Qin Tian.

On the way during the day, Qin Tian consciously went hunting when the time came, then cleaned up and returned to Xiang Jing to cook.

Xiang Jing changed his method to cook good food for his cheap apprentice, and the relationship between the two gradually became harmonious.

After a few days of contact, Xiang Jing felt that Qin Tian was hiding something in his heart, but Xiang Jing did not force him to ask him. When he wanted to tell himself, he would naturally.

A few days later, they reached the boundary of Zhang Village. Xiang Jing didn't delay his time, and took Qin Tian directly into the base camp of Zhang Village.

One is located on a hillside, a village like a stockade.

There are probably more than 500 households in this village, with a population of nearly a thousand people, and they will domesticate beasts as mounts. They are well-equipped and indeed have a bit of capital.

But this thing is no different from garbage in Xiang Jing's eyes.

After slapped a row of houses in the air, Zhang Tu, the village chief, walked out surrounded by the high-levels of Zhang Village.

Before they could speak, Xiang Jing said directly, "I will ask you one thing when I come today. From now on, I am not allowed to trouble Qin Cun any more. Do you agree or not?"

As soon as Zhang Tu talked to his lips, he swallowed again. He frowned and looked at Xiang Jing and asked, "Who is your Excellency? Zhangcun should not offend you."

Xiang Jing curled his mouth, then slapped down a row of houses again, looking at Zhang Tu and saying, "You only need to answer me, yes or no."

Seeing Xiang Jing's domineering behavior, if it weren't for his great strength, the people in Zhang Village would have been desperately fighting with him.

Seeing that they were still dissatisfied and angry, Xiang Jing didn't want to waste time, and directly exuded his power. The aura formed by the powerful force directly suppressed everyone present except Qin Tian.

Many people were directly stunned, trying to make the breath more powerful than those in Qin Village. How could this group of people be able to withstand it.

"Promise, I promise."

Zhang Tu finally realized the strength of the incoming person at this time, and quickly said under the strong pressure.

Xiang Jing regained his momentum and looked at the villager Zhang who was lying on the ground and hadn't recovered, and said, "Next time, there will be no need for your village to exist."

After speaking, he took Qin Tianfei away directly.

The villagers of Zhang who saw this scene were immediately dumbfounded.

"This, this is a fairy!"

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