Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 375: : Jar

"Take fifty taels and return it to Gu's family. Keep the rest for yourself."

Yu Wenyu didn't pick up the money bag, looked at Xiang Jing straight and asked, "Why help me?"

Xiang Jing put a tael of silver on the table as tea money, and got up and said, "You have a good talent. Don't ruin your great future because of these things. There is also the muddy waters of Leng's and Gu's. I advise you not to go. Up."

After Xiang Jing finished speaking, he got up and left, leaving a chic and elegant back.

Sitting at the table, Yu Wenyu looked at the purse in front of him, thought for a long time, then picked up the purse and walked in the direction of Gu's family.

Under the surprised gaze of the housekeeper Gu, Yu Wenyu put down fifty taels of silver and said, "This is the reward you gave, and it will be refunded as much. Don't call me again in the future."

After speaking, Yu Wenyu turned his head and left without any hesitation.

Gu's housekeeper, Gu An, frowned. Although he was dissatisfied with Yu Wenyu's attitude, he didn't say much, only that he was afraid of death.

Without this one, his family can still find the next one. There are still a lot of cannon fodder that can be bought with money in Liangcheng.

After leaving Gu's house, Yu Wenyu walked towards the house, but still felt uncomfortable in her heart and always felt that she owed Xiang Jing.

He doesn't like the feeling of owing something to others, and even hates it.

The more he thought about it, the more annoying, Yu Wenyu directly started looking for Xiang Jing all over the city, and finally found Xiang Jing in the shopping market.

At this time, Xiang Jing was squatting in front of a stall, bargaining with the seller for a pot.

The jar looked like it was in the trash pile, broken and thrown away by others. The broken one cannot be broken again.

Just such a thing caused Xiang Jing and the stall owner to bargain.

"Okay, okay, I won't fight with you anymore. I only have a few taels of silver here. If you want to sell it, you can keep it for yourself."

Xiang Jing said that he took out eight taels of silver, and then got up to leave.

"Hey, wait."

Seeing that Xiang Jing was really going to leave, the stall owner gritted his teeth and said, "Forget it, eight-two is eight-two, take it."

Xiang Jing gave eight taels of silver and calmly took the broken jar from the stall owner.

At this time Yu Wenyu came over, took the jar in Xiang Jing's hand, and then reached out to the stall owner and said, "Bring the money."

Yu Wenyu's actions stunned the stall owner and Xiang Jingjing.

The stall owner collected the money and said, "Paying the money in one hand and delivering the goods in the other. This is the rule, and there is never a reason to return."

Yu Wenyu took the jar and said, "This jar is just a broken jar for crickets. Both of them are worthless. You dare to sell eight taels of silver and ask for a beating."

"What, do you dare to make trouble?" This stall owner is not a good one, Huo Di immediately stood up and shouted, "Brothers, anyone who is not afraid of death will make trouble."

The stall owners of the ten or so stalls around stood up and gathered around with the guys.

Seeing this, Xiang Jing took the jar and said, "Young man, this is why you don't know the goods. This jar looks like a broken jar that contains crickets and is abandoned. In fact, there is something else in it."

Yu Wenyu looked at Xiang Jing and just wanted to say that he was fooled by someone, but he hesitated again when he saw his confident appearance.

It was the stall owner who sold the tins, looking at Xiang Jing's appearance, he couldn't help but start to wonder if he had missed it.

This jar is the same as Yu Wenyu said, it is a broken jar that is no longer needed for raising crickets, which is buried in the mud for a period of time before being dug out, specially framed by laymen like Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing pointed to the jar and said, "I can see that there are no patterns inside. Actually, this is the content of a cheat book. It is a powerful martial arts. I guess at least it must be a middle-grade Huangjie spiritual skill."

The spiritual skills of this ancient world are divided into five levels of "Heaven, Earth, Mystery, Huang, and Fan." The spiritual skills are divided into upper, middle and lower grades. In such a remote place as Liangcheng, you will occasionally enter the deserted ancient mountains. People who found some secret books or the like, the highest grade is not the top grade of Huang Tien, so the middle grade spiritual skills recorded in the jar in Xiang Jingkou are worth more than eight taels of silver.

Xiang Jing said that he took off the soil inside the jar, and then the sun looked inside, and there were really complicated patterns inside the jar.

Seeing this scene, the stall owner stretched out his hand to grab it. Xiang Jing turned around and hid and said, "Hey, pay with one hand and deliver with one hand. This is the rule."

The stall owner heard Xiang Jing talking about what he had just said, his face flushed suddenly, and he suffocated his breath and said, "I want to buy this jar back. This is eight taels of silver."

He said he was going to get the jar in Xiang Jing's hand.

"Wait a minute," Xiang Jing said, blocking his hand, "just broke the jar, worth eight taels of silver, but now it is the pot that records the middle-grade spiritual skills of the yellow rank, but it is more than eight taels of silver."


The stall owner was said by Xiang Jing as if he had eaten flies, and finally said with his anger, "Then you make a price, how much can you sell it to me."

Xiang Jing smiled and said, "You give me a price. If you know such a good thing, this is the market again. If my voice is a little louder, the big customers will come to you."

"Don't" the stall owner immediately became anxious when he heard this. This middle-grade yellow-level spiritual skill was enough to make most of the people in Liangcheng eager, if Xiang Jing just screamed like this, he wouldn't even be able to get his root hair.

At this moment, the stall owner’s accomplices came over, and one of the guys asked, "Fifth, are these two guys making trouble?"

The stall owner called the fifth child smiled and waved his hand and said, "Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. They have been resolved. I have worked hard."

The man patted the old fifth on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, it's all my own brothers. Just shout if you have something."

Then they glared at Xiang Jing and said, "You two will be honest, or you will be chopped off." After that, they went back to their stall.

After sending his pass away, the fifth child was relieved, for fear that Xiang Jing just said about the jar, so that he would have nothing.

The stall owner hesitated for a while and said, "How about three hundred taels of silver?"

Xiang Jing weighed the jar in his hand and said, "Eight hundred taels."

"You are a lion with a big mouth," the fifth child lowered his voice and shouted.

This Liangcheng is no more than a small border town. Three hundred taels of silver can be said to be most of the owner's wealth. Eight hundred taels are not enough to sell him.

"Your price is that Gu Leng's family would not want to ask for it, three hundred fifty taels. This is my final bottom line."

"Seven hundred taels, a middle-grade yellow-level spiritual skill, although it is a bit expensive, but for a big family like Gu Jia Leng's family, in order to improve the strength of the tribe, they won't care about such a little silver."

"Four hundred taels, can it be a price." The old five blushed and looked at Xiang Jing, like a bull.

Xiang Jing thought for a while and said, "Add one more thing here and I'll sell it."

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