Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 378: : Bidding

This girl also knows the world, knows the book and is reasonable, and is indeed a rare good apprentice.

It just depends on when the kid Qin Tian can get awake.

On the other side, in the Yipin Building, the largest restaurant in Liangcheng, the representative of the Leng family and Gu Quan, the representative of the Gu family, were sitting opposite each other at the table. Among them, there was a dilapidated cricket pot.

Gu Quan raised his eyes and glanced at the jar and said, "Five hundred taels of silver, our Gu family wants this jar."

The fifth person on the side heard the five hundred taels of silver, and his heart jumped. He sold 400 taels of silver to make one hundred taels of silver, which was not worse than the sale.

The Cold War drank a sip of tea and said, "Why, Gu's family has been in a bad business recently. Are they already so poor? One thousand taels, I have collected this jar from the cold family."

"Cold War, be careful not to chew too much" Gu Quan said with a slight frown.

Recently, there was something wrong with their Gujia’s business, and the highest price that could be offered tonight also has a range, so the price can only be suppressed first and then talk slowly.

If the Cold War insists on raising the price with him, then they don't mind using some special means, and no one can get this yellow-rank middle-grade spiritual skill.

Cold War smiled and said, "I'm happy, I'm afraid some people can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour."

"Humph," Gu Quan said with a cold snort, "Fifteen hundred taels."

"Three thousand taels"

"Three thousand five hundred taels"

"Five thousand taels"

"Cold War! Don't deceive people too much!" Gu Quan slapped the table and shouted coldly.

The cold war blew the tea in the cup and said, "If your Gu family has no money, get out. Don't come out ashamed if you can't lose."

"Seven thousand taels!"

Gu Quan yelled, this is the highest and final price he can offer tonight. If the Cold War raises the price again, it can only be solved by force.

Thinking of this, Gu Quan had already started to run the power in his body.

Unexpectedly, the Cold War frowned, suddenly flicked the tea cup in his hand, stood up angrily and said, "Let's go."

When he reached the stairs, he looked back at Gu Quan and said, "You are cruel."

The sudden abandonment of the Cold War made Gu Quan's determination to be ready to go desperately frustrated, and he said harshly in the face of the Cold War.

Gu Quan reacted and said like a proud rooster, "Huh, your Leng family is nothing but that."

The Cold War didn't listen to him farting much, and people had already left the first-tier building in a hurry. If he walked slower, he might not stop laughing.

This time, Gu’s family was bleeding heavily. Seven thousand taels of silver was a big burden for his family. If they knew that they bought back a useless waste, they thought about the Cold War and felt that they could wake up with a smile.

As for the old fifth, he was already holding a full seventy pieces of one hundred taels of silver at this time, and the whole person was shaking uncontrollably.

He originally thought that selling one or two thousand taels was already the best, but he didn't expect to double or three times directly. He had never seen so much money in his life.

It is the rule to pay with one hand and deliver the goods with one hand. Although Gu Quan feels distressed, he does not dare to break the rules, especially here is the boundary of Yipin Building.

So I put away the jar, and under the protection of a group of guards, I hurriedly left the Yipin Building, cautiously along the way, for fear that there would be an ambush outside the Leng family.

After taking it all the way back to Gu Mansion, it was all safe and sound.

And the fifth old man left through the back door of Yipin Building, rushed into the alley and was ready to leave Liangcheng overnight.

Seven thousand taels of silver, this huge sum of money, anyone will be jealous when they see it. Gu's family dare not do anything to him in the first-tier building, but it's different when it comes out of the first-tier building.

Therefore, before selling this can, the fifth child had already arranged a future.

With such a sum of money, I can go to better cities, better wine, sleep in bigger houses, and play with more beautiful women.

Thinking of the good life in the future, the fifth child feels a little ecstatic.

However, not long after he left the Yipin Building, he felt black on his head, and then he lost consciousness.

The Cold War leaders tied the old five-five-five flowers into a burlap bag, loaded them into a carriage, and took them back to the Leng Mansion.

That jar is a useless waste at all. It is really worthwhile, that is, the seven thousand taels of silver in the hands of the old five.

Originally, the Leng family felt that it was enough to cheat the Gu family a lot, but Xiang Jing asked him to tie the fifth child to him in the Cold War.

The youngest made a lot of money this time. Xiang Jing is the real initiator and deserves a share. Of course, this is what Xiang Jing thinks.

It is very simple to determine whether the pot is really a middle-grade yellow-level spiritual skill. There is a profession in the ancient world that specializes in testing the practice and the level of the practice, called the gong mage master.

There is no such character in Liangcheng, a small border town, but they invited such a character.

When the pot was bought, the Gu family had already sent someone to invite a Gongmage master, and it would be there in a few days.

As for the fifth child, the Gu family was originally prepared to send someone to stare at him, and when they arrived, there was no shadow of the fifth child.

This time Xiang Jing also stole the chicken. According to the usual practice, the gong mage masters usually check the authenticity and quality of the gong, and then conduct an auction.

This time the news came suddenly, and it was too late to invite Gong Mage masters. The Gu family and Leng family competed fiercely for this exercise method. Only then did the current bidding ask the Gong master to test.

Otherwise, just take out the book and say that it's a practice, and then the world will not be messy.

With regard to the disappearance of the fifth child, the Gu family felt nervous for no reason. Then the hotel mobilized all forces to search for the fifth child in the city.

There was also a moment of suspicion about the exercises recorded in this jar, but nowadays, the results can only be known when the exercise master arrives.

In the Leng Mansion, the fifth child has been sent to Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing naturally took out the seven thousand taels of silver from his arms. After ordering a bit, he took out five and stuffed them into his arms. "This is your hard work."

When the old fifth saw the man in front of him, he suddenly understood something, struggling and glaring at Xiang Jing angrily.

However, he was **** like a caterpillar, with a cloth ball in his mouth, and he could only hum.

Xiang Jing looked at him and said, "Now give you a chance to choose, one, I will kill you now, let you disappear from this world, and two, I will send you out of the city, and then leave Liangcheng, never come back again, choose one Shake your head, choose two and nod."

After Xiang Jing finished speaking, he drew out the Sword of Extinction and inserted it next to the old fifth's neck, and the atmosphere instantly became deadly.

The murderous intent on Xiang Jing made the old five feel his scalp numb, and he nodded in a hurry.

This is already the case, and there is no point in struggling any more. There is only one life, and if you don’t have it, you will be gone.

What's more, he also made a hundred taels. Thinking that way, the old fifth felt a little more comfortable.

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