Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 381: : Gu Jia

But this is not to say that Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu did not win the opportunity.

Although suppressed in strength, Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu are better than Gu Hu in number and physical flexibility, which is their advantage.

Gu Hu was constrained by two people. Gu Hu lost the other, boiled the frog in warm water, grind it down bit by bit, and then found the right time to kill with one blow.

Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu thought so, and did so.

Qin Tianda was young and grew up in the deserted ancient mountains. He was very familiar with the vital organs of the human body and so on, so all his tricks were to poke Gu Hu's vitals.

Although Yu Wenyu has never killed anyone, the environment in which he was a child has created his fierce temperament, which is not a good thing.

Facing these two little boys who could slap to death at any time, Gu Hu felt a fist hitting the cotton, especially suffocated.

"Die to me!"

The furious Gu Hu roared, Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu, who were blown by the strong wind, couldn't get close, and then Gu Hu's speed suddenly soared, appeared in front of Qin Tian in the blink of an eye, and slammed down on his head.

Seeing this scene, Yu Wenyu wanted to push Qin Tian away, but it was too late at his current speed.

Leng Qianyao let out a scream, tears fell in a moment.

Qin Tian's eyes were cold, and the sword in his hand pierced Gu Hu's eyes, even if he died, he would lose your skin.

Seeing that Gu Hu's fist was about to fall, Qin Tian was about to bleed to death on the spot.

Xiang Jing moved, and he appeared behind Qin Tian like a breeze, and pulled him a step back, Gu Hu's fist went blank.

The cast undiminished directly hit the ground with a punch, and the hard bluestone floor was directly shattered by a punch to a large area, lifting the dust in the sky.

Xiang Jing didn't know when he pointed his finger on the top of Gu Hu's head, and then tapped gently.

Gu Hu's original angry expression suddenly stiffened, and then he fell back to the ground as if he had lost support.

There is an extra hole in Gu Hu's forehead where Xiang Jing points.

Xiang Jing sat back on the stone bench, took a sip of the tea and said, "It's still a bit reluctant. Someone is coming. You can handle it."

As soon as Gu Hu died, someone from the Gu family rushed in at the door. Seeing Gu Hu dead, he shouted angrily, "Brother Tiger, they killed Brother Tiger, they killed them!"

This group of Gu family members are average in strength, and the strongest is only a few cows, so there is no pressure to kill.

Xiang Jing can only express speechlessness for this old-fashioned line.

Even Gu Hu, who has the power of four cows, is dead. Do you guys in the Gu family think you are better than Gu Hu and don't have your brain?

This time, in order to completely take control of Liangcheng, the Gu family used all their talents and sent dead men to the Leng family.

However, with Xiang Jing sitting here, this plan is destined to fail.

Half an hour later, the Gu family's forces that invaded the Leng family had been cleared away.

They really paid a lot of money this time. In addition to Gu Hu, there is also a master of seven ox power, two five ox power and two four ox power.

But Leng's family is not a vegetarian. After the masters of Leng's family tried their best to stop him and Xiang Jing's back helped a little, the Gu family's forces that invaded the Leng's family were all eliminated.

In the small courtyard, Xiang Jing was drinking tea, Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu stood with scars and panting, their weapons were all chopped off.

Leng Qianyao, who had a pale face, resisted the urge to not vomit.

At this time, in the entire small courtyard, except for the area where Xiang Jing was, there were corpses and blood everywhere, some from the Gu family and some from the Leng family.

After the battle, the people of Leng's family are clearing the battlefield.

Xiang Jing said to Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu, "Just rest."

Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu dropped the weapons in their hands and sat on the ground. They didn't know whether they were their own blood or the blood of the enemy, but it was not important anymore.

It was the first time such a fierce battle, and it was a life-and-death battle with fate. Although it was overwhelming physically, it was still extremely excited mentally.

Especially when they saw that Xiang Jing's understatement lost the seven-niu power master, their hearts were greatly shocked and shocked.

They felt that they had made a very correct decision to worship Xiang Jing as their teacher.

"Girl, throw it up if you want to, don't bear it."

Xiang Jing ignored his two apprentices. As long as he didn't die, he would practice in the dead, and because boys couldn't overcome this difficulty, there was nothing to expect.

Leng Qianyao shook her head with a bitter face and forcibly resisting the nausea, "It's okay, Uncle Xiang, I can."

Xiang Jing smiled, stood up and said, "I'll go out for a while."

He left Leng's house in the blink of an eye and went to Gu's mansion.

The Gu family placed the handover ceremony at the Gu family's residence, and it was clear that it was a Hongmen Banquet, but Leng Jian had to go.

But thinking about Leng Jian's own strength, and the masters of the Leng family, plus Liu Jian's protection, there shouldn't be any major problems.

Thinking about this, Xiang Jing came to the Gu family's residence, and it was no accident that the Gu family was already fighting hard.

Xiang Jing squinted his eyes and looked inside, but his brows wrinkled slightly.

Because at this time, the Gu family's mansion, Leng Jian, the masters of the Leng family, and Liu Jian were blocked in a corner of the hall, surrounded by the Gu family.

Xiang Jing saw blood flowing out of Leng Jian’s waist. Liu Jian broke a left hand, but his right hand was still holding the sword in front of Leng Jian. Master Leng also suffered heavy casualties, among which Leng Zhan was blinded by one eye. , Half of his face was ruined.

Seeing this, Xiang Jing frowned. The power of Nine Bulls is already the strongest in this Liangcheng. The four people of Leng Jian, Gu Ran, Liu Jian and the original poster of Yipin Lou are all powers of Nine Bulls.

The landlord of the Yipin Building would not intervene in the battle for the position of these City Lords. Liu Jian and Leng Jian were in the same camp. It stands to reason that Gu Ran, a master of nine oxen strength, could not do much.

But what was placed before Xiang Jing's eyes was an unexpected result.

Looking at the crowd, Xiang Jing finally locked his target in front of the Gu family crowd, a man with a goatee and robes dressed as a Taoist priest.

This person's power actually had eleven oxen strength, surpassing Leng Jian and Liu Jian by two oxen.

No wonder the situation on Gu's side is like this.

Xiang Jing sneered, and he appeared in the Gu family hall in the blink of an eye, standing in front of Leng Jian and others, looking at the opposite Gu family.

Seeing Xiang Jing who appeared suddenly, Leng Jian was taken aback, and then quickly said, "Brother Xiang, hurry up, they have a master of eleven bulls, hurry up and leave Liangcheng with Qianyao!"

Leng Jian hadn't calculated that the Gu family would have such a master. Now that Xiang Jing suddenly appeared, he knew that the Leng family was safe.

However, facing the 11th bull master, there is no chance of winning at all. Leng Jian is already injured. He can only hope that Yu Xiang Jing can run as quickly as possible.

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