Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 391: :Small courtyard

Xiang Jing can use his own power to clean up and clean up quickly, but he feels that this is meaningless. He cleans his home by himself, so that he can feel safe and feel at home after moving in.

The heavy work is basically done by the three masters and apprentices of Xiang Jing. The girl Yun Xi mainly serves tea and pours water, and then goes back to the meal to buy some food to satisfy his hunger, and continue to work after eating.

After three days in a row, the outside yard and hall had been cleaned up, leaving behind the room and patio.

This day Xiang Jing was cleaning the weeds in the patio, and Yun Xi, who was helping to clean the room, suddenly let out a scream.

When Xiang Jing heard the movement, he immediately ran into the room directly in front. Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu, who were cleaning in other rooms, also rushed over.

Xiang Jing rushed into the room and saw Yun Xi lying on the ground, staring at the wall in the room with horror.

Xiang Jing followed her gaze and found that on that wall, there was a woman in a red dress with a disheveled hair hanging on it.

Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu also saw them, and they were all taken aback.

Because it hasn't been cleaned yet, debris is piled up, and the light is dim and it's not real.

Xiang Jing asked Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu to take care of Yun Xi and walked towards the wall by himself.

After I got closer and looked at it, I could see what the hanged female ghost was. It was clearly just a painting, but the upper part of the painting was burned by the fire and turned dark, and the light problem was still hanging high. Looks like a female ghost.

Xiang Jing stretched out his hand and uncovered the painting, guessing that the haunted people in the population were also caused by seeing this painting.

This painting is supposed to be a woman, but because of the burning, only the body is left, and the parts above the neck are no longer visible.

Xiang Jing rolled up the picture and put it in a box with things stacked on the side.

Xiang Jing planned to clear all the things that had been piled up here in the back storeroom, and then purchase all new ones.

"Okay, it's okay, it's just a painting, girl Yun, go outside for a break, and leave it to Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu to clean it."

Yun Xi nodded under Yu Wenyu's support, and walked towards the door with trembling feet. She was frightened at the moment.

If this is another person, I must be frightened here, and only Xiang Jing, who is used to life and death, dares to be so calm.

Let’s not talk about whether there are ghosts in this world, but what if there are. Ghosts can kill you or become a ghost. There is nothing to be afraid of.

Xiang Jing was about to leave the house. Suddenly he saw something out of the corner of his eye, stopped and turned around, and looked towards the wall where the painting was just removed.

On that wall, there is a black lacquer, not the kind of messy smearing, the black is very neat, like a white brick wall inlaid with a black brick.

Xiang Jing walked over, reached out and touched the black spot, and found that it was a brick that was stuffed into the wall vertically.

Generally, the wall is covered with a few layers of powder after laying bricks, but this brick looks more like it was stuffed in behind.

Xiang Jing touched the gap between the bricks, grabbed his fingers, and pulled out forcefully, then only heard the creak of the gears of the mechanism twisting.

On the Bogu shelf in the back inner hall against the wall, in the middle of the Bogu shelf that had been emptied, a hidden compartment suddenly opened.

"Hehe, there is this kind of operation." Xiang Jing raised his eyebrows, and logically speaking, according to the development of this kind of plot, something should be triggered soon.

I didn't expect to find such a discovery in a yard that I bought casually.

Xiang Jing walked to the Bogu Shelf and looked into the hidden grid. There was a small and delicate sandalwood box inside, and he reached out and took it out.

The box is exquisitely crafted, and there are gilt hot marks on the corners. I don't know how long it has been stored here, and the gloss on the surface has faded a bit.

Xiang Jing looked at the box and found the keyhole at the bottom.

This is a bit peculiar. The usual keyholes are on the front and back sides of the box, and the one at the bottom is the first time you see.

Xiang Jing held the box and shook it. There was no tremor in it, but it felt heavy, indicating that there was something in it.

After groping for a while in the secret compartment, Xiang Jing wondered whether to open the box with brute force.

But just because the box is so exquisite and peculiar, there will be some security mechanism inside.

It's not that I'm afraid of hurting myself, I'm worried that when the box is forcibly opened, the mechanism in the box will destroy the contents, so it will be empty.

After thinking about it, Xiang Jing put the box away, and later went out to find a locksmith to see if he could fit the key to open it.

After cleaning the patio and the left and right side rooms in the afternoon, Xiang Jing asked Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu to work harder to clean the last main room. They would buy furniture tomorrow, and move in later.

Xiang Jing himself left the courtyard to find a locksmith in the city. After a round of searching, the owner of a blacksmith shop finally found a retired locksmith who no longer made key locks.

This locksmith is a time-honored brand in Daxia. The boss used to be the number one person in this country. Rumor has it that some changes occurred in that year. From then on, the golden basin was washed and no locks were made.

Xiang Jing came to the door of the small house deep in this alley, looked at the dilapidated wooden house in front of him, and knocked on the door gently.

His movements are very light, because the house looks really dilapidated, for fear that the wall will collapse if he gets stronger.

After a while, an old voice came from the room, "Who is it?"

Xiang Jing said, "Is it Mr. Tie?"

"It's me" the person in the house said, "Who are you, what can I do if you come to me?"

Xiang Jing said, "Mr. Tie, I have something to ask for today, I don't know if I can tell it in person."

The people in the room were silent for a moment, and then only saw the door babble open, and an old man with a slightly hunched back and white beard and hair was standing at the door.

He looked at Xiang Jing and said, "If you have anything, just talk about it here."

Xiang Jing looked at him and said, "I would like to ask the old man to help me with a key."

Hearing Xiang Jing's words, Tiebuyi's face suddenly became cold, and his backhand was about to close the door.

"Mr. Tie, please wait." Xiang Jing stretched out his hand to block the door and said, "As long as you can help me, as long as you make any request, I will definitely help you within my ability."

Seeing that Tiebuyi couldn't reach Xiang Jing's strength, he gave up with a cold snort, turned and went back to the house, Xiang Jing followed in cheeky.

Only when I entered the house did I find that the old man had a hard time. The house was surrounded by only a bed, but a small bench, not even a table. It can only be said that there is more shelter from the wind and rain than the beggar.

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