Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 401: :explosion

However, this sixth-rank alchemy master was more reasonable than expected. He had met a fourth-rank alchemist before, and he had to make 50% of his profit. If he hadn't been afraid of his personal connections, he would have sunk into the moat long ago.

This is such a good-talking sixth rank, but it is rare. Although Cao Yongde belongs to the king of underground forces in this Great Xia Kingdom, he does not dare to offend such a character.

The ghost knows if he has any contemplative friends. Tonight’s conversation is considered smooth. Originally, Cao Yongde had done bloodletting and had to make a good relationship with this sixth-rank alchemist. The 20% profit really counts. Less.

Soon, Jia Xiao exchanged two million taels of silver notes and handed them to Cao Yongde.

Xiang Jing knew that of his forty-eight pills, except for 30, the remaining eighteen pills were no more than four million at full cost. This is Cao Yongde showing his favor.

Xiang Jing was not welcome, and took it with one hand, and then took the pendant and formula that Cao Yongde handed over to control the twin brothers.

After taking over, Xiang Jing was personally sent away from the underground casino by Cao Yongde and Jia Xiao.

The way out is not the same as the way in. It is also to enter a passage, but the passage goes up first, then a flat road, and walks forward along the passage, unknowingly walking out.

This is an alley with a brightly lit market outside. Looking back, there is a wall behind him.

It seems that this is the arrangement of underground casinos. You can only enter from places such as money houses, and leave directly to various places in the city.

Xiang Jing smiled and waved his hand to cut off the shackles on the twin brothers and said, "Follow me."

The twin brothers knew this in front of him, but Mr. Cao, the owner of the underground casino, had to be polite to the three-pointer and walked outside behind Xiang Jing with his head down.

Xu had stayed in the underground casino for a long time. Facing the crowds outside, the two brothers couldn't adapt for a while.

Xiang Jing left the alley, discerned the direction, and walked towards the courtyard.

On the way, he made sure that no one was following, and then quietly took off the mask on his face.

Not long after, Xiang Jing returned to the small courtyard and led the two brothers into the house directly.

Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu are practicing, while Yun Xi is looking at some books bought from the market today.

Seeing Xiang Jing's return, the three little ones greeted him immediately.

Qin Tian and Yu Wenyu bowed their hands and said, "Master."

Yun Xi curiously looked at the twin brothers behind Xiang Jing and asked, "Uncle Xiang, who are they?"

Xiang Jing pulled the twin brothers out from behind, and just wanted to introduce them, only to post that he didn't know their names and asked, "What are your names?"

The boy with 19 on his clothes said, "My name is Gu Haoran, and this is my brother Gu Haoyang."

Xiang Jing nodded and said, "From today, Haoran and Brother Haoyang will live with us, girl, you go to boil the water, let them wash, change into clean clothes, I have something to go out now, come back early and have something to do Announced."

Xiang Jing left the courtyard after speaking, leaving five young boys and girls. After all, they were still children.

After Xiang Jing left, he went straight to the Zuixianlou. Now he has a huge sum of more than two million yuan, and he is considered a rich man.

But this time I went to Drunken Immortal Tower not for fun. The main reason was to wait for Su Zhe's bastard. Anyway, if he doesn't come, he will find a way to find him at Su's house.

After arriving at Zuixianlou, the old bustard greeted him with a smile.

For Xiang Jing's first visit, no one knew him, but now the whole girl in Zuixianlou doesn't know Xiang Jing.

"Yeah, Lord Xiang, please hurry up and ask, which girl do you want to accompany today."

Xiang Jing stuffed a hundred taels of silver tickets to the old class and said, "The box last time, the girl is free. Good wine and good food will come up. If the Fourth Young Master Su comes later, let him go directly to me."

"Good Lord, Lan Xin takes Lord Xiang upstairs."

It was the last time that the girl Lan Xin ignored Xiang Jing before, and now she uses all the energy she had for Su Zhe on him.

However, the scene she saw last time is still unforgettable, so Lan Xin wants to try today if Xiang Jing has a habit of breaking his sleeves.

Xiang Jing ignored her, and it wasn't for the sake of wind and snow.

No matter how hard Lan Xin tried to be coquettish, Xiang Jingzi stood still.

Lan Xin gave up. From entering the room, Xiang Jing's eyes didn't stay on her for more than three seconds, and more of them ignored.

After returning home in grief, Lan Xin became more sure of the guess in her heart. Thinking of what Xiang Jing said to the old bustard before he came up, wouldn't it be like coming here to have a tryst with the Fourth Young Master Su.

The more Lan Xin thought about it, the more crooked, she even felt that she had discovered some terribly shocking secret. When she thought of it, she ran down and prepared to secretly share this secret with her good sister.

Xiang Jing was eating and drinking alone in the private room. While waiting for Su Zhe, he silently activated the trigger switch of the micro-particle nuclear bomb in the underground casino.

Xiang Jing and Cao Yongde cooperated, on the one hand to earn profit, on the other hand, to remove suspicion, anyway, the alibi proves that it is enough, he also cooperates with underground casinos, and the identity of this fake sixth-rank alchemist , Basically no problem.

The biggest show of the underground casino has ended, and the casino has reached the closing time, so except for the staff, most people are almost gone.

But at this moment, in every corner of the casino, Xiang Jing's buried micro-particle nuclear bombs lit up one by one at the same time, and then a white light filled the entire underground casino.


Under a loud noise, the entire underground casino was covered by the micro-particle nuclear bomb, and the smoke that was directly exploded disappeared, and this immediately destroyed two-thirds of the underground casino.


Under the ruins of the Colosseum, Cao Yongde broke through the ground with blood all over his body, his eyes red and angrily roared.

Underground casinos have existed in this great Xia country for hundreds of years, and they have been in peace, and those who dare to make trouble have entered the moat.

However, just today, an inexplicable explosion directly destroyed two-thirds of the underground casinos, and the painstaking efforts of hundreds of years of operation were wiped out.

The formation that envelops the entire underground casino is therefore shaky, and it will be broken in the next moment.

Looking at the dusty underground casino in front of him, Cao Yongde attacked his heart with blood, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and passed out directly.

On the ground in the capital city of the Great Xia Kingdom, you can feel the obvious shaking, and even the walls of the houses close to them crack.

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